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Widescreen vs. Full screen


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Can someone help me out here? I have just started to re-build my DVD collection. While I prefer the full-screen edition, some movies, like Gladiator, I have only seen sold in the Widescreen format. So I buy it, but I lose about half the screen on my 27 inch TV.....

Is there a way (through options) to get the full-screen picture, even if you buy a widescreen movie? Are widescreen pictures better on big screen TV's?

Like I said, I do my best to buy the full-screen edition of movies, but sometimes it's just not there or even made.

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There's always the "zoom" button, or whatever it's called on players/TV by different manufacturers. I don't mean to get on a soapbox about the joys of widescreen, but you really are missing more of the intended image by only getting fullscreeen or pan & scan.


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Many larger TVs have the option of adjusting the video signal.

However, if your DVD is putting out widescreen (with black bars top and bottom) then IF your TV allows you to advust things, then it can do so through only two ways:

It can remove the black bars by "stretching" the signal, resulting in the kind of things you used to see on TV, where John Wayne looks like he's 7 feet tall and skinny.

Or it can magnify the middle, which gets rid of the black bars and part of the sides.

The folks who make the "fullscreen" DVDs do it by throwing away part of the film, but they pick and chose which parts to get rid of. (If Clint Eastwood is standing on the right side of the picture, with part of a saloon on the left, then they'll clip off the left side). Your TV doesn't have judgement, and will simply pick the middle of the picture.

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Originally posted by danbee

I don't understand wide screen. Why pay all that money for a big TV and not use the whole screen? I don't know it's just my opinion.

Cause you ARE using the whole screen...just not the way that you're thinking of it....widescreen shows the movie like you saw it in the theatres. Ever watch a movie on tv and notice how someones face gets cut off on the side of the screen? it wasn't that way in the theatre...this picture may help describe what i'm talking about...

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Originally posted by Spaceman Spiff

Cause you ARE using the whole screen...just not the way that you're thinking of it....widescreen shows the movie like you saw it in the theatres. Ever watch a movie on tv and notice how someones face gets cut off on the side of the screen? it wasn't that way in the theatre...this picture may help describe what i'm talking about...

That was a pretty good example, but some will look at the pics and say "I don't need all the side stuff, just look how much bigger Mace and the Troopers are."

A better example would be at the beginning of Star Trek II. There is a scene on the bridge of the Enterprise where Sulu says "Three Klingon Battle Cruisers just decloaked." and the camera cuts to a shot of the view screen. In the "Full Screen" version, you only see two Klingon ships. Sulu can pilot a starship, but can't count to three????

In the wide screen version, you see all three Klingon ships...

I think the formats are mis-named. They should be called "Whole Picture" and "Partial Picture".

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