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Gibbs needs to step down as president...now


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I do not know the iner working of the Redskins. Honestly I dont think they know what's going on. The front office is a mess. You don't let go of young talent, and bring in old guys like David Patten, Mark Brunell, Mike Barrow, etc. I'll admit he made a good move bringing in C. Griffin, and Taylor. But what is Joe's direction? Are we suppose to get aging veterans, like 1991, then watch them each retire and go through the dark ages like we did in the mid 90's. What grade do you give Gibbs right now. Be honest? The Eagles (the team we are trying to dethrone) has a set rule in place to let players go at 30, and retool. Some of those players come back but at a significantly reduce salary. Why not do it the same way. We do a good job drafting talent. Why not harness it then let it go? As you can tell I'm still mad that Joe picked up that bum Bruhell. Why Joe?

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Originally posted by boobiemiles

I do not know the iner working of the Redskins. Honestly I dont think they know what's going on. The front office is a mess. You don't let go of young talent, and bring in old guys like David Patten, Mark Brunell, Mike Barrow, etc. I'll admit he made a good move bringing in C. Griffin, and Taylor. But what is Joe's direction? Are we suppose to get aging veterans, like 1991, then watch them each retire and go through the dark ages like we did in the mid 90's. What grade do you give Gibbs right now. Be honest? The Eagles (the team we are trying to dethrone) has a set rule in place to let players go at 30, and retool. Some of those players come back but at a significantly reduce salary. Why not do it the same way. We do a good job drafting talent. Why not harness it then let it go? As you can tell I'm still mad that Joe picked up that bum Bruhell. Why Joe?

You a closet Iggles fan????

:eaglesuck :eaglesuck

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Originally posted by boobiemiles

See it's people like you I don't like. I'm a DIE Hard Redskins fan. An Eagle fan would like the moves we made.

You have the right not to like whoever or thing you want, but give the danf guy more than one year to do this stuff. I mean cmon, he has coached been president one year and your asking him to step down.:doh:

You can say he might not be doin a good job. But for petes sake give him a chance.

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Originally posted by boobiemiles

I do not know the iner working of the Redskins.

Thank you. Good post. :)

Oh ... there's more?

Honestly I dont think they know what's going on. The front office is a mess. You don't let go of young talent, and bring in old guys like David Patten, Mark Brunell, Mike Barrow, etc. I'll admit he made a good move bringing in C. Griffin, and Taylor. But what is Joe's direction? Are we suppose to get aging veterans, like 1991, then watch them each retire and go through the dark ages like we did in the mid 90's. What grade do you give Gibbs right now. Be honest? The Eagles (the team we are trying to dethrone) has a set rule in place to let players go at 30, and retool. Some of those players come back but at a significantly reduce salary. Why not do it the same way. We do a good job drafting talent. Why not harness it then let it go? As you can tell I'm still mad that Joe picked up that bum Bruhell. Why Joe?

I'll give ya this ... you do stay on message. You don't seem to appreciate the irony of following the first quote above with the second, however. :)

Unfortunately, you don't even try to present a full or balanced picture. You assume facts not in evidence. You spin what facts you DO use to suit your agenda. Which appears, at this point, to be to want to blame Joe Gibbs for what ails this franchise.

Sorry man, with all due respect, revival or not, you're simply not going to pick up many followers with that as your central message.

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Originally posted by boobiemiles

Why not take baby steps.

honestly boobiemiles, take your own advice and take some baby steps.

You are all over the place, your like a 3 toed Bradypus variegatus trying to stab a rubber turkey with a plastic fork.

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Originally posted by boobiemiles

I do not know the iner working of the Redskins. Honestly I dont think they know what's going on. The front office is a mess. You don't let go of young talent, and bring in old guys like David Patten, Mark Brunell, Mike Barrow, etc. I'll admit he made a good move bringing in C. Griffin, and Taylor. But what is Joe's direction? Are we suppose to get aging veterans, like 1991, then watch them each retire and go through the dark ages like we did in the mid 90's. What grade do you give Gibbs right now. Be honest? The Eagles (the team we are trying to dethrone) has a set rule in place to let players go at 30, and retool. Some of those players come back but at a significantly reduce salary. Why not do it the same way. We do a good job drafting talent. Why not harness it then let it go? As you can tell I'm still mad that Joe picked up that bum Bruhell. Why Joe?

I think you are looking at the glass as half-empty when in fact it is half full, IMO. I won;t argue with the brunell issue, and letting Pierce go, especially with the Lavar fiasco seems to have put us right back into a tight situation. But you are asking the skins front office to drop their plan of establishing reasonable cap exercises and to adopt a similar plan that the Eagles takes? Well if you want to win now, using the Eagles formula will take another decade. How much winning have they done? Yeah, they have won a lot of games, considering the rest of the NFC has been relativley week? But how many championships have they won? They have one one NFC championship game, and are the winningest team in footabll over the last five years? That is not the formula I would ask our team to adopt. It seesm every year the Eagles are one or two players away from winning it all, because they are very stingy with their money. Personally I would rather have a few years of glory at the top than ten winning seasons in a row.

I'm just trying to put a realistic perspective behind what we consider "font-office" failures. He has coached one year, with a majority of players that were not brought in by him. These bumps and brusies are going to happen. People just think "oh we need a GM" - well therearen't that many successful GM's around today that I know of, only a handful. Back in the 80's and early 90's GM's were useful, because the front office and the league had a lot more control over the players and their salaries, that's one reason I belive GM's were so successful back then. Now with the cap, free-agancy and players rotating teams every copuple of year, the GM position does not always seem to fit in so smotthily. Especially trying to deal with the money-hungry players with little loyalty to anyone but themsleves. Not to say their aren't loyal players, or that they don't have the right to be compensated for the sacrifces they make to their bodies. BUt in today's game their needs to be a head honcho. And having more one authority figure can also cause problems. You think there were never bad GM's who helped contribute to the failures of the team because the coach and the GM belived in two different thigns (or players?) I'm not bashing the way yopu feel, we all feel that way to an extent. But ousting Joe right now as President/GM would put us back even a few more years. He's already jumped in to do the grunt work, and the best way to get out of it is to give him the oppotunity to finish what he started. If anyone person in the hstory of the NFL deserves it - it is Gibbs.

Bottom line it is a different era, and in this era (regardless of people's opinions of Holmgreen or Shannahan who have had little success as GM's) - being able to select the players you want and that fit your plans is crucial. I have no doubt that in due time Gibb's will have his type of players and have this thing rolling. And we can't look around at what everyone else is doing, we need to do what the Redskins belive in. That's how the Pat's have been so successful, they developed their own plan of attack and executed it perfectly. had they tried to mimic some other presdient/GM's way of building a team they would have never won as much as they did.

Hail to the Skins! Trust in Gibb's.

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First off, Boobie Miles represents the tragic side of football in "Friday Night Lights," so I have to ask you why you'd name yourself that?

Secondly, it seems almost tiresome to respond to your issues b/c each one of them has been gone over multiple times, in multiple threads. Especially since you seem to generate qualms with the team with no reasoning. Smoot and AP should not have been let go? They weren't let go, they were offered contracts for what they were worth to team. They didn't sign, so we basically let them know we weren't going to pay Mercedes money for a Honda. So you issue shouldn't be, "the front office and GM Gibbs let Smoot and AP go," but rather you the message you're sending across considering the previous is, "the FO didn't offer them big enough contracts."

If you can admit that you have on idea what goes on in the front office, then it would behoove you to educate yourself, and actually see who plays what role in any given transaction. Spewing out emotional threads with ill-informed content stirs the pot, yes, but makes a clanging sound that is irritating to the ears. Honestly, I don't care how someone twists the facts to back their argument, just provide something to back it up, Please.

PS, Why Bruhell? And consitently, Bruhell. Your N key seems to work fine in other places. Just very curious.

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I'm uneducated about the inner workings of the front office I'll admit that. But aren't we all? Again what direction is this team going in? We loose talent and infuse aging veterans. Gibbs tampers with the psyche QB, because at his behess he wants a veteran QB. I have no problem with Gibbs as the coach. But I feel he really needs to concentrate on coaching. I hate the Moss move, I hate the Bruhell move. I even hate the Champ Bailey move. I hate the fact players are leaving and potraying this organization as some evil entity. I hate the fact Lavar our team leader is disgruntle. I hate the fact we offer a kings ransom to a peasant like Bruhell, and then turn around and don't do the same for Peirce and Smoot. I felt like Gibbs jumped at the wrong QB. He should have excersised patients and picked up a QB like Kurt Warner, or Kerry Collins. Sure these guys aren't world beaters, but they would have been better assets and cheaper assets than Bruhell. I felt we were fine going into this year. I felt that we would not loose any core players. Instead our commander in chief does an about face, and decides to pinch pennies. Spend for these guys. We drafted them, and made them the players they are. Instead we let them go and picked up David Patten. Nobody should be able to outbid the skins. Not when the talent depends so heavily on good coaching, and that's all I want.

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But they're definitely going to challenge you on its content.

No they won't.

80% of the people on this thread will just call him stupid or question his "fanhood" or call for him to be banned and give no explanation as to why they think he is wrong.

It's a legitimate argument, with some factual errors.

Right now you can't say what Gibbs has done as president is anywhere NEAR beyond criticism.

I really have no loyalty to Gibbs as a team president. He has to prove himself there just like anyone else because he isn't a hall of fame team president, he's a hall of fame coach.

However I think he deserves more than 1 year to show he can do the job.

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This is his second year. The first year was 04. The problem with this whole thing to me is Joe has been away from football for so long, why aren't Danny and Cerrato intervening more viemently. The moves Joe has made are plain loco some times. Bruhell should not be the highest paid back up in the NFL. That to me tells me exactly how good you are as a president. You need insight. I never thought the Bruhell deal was good. He sucked in Jaxsonville, got benched and watched a rookie (leftwitch) throw for over 3000 yards with the same O. Didn't Joe do his research? I live this team, I hate when we make a move I know will back fire.

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Originally posted by boobiemiles

This is his second year. The first year was 04. The problem with this whole thing to me is Joe has been away from football for so long, why aren't Danny and Cerrato intervening more viemently. The moves Joe has made are plain loco some times. Bruhell should not be the highest paid back up in the NFL. That to me tells me exactly how good you are as a president. You need insight. I never thought the Bruhell deal was good. He sucked in Jaxsonville, got benched and watched a rookie (leftwitch) throw for over 3000 yards with the same O. Didn't Joe do his research? I live this team, I hate when we make a move I know will back fire.

Your main issue is seems to be Brunell. Sure it is completely obvious that signing him as a QB was a mistake, but that's with 20/20 hindsight. Any moron can sound like a genius with hindsight. Can you honestly tell me you were this adamant about not signing him during the 04 offseason? Doesn't matter anyway b/c you can't prove it. Are you serious about Danny and Cerrato intervening "viemently?" (sic). In case you didn't know, remember a guy name neon Dieon? That was Cerrarto's call. Danny take charge? You seriously want Redskin 1 flying all aroud the country busting our cap space again? I think since Gibbs has stepped in, we've made more moves that bring us closer to winning a championship than we have in ten years. Give the guy a break, he made one mistake, Brunell. You have no idea how Patten and Moss are going to pan out. But I'll take you as going on record for hating on them. So, you'll be the first I'll be in touch with when Patten is the same consistent championship calibur player on our team as he was in NE.

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Good idea, lets leave the football decisions to Danny and Vinny instead of the Hall of Famer.

Do yourself a favor and try to look at another team any team They all have problems, some years worse than others. The very good ones do it better than others but hell, even the Pats have had problems with Ty Law, Lawyer Milloy, etc. Look at whats going on with Travis Henry and the Bills. TO and the niners 2 years ago? Randy Moss? Any of this ring a bell? Welcome to the NFL my friend. It aint pretty. Enjoy the ride?

PS, not sure anyone has given a serious answer to the question of, if not Gibbs, then who SHOULD assume responsibility of team president??? Vinny and Danny are NOT serious answers. Who would do it better than Joe?

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Originally posted by boobiemiles

But Gibbs does not have a learnig curve. Unlike Andy Reid, he has been away from football for so long. He has so much to do for such and old man. Can we just concentrate on a ring. Where's Bobby Bethard?

1999 Andy Reid 5-11

2004 Joe Gibbs 6-10

Both were First year coaches installing new systems. Seems to me Boobiemiles that you would give Gibbs just a tad bit more respect than you've given Reid, at the very least one victorys worth (super bowl victories aside) Ahead of the curve I would say.

Again and again you use Brunell as an example of Gibbs failure.

Everyone makes mistakes, take Bobby Beathard for example, do you remember who moved up in the draft to get Ryan Leaf?

Gibbs picked Brunell, he also picked Greg Williams.

Get over Brunell, Ramsey is our QB.

Get over free agent movement, take a look around the league, compare the redskins to the titans.

I have a feeling there is going to be no end to this.

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Hey, Bubba just proved my earlier point about all teams having troubles. Especially pointed since it involves the Eagles, whom boobie seems to hold in pretty high esteem:

http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/prin...mp;type=storyBy Len Pasquarelli


Terrell Owens, chagrined by some of the characterizations of him over the past week, denied on Monday night he switched agents to improve his financial status, but was as elusive in discussing his contract as he is in dodging NFL cornerbacks.

The Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver also insisted his goal is to win a Super Bowl title with his current team, but found time to take a not particularly veiled swipe at Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb, with the talkative wide receiver noting at one point that he "wasn't the guy who got tired in the Super Bowl."

T.O. says he "did everything" the Eagles asked of him last season, adding he "wasn't the guy who got tired in the Super Bowl."

What Owens apparently has grown weary of, it seems, are what he perceives as portrayals of him being selfish and opportunistic.

"As always, there is a lot being written and [reported] without anyone talking to me," Owens said. "I mean, I can't do right and I can't do wrong. It's getting, in some ways, like it was for me in San Francisco. But the one thing that won't change is that I'm going to show up to play and to win. No one can ever [debate] that."

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Originally posted by boobiemiles

After reading the article about Lavar Arrington the rose colored glasses are off. I'm saying it "gibbs needs to just coach". I know these are not the distraction Gibbs thought he was going to endure. To me he should have gotten the title yanked after the MarK Brunell move. Why Joe? Why a 6 foot QB, that was only effective when he could do the "QB sprint right option play". Why Joe? Why are players defecting from our team like Cold War Russians? I mean Trotter took a pay cut to stay with his squad. What's up legend? Why is Lavar crying foul? Why is he not the only one doing so? He let Smoot go, and benched Ramsey. He traded for a player that doesn't fit his system. Then says the reason we weren't able to get going was because we can't get deep. No joe the reason we couldn't get going is the blitz will eat up pass plays that take to long to develope. Joe needs to start worrying about coaching. It's becoming clear diplomacy may not be his strong point.

:laugh: :hammer:
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Originally posted by Island Boy

You have the right not to like whoever or thing you want, but give the danf guy more than one year to do this stuff. I mean cmon, he has coached been president one year and your asking him to step down.:doh:

You can say he might not be doin a good job. But for petes sake give him a chance.

What? After Steve Spurrier first year most of the guys on here wanted to feed him to the dogs. Gibbs is a coach right? so he deserves most the praise when the team does well, and most of the heat when the team fails.

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Originally posted by boobiemiles

This is his second year. The first year was 04. The problem with this whole thing to me is Joe has been away from football for so long, why aren't Danny and Cerrato intervening more viemently. The moves Joe has made are plain loco some times. Bruhell should not be the highest paid back up in the NFL. That to me tells me exactly how good you are as a president. You need insight. I never thought the Bruhell deal was good. He sucked in Jaxsonville, got benched and watched a rookie (leftwitch) throw for over 3000 yards with the same O. Didn't Joe do his research? I live this team, I hate when we make a move I know will back fire.

Apparently you haven't done your research. Brunell wasn't benched in JAX, he beat out Leftwich during camp hurt his elbow in week 3 and by the time he returned JAX had decided to let the rookie develop. And Leftwich has never thrown for over 3000 yards.

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Originally posted by galentjm

Apparently you haven't done your research. Brunell wasn't benched in JAX, he beat out Leftwich during camp hurt his elbow in week 3 and by the time he returned JAX had decided to let the rookie develop. And Leftwich has never thrown for over 3000 yards.

I think you should do your research, if you are the starter before getting hurt and and after getting healthy the coach chooses to remain with the rookie, i would call that a benching, as far as Leftwich is concerned he threw for 2900 yards, I would call that decent


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Originally posted by boobiemiles

After reading the article about Lavar Arrington the rose colored glasses are off. I'm saying it "gibbs needs to just coach". I know these are not the distraction Gibbs thought he was going to endure. To me he should have gotten the title yanked after the MarK Brunell move. Why Joe? Why a 6 foot QB, that was only effective when he could do the "QB sprint right option play". Why Joe? Why are players defecting from our team like Cold War Russians? I mean Trotter took a pay cut to stay with his squad. What's up legend? Why is Lavar crying foul? Why is he not the only one doing so? He let Smoot go, and benched Ramsey. He traded for a player that doesn't fit his system. Then says the reason we weren't able to get going was because we can't get deep. No joe the reason we couldn't get going is the blitz will eat up pass plays that take to long to develope. Joe needs to start worrying about coaching. It's becoming clear diplomacy may not be his strong point.

:stfu: :whippin: :troll:

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Originally posted by convince

I think you should do your research, if you are the starter before getting hurt and and after getting healthy the coach chooses to remain with the rookie, i would call that a benching, as far as Leftwich is concerned he threw for 2900 yards, I would call that decent


Let's face the facts here. The jags took Leftwich in the draft in order to eventually replace Brunell, that much is no secret. You don't take a player with the 7th pick in the draft in order to become a backup.

Brunell getting hurt in week three forced Leftwich into the starting lineup sooner than the team anticipated, however Leftwich quickly adjusted. So much so that the team felt comfortable keeping him in there when Brunell came back. Putting Brunell back in would have made no sense, and would have most likely damaged Leftwich's confidence. However, I'll venture to say that had Leftwich been struggling mightily Brunell would have been reinserted into the lineup.

To me this isn't the same as getting benched. Benching is playing so poorly that the team feels that they would have a better chance of winning going with another player, and not so that the franchise quarterback may develop. That doesn't appear to be what happened here, and Del Rio has been quoted saying as much. The jags were struggling with Brunell in but not as a result of his play. His numbers weren't terrific but they were certainly much better than the numbers he put up here.

And as far as the stats, Boobie said Leftwich threw for OVER 3000 yards. He certainly came close, but his stats clearly show that he never eclipsed 3000.

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