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Extremeskins getting no love from Bronco Fans


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Originally posted by Mr. S

Notice, none of us really hate Smoot other than leaving for a few dollars more, him and Pierce though, I wish them the best, unless they are playing against us of course. There were a lot more anti-Champ threads than there were anti-Smoot/Pierce ones, if any.

When Smoot and Pierce left, they had nothing but good things to say about the organization, except maybe for a little bit of hurt feelings that the Skins didn't match their offers, which is reasonable. I wish them the best, I just wish Antonio hadn't gone to the Gmen :puke:

Guess its better than Dallas or Philly....or Denver ;)

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Originally posted by js161

well just look at the number of member we have here compared to the number they have.

Good point.

I don't know how many members they have, but considering how many members we have (21,000 +) we have a very small percentage of homers.

:Edit that: 32,000 + members.

Where have I been?

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Originally posted by SkinsNut73

I had to stop half-way down the first page when they are saying we did nothing to improve our team and talking about us drafting Campbell too early.

This coming from fans of a team that actually drafted Maurice Clarett... ? :broncosuc

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Originally posted by Om

Listen to Henry, folks. The man knoweth of what he speaks.

We happen to be the kind of community other communities measure themselves by ... more and more every day, it seems. We're big and we got that way for a reason---we've got something people like; something different.

Let's keep it that way by NOT catering to the lowest common denominator.

Great point OM. A friend of mine is a Bills fan who lurks on here all the time and says this is the best run place without all the trolls running through here

He loves it. And I love it like this

I guess this thread shows just how much we all care about this place and the reputation of those that contribute

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Originally posted by SkinsHokieFan

Great point OM. A friend of mine is a Bills fan who lurks on here all the time and says this is the best run place without all the trolls running through here

He loves it. And I love it like this

I guess this thread shows just how much we all care about this place and the reputation of those that contribute

Three cheers for Extreme Skins!

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

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Think of this situation kind of like this...

(Please forgive some of the problems with this analogy)

Extremeskins is in this respect sort of like Madonna. We are established, very famous, have a ton of fans, generally classy (aside from a weird stage in the 80s and some odd desire to be called Ester--which coincidentally is close to Extreme) and have access to just about everything we want (e.g., Vinny Cerato, Karl Swanson, etc.). ExtremeSkins is "A List."

If you'll recall, and I'm assuming some of you, and you don't have to admit it, read People and/or follow celebrity magazines, and know of the friendship that Madonna had with Sandra Bernhardt. They were friends, but it was always very clear who the dominant friend was: Madonna. Then, Madonna decided that she wasn't interested in the homely Ms. Bernhardt any longer.

Bernhardt (the Broncos Board, among every other football related message board out there) was never really that interesting or successful and only had a few forays into success (or Super Bowls). When Madonna canned her from the friendship, she was outraged, and insulted Madonna at every turn in her "comic" acts.

But did you hear Madonna ever making a single jab back at Sandra? Never. Because Sandra is "C" list and not worthy of comment or consideration.

So who cares if Sandra doesn't like Madonna, what are pebbles to a mountain? What are toothpicks to a tree? A derivative, insignificant, unimportant castoff that doesn't merit attention.

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On the Orange Mane thread (that has a few funny posts by Broncos fans) they compare this site with ChiefsPlanet. For the sake of it I thought I would check out ChiefsPlanet. That site is just plain confusing.

They don't even really talk about Chiefs football. (unless I completely missed the forum) Weird...

Check out their message boards:


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Bronco Fans browsing this forum:

IHeartSkins is on medication right now for ailments that, in good taste, we cannot share with the public.

Please pay no mind to his comparison of Extremeskins.com to a no-talent pop star.

He knows not what he posts, but we love him anyways.


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Originally posted by CrazyZeb

iheart, you're embarassing us in front of the Broncos fans! :doh: ;)

Madonna classy :rotflmao: :doh:

Well, it was more directed to the fact that she's A list and could give two poops about C List Sandra. Maybe not classy, but a lot more famous.

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FOr all the Bronco fans reading this, as i know you have a link going to this thread, I'll tell you a few things.

1. Chump Bailey - He is suppose to be the number one Shutdown corner isn't he? He gets blown out? Not suppose to happen.

2. Gibbs is one of the best coaches in NFL History. If Gibbs went to Broncos, you'd treat him the same we do.

3. Don't understand how you can bash a team with the 3rd overall Defence in the league. We did beat you in preseason last year? Am I not wrong.

4. It is only the offseason. Noone thought the Patriots would go on a 21-0 Streak. So we'll see you next season my friends.

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Originally posted by Southtown

On the Orange Mane thread (that has a few funny posts by Broncos fans) they compare this site with ChiefsPlanet. For the sake of it I thought I would check out ChiefsPlanet. That site is just plain confusing.

They don't even really talk about Chiefs football. (unless I completely missed the forum) Weird...

Check out their message boards:


Wow, you're right... weird. They have more threads about Star Wars than the Chiefs.

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Originally posted by zoony

Bronco Fans browsing this forum:

IHeartSkins is on medication right now for ailments that, in good taste, we cannot share with the public.

Please pay no mind to his comparison of Extremeskins.com to a no-talent pop star.

He knows not what he posts, but we love him anyways.


When you post 24.63 times a day, they can't all make sense. :laugh:

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