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Extremeskins getting no love from Bronco Fans


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Originally posted by Spaceman Spiff

And the thing about Smoot? He's a damn good #2, but worth the money of a #1? Well, time will tell. The Broncs fans on that board just don't get it though...

Well, Gibbs and Williams didn't think that he was worth more than Springs, anyway...I remember hearing "rumors" that they didn't think he was worth as much money as he was asking; who knows, maybe they're right...

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Okay, this is a toughie. Who has the most moronic posters - ExtremeSkins or ChiefsPlanet? I just read a thread on ExtremeSkins where there were 5 pages of people threatening to beat up a 21 year old kid because he said Dallas would beat them this year

I find that they're worse than either here or Chiefland after reading that board. 5 pages of threatening beating up a kid? I seem to remember plenty of opposing fans getting ganged up on, but never threatened.

extreme skins posters are idiots. they think that they are going to the SB even thought they haven't had a winning record in like 5 years

What's wrong with thinking you're SB bound? Geez, what kind of fan are you if you don't have faith and optimism? At this point even diehard Cardinal and 49er fans believe they can make a run.

Good lord, all of the In Gibbs We Trust crap gets nauseating after a while, especially when they've got nothing but that to throw their faith behind.

Make John Elway 10 years younger and they'd have the same faith.

i actually like extremeskins. Sure they have a persecution complex and they really hate the media, esp. the Wash. Post. but i have had a pretty good time over there discussing things with them. The planet has its homers,

Finally one of them gets it. We are shameless homers. Perhaps the most diehard fans in the country. I've met fans of every team and can honestly say that the people that follow the Skins are the most over-the-top obsessed fanatics. Which is better than any frontrunner or fairweather fan. They don't have the brutal media that the Beltway deals with either.

Last of all, why do they think we hate them? I honestly haven't even thought about the Broncos since the last time I saw them play. Who knows. Maybe the thin air fries their brains.

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