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Gibbs needs to step down as president...now


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Originally posted by convince

Hey, I don't know who boobie is, but don't call him a redskins hater because b/c he does not like what Gibbs has done so far, a lot of you guys feel the same may be not to that extreme, so what gibbs explains every week what he is doing, that doesn't mean that you have to agree with it. For example, the moss for coles trade, you can't tell me that everyone agrees with that crappy move. As you can see I don't. You guys can argue all you want about future cap relief, what if we sign moss to deal, it will affect the cap in some way, and what if we don't sign him to an extention, I guess we just rent a receiver for a year. Becasue you are a redskins fan does not mean you have to agree with the coach moves, the front office or lack there of, or even other redskins fans.

You're missing the point...he's only been here one full season!!! How much more change do you want???
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Boobie, now unlike others I am not going to thrash you, however when you do say something as strong as you did you should have some type of plan of action that would follow.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, that opinion should also have a plan though.

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I didn't think the Brunell trade was a bad idea. But the cash thrown at him made me think we were getting a guy like Mc Nabb or Pennington while we got a washed up scrub.

Every team makes bad moves and they also made some good ones like Washington, Griffin etc.

The Coles trade does make you wonder though. I think they just didnt want the cap hit for an ass in 2006.

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yeap. Lavar is upset. Just like he was upset because he signed a contract but he thought he was getting more money so he got upset about that also. And I am sure Lavar was upset that the D was ranked higher without him since he joined the skins than with him. Anything else I missed about Lavar?

Now we have this guy that thinks Gibbs should step down. The same Gibbs that finaly is putting a little order with all these primadonas that are getting paid HUGE bucks to never make the playoffs. I am sure he is the same type that was saying can we get the joke of a coach out of here when Gibbs was 0-5 his first time as HC. :puke:

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Originally posted by boobiemiles

After reading the article about Lavar Arrington the rose colored glasses are off. I'm saying it "gibbs needs to just coach". I know these are not the distraction Gibbs thought he was going to endure. To me he should have gotten the title yanked after the MarK Brunell move. Why Joe? Why a 6 foot QB, that was only effective when he could do the "QB sprint right option play". Why Joe? Why are players defecting from our team like Cold War Russians? I mean Trotter took a pay cut to stay with his squad. What's up legend? Why is Lavar crying foul? Why is he not the only one doing so? He let Smoot go, and benched Ramsey. He traded for a player that doesn't fit his system. Then says the reason we weren't able to get going was because we can't get deep. No joe the reason we couldn't get going is the blitz will eat up pass plays that take to long to develope. Joe needs to start worrying about coaching. It's becoming clear diplomacy may not be his strong point.


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People given to emotional, reactionary rants like the thread-starter in this case actually do serve a worthwhile function. They define the extreme fringes of the fan bases' reaction to any particular issue.

In any crowd, you have the elements on both extremes who frame the debate and help crystallize the thinking for those in the majority who tend to count to ten, think things through a bit, and then try to put them into some form of context.

Frustrating as it is for the more thoughtful reader/poster to deal with the over-the-top nature of the fringe element and their street-corner revival tendencies ... we do owe at least a bit of gratitude to them for sparking the debate and getting the juices flowing.

Fortunately, we also have the option of simply walking away when all the hollering and pulpit-pounding starts to give us a headache. :)

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I hope that you guys arent' serious about banning me because I said Gibbs should step down as president? I never said Gibbs was a bad coach. He's the best "COACH" of all times. But as a president he is lacking the ability to keep this team together. Look at the bs he's shoveled this year. You guys really agree that he should have the power to make moves like picking up Mark Bruhell, give him all that money because he wants a "veteran QB", then turn around and let two YOUNG players with great promise.......well maybe not great.....go for nothing. Smoot is 25, Pierce is 26. Why not build with these guys instead of a old, worthless QB. You know what Gibbs loves god, and guys that "are christian". First of all don't bring religion into football, and I hope for the sake for God that he isn't using it as a formula to pick free agents. The ironic thing is Gibbs wants stand up, honest guys. Well honestly Bruhell should have given us back our money if he was such a christian man. Instead he robbed us, cost us free agents, and is sporting a wicked grin all the way to the bank. Gibbs better know how to stop the zone blitz, and stop watching the bottom line.

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Nobody's going to ban you for expressing an opinion, assuming it's expressed in language/tone as defined by the site guidelines.

But they're definitely going to challenge you on its content. :)

That's what we do here.

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Originally posted by Om

People given to emotional, reactionary rants like the thread-starter in this case actually do serve a worthwhile function. They define the extreme fringes of the fan bases' reaction to any particular issue.

In any crowd, you have the elements on both extremes who frame the debate and help crystallize the thinking for those in the majority who tend to count to ten, think things through a bit, and then try to put them into some form of context.

Frustrating as it is for the more thoughtful reader/poster to deal with the over-the-top nature of the fringe element and their street-corner revival tendencies ... we do owe at least a bit of gratitude to them for sparking the debate and getting the juices flowing.

Fortunately, we also have the option of simply walking away when all the hollering and pulpit-pounding starts to give us a headache. :)

And so do free agents. And that is exaxtly what they are doing. Lavar didn't spark this thread. Joe Gibbs being a team president did. He's been out of football for 11 years. Why not take baby steps. Why not be a coach, and design a clause in your contract to take over as team president in the long run? Would that hurt?

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Originally posted by Om

Nobody's going to ban you for expressing an opinion, assuming it's expressed in language/tone as defined by the site guidelines.

But they're definitely going to challenge you on its content. :)

That's what we do here.

I can live with that. I can't live with all this pain. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong end of the horse. But Gibbs does not have a learnig curve. Unlike Andy Reid, he has been away from football for so long. He has so much to do for such and old man. Can we just concentrate on a ring. Where's Bobby Bethard?

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Serious question, boobie:

Do you honestly think you know enough about the inner workings at Redskins Park to have an informed opinion on not only exactly what Gibbs is and is not doing, but to also pass judgement on how well he might be doing them?

Based on everything you've written here, it appears you do. Perhaps that's why people are giving you a bit of a hard time?

Just sayin'.

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