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Extremeskins getting no love from Bronco Fans


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I was in Denver last week for business and their fans can't hold a candle to us. They possess no true football knowledge. Thier sportstalk radio station is a joke. Their team sucks so they can suck a fart out of my a%% for all I care.

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Originally posted by skinstzar

I was in Denver last week for business and their fans can't hold a candle to us. They possess no true football knowledge. Thier sportstalk radio station is a joke. Their team sucks so they can suck a fart out of my a%% for all I care.

I take it your business trip didn't involve a seminar on mincing words...


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are we the largest redskins fan group now? I know there are others, but sites like hailredskins and thehogs.net dont seem to get as much bad press. I second the idea of sending Art in. Could they actually read the whole thread on us bashing CoachParcells? I believe, before bashing us for it?

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I'll ask a second time.

Could we please keep these 'look at how much they hate us' threads to a minimum?

No doubt in five minutes they'll post a link to us posting a link and we'll have a nice flame war on our hands. I'm really not interested in moderating that kinda crap.

Personally, if some board I've never heard of wants to hate us, I say let 'em. Noone's making them visit us.

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Originally posted by RustburgSkins

Some of the things said in those posts are true. We do tend to get a hard on everytime Champ gets burned. But, that kind of talk is going to happen. I mean this board probably bashes other boards just the same.

mine, and I think a lot of other posters here, our logic on that is Champ opened his mouth after he left, bashing our team and Snyder. Now, Snyder may have his problems, but, Champ claimed to be mr. humble while here, and suddenly proclaimed himself the best CB and the most ****y player in football behind TO it seems. That is the reason why I hate Champ, and I think why a lot of others do.

Notice, none of us really hate Smoot other than leaving for a few dollars more, him and Pierce though, I wish them the best, unless they are playing against us of course. There were a lot more anti-Champ threads than there were anti-Smoot/Pierce ones, if any.

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Originally posted by SkinsFanMania

I think we should all invade at around the same time. We should do this on several message boards. Especially Dallas.

The Invasion of the Redskin Fans.

How about we don't do that.

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Originally posted by Henry

No doubt in five minutes they'll post a link to us posting a link and we'll have a nice flame war on our hands. I'm really not interested in moderating that kinda crap.

Too late. They've already posted a link from here.


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I had to go join the Orange Mane to refute some of the garbage. Couldn't resist. It truly is amazing that every other team's board is full of homers except for the one you happen to be a fan of. I guess that is just the way of the world.

Oh well, just have to accept that our rational, positive outlook for the skins is just homer talk to everyone else.

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Listen to Henry, folks. The man knoweth of what he speaks.

We happen to be the kind of community other communities measure themselves by ... more and more every day, it seems. We're big and we got that way for a reason---we've got something people like; something different.

Let's keep it that way by NOT catering to the lowest common denominator.

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Too painful to read.

I had to stop half-way down the first page when they are saying we did nothing to improve our team and talking about us drafting Campbell too early.

It would mean a lot more if their team did something this offseason that will prevent Peyton Manning from torching them again. It would mean more if they didn't reach for Maurice Clarett.

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