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WT: Dinner with Dan

Sanders 83

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Originally posted by Sanders 83


TWT: Of course expanding the stadium makes the traffic worse. Are you done adding seats?

Snyder: Our fans are proud of having the biggest, loudest stadium in the NFL. I don't know if we're done.


I know I'm proud of our stadium. Why do you guys bash Fedex so much? It's been really loud the last 2 years and we haven't even been winning.

We'll see what all of you haters have to say once we start winning.

As a fan, if your not willing to stick with your team through the bad times; while everyone involved in managing the team is committed to doing EVERYTHING they can to provide you a winner......then I don't want to hear anything from you once we start to win.

BTW....I think it was Dwight Schaar (sp?) who is the minoirty owner that has ties to Gibbs.

I liked the quiet confidence that was in this interview. The team, IMO, has come together over the Coles debacle. How else can you explain the mulitple contract negotiations.

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Originally posted by Yusuf06

Had Gibbs not come out of retirement the team was in danger of seeing the start of an eroding fan base due in no small part to Snyder's mismanagement.

Are you quoting Czaben? What evidence do you have of the supposed "eroding fan base" ?

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Good read, good to hear from Dan...though he side stepped some with the answer "we're heading in the right direction" he was very candid/honest..enjoyed that. good one.

and I definitely agree...Joe Gibbs being here is what this franchise needed...a huge restoration job and it will get done...and I deeply feel we are headed in the right direction..slowly but surely. just watch!

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I agree with Dustin. The skins were the 1st american franchise to make $1 billion last year. The only other franchise that made more money than us is Manchester United. Thats right, bigger than the cowboys, bigger than the patriots, bigger than the yankees, bigger than all but 1 team in the world. $1 Billion is not an eroding fanbase.

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TWT: It was reported that you threatened Laveranues and said you were going to send a flat-screen TV to his house so he could watch the games. What did you tell him?

Snyder: It's very disappointing to have a player that you entrusted, went after, gave a tremendous signing bonus to, gave a tremendous contract to [want out]. I verbalized that disappointment. The idea that I threatened him might have been a tactic by someone to get out there to try to force us to do something.

Thats a polite way of saying 'Yeah, I said it. And what?!"

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Originally posted by Art

Are you KIDDING.

Joe Gibbs continually rebuffed opportunities to coach in the NFL. Perhaps including from Dan Snyder. Then, Snyder worked him until he decided he'd return to the NFL.

Okay, here's an example of what I'm talking about. Art's statement: "Then, Snyder worked him until he decided he'd return to the NFL." is absolute BS. While most of the public believes this to be true, it is not. Art made this up in his head based on assumptions, and is reporting it here as fact.

While Art's blind devotion to the Redskins and its owner could be admired, what he states as fact is simply incorrect.

As anybody knows who read the news in January, 2004, Gibbs sat down in late 2003, prior to News Year's Eve, and made a checklist of things he wanted to accomplish in 2004. One of the things on the list was Coach The Redskins(?). He talked it over with his wife, and she did not disagree with the idea. Shortly thereafter, a minority owner of the Redskins initiated contact with Gibbs.

Here is a paste, part of a thread from a NG I wrote in dated in Jan 2004:

"I would not call Snyder a "great owner." Most of the things Snyder has done I

have not approved of as a stadium fan. Other things he has done which I

thought might be okay have turned into ****. Snyder hired Gibbs. Okay. But,

any and every owner in the NFL would have been happy to hire Joe Gibbs. And,

according to the Wash Post this morning, it was minority owner Dwight Schar,

who is a builder in Potomac, Maryland, who initiated the phone call to Gibbs,

on his own, to feel him out for possibly being HC. Then, when Gibbs indicated

it was possible, Schar contacted Snyder. If it wasn't for Schar, Rhodes would

be coach right now. Schar is the hero. Snyder has done nothing great.

If you lead a horse to water, he will drink.


My point is, Snyder did nothing to lure Gibbs back here. Schar did. All Snyder did was show him where to sign. Woopdeedoo. Snyder does not deserve credit for luring Joe Gibbs back. Give the credit to Schar or Gibbs himself. Not Snyder.

Believe it or not, I am not trying to bash Snyder. I am simply reporting facts.

I hope the Redskins win eventually. And I believe they might, even with Snyder as owner. But I think the Redskins could have done better with JKC. And I think FedExField would be a more enjoyable venue if Snyder was not the owner.

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You know, I have been a Snyder disliker/hater for much of his time in Washington. And much as reading what Vinny Cerato had to say about himself in the Extreme interview, reading this interview gave me a much better sense of who Snyder is and what he is trying to accomplish.

The guy took the softball and hardball questions in stride and gave honest answers. That begets respect in my book.

I may not agree with every decision he's made or will make in the future, but I definitely respect him a lot more after reading his candid thoughts and responses.

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Originally posted by burritopunk

Great read. but I have a ticket question

...do we have the second highest ticket prices, or are the not that high when taking in consideration premium, etc etc. anybody have a ranking? like 24 out of 32?

The second highest ticket ranking that the Redskins have, does take into account the premium seats. So, yes, I believe the main reason the Redskins are so highly ranked is because of the large number of premium seats which are very expensive, and are averaged in with the rest of the seats.

The ceiling on general seat prices is subject to league rules. The ceiling is $79, and that is what Snyder charges. I'm not sure what the rules are regarding upper decks, lower decks, etc. But I do know the most that can be charged is $79 for general seating, and that includes playoff games.

And there is no doubt in my mind Snyder would charge more if he wasn't forced to abide by league rules.

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I've had season tickets for the last 4 years and I hate what Snyder has done to the stadium. Here are the reasons:

Most expensive Beer in the league - $7 each

No Redskins colors or logo on the outside, all you can tell is that FedEx plays there.

No walking into the stadium, you must park (and pay) to get in. The reasoning by the skins is because they dont want people to get hit by cars - however they have no problem letting people walk OUT after the game when more drunk drivers are out there.

No out of town scoreboard (ok they finally fixed this last season - but it was the first year with it back)

Constant Ads...you cant look anywhere without advirtisements. Thats fine but the commercials playing over the loudspeakers during breaks it AWFUL. I paid good money to be there, dont force me to watch ads like I am sitting at home.

Teribly replay system , I cant tell you how many times they did not replay a questionable game changinf penalty. Why should we not know what happened, everyone at home got to see the call...

Anyways Snyder is no hero people...

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good stuff, I am a big critic, but hope springs eternal. In the end talk is cheap, is this new found patience and long term outlook sustainable? It is not an attribute that necessarily comes with time/age/experience, just look at Steinbrenner. Hopefully the Skins never face adversity again, but when they do, how will Snyder handle it?

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Originally posted by Art

See, here I was thinking that nonsense was universally understood to be the sheer idiocy it was. The mere suggestion that an owner who actively worked to talk a coach into taking the job couldn't THEN once successful, have said no, and therefore deserves no credit, is something you dopes actually feel needs an answer?

Are you KIDDING.

Sometimes you people embarrass me here. Like right now.

Art since you quoted me, I'm guessing that you are including me in the mass generalization of "YOU" and "YOU PEOPLE" and "

YOU DOPES". Seems pretty harsh because on one hand you say that those who are critical of Snyder are very much in the minority and on the other hand you bracket every one who is not praising him as an embarrasing dope. I find this kinda funny since for the most part on this site I have support Snyder and his moves, especially when it comes to bringing in Gibbs. I do not think he is without fault, but he has made great strides since coming into the league.

By the way, the chirping comment was directed at Yusef and his long silence.

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Originally posted by T.E.G.

God, now I am going to have to start reading the Moonie Times.


LOL, just what I was thinking. Also, this argument about who gets credit for bringing in Gibbs has some really fuzzy logic on one side. I think it's comical that some people are saying that Gibbs himself deserves all the credit for returning to the Redskins. Well, by that same logic, any player that plays for any team should receive all the credit for joining that organization. Forget the fact that the players were scouted (Gibbs has a known winning history), then asked by team officials to sign with their team (Snyder asked Coach Gibbs to return to the Skins).

Let me draw up a little anecdote to illustrate how absurd this logic is.

Let's say I'm on my way home from work, and while I'm in my car on the drive back, I get a call from my girlfriend. She calls me to let me know that we're out of toilet paper and to pick some up on the way home. Well, I find this inconvenient considering the fact that I'm closer to home than I am to the store, so I would have to go completely out of my way to pick some up. But, the tp is needed, so I go out of my way to pick some up. I get home and find my girlfriend on the pot with no tp. I hand it to her through the door and then proceed to say, "Hey, it was a good idea I decided to pick some tp up, or you'd be SoL. Good for me."

So, in this anecdote, I represent Coach Gibbs, and my girlfriend represents Snyder (hmm, that's kind of a creepy thought). Anywho, the act of me picking up the tp represents Gibbs returning to Coach football. The choice to just continue to drive home represents Gibbs not returning to football and continuing with racing. So, seeing as my gf called and asked me to pick up the tp, how can I take absolute credit for picking it up. Would I have gone out of my way and just decided to pick some up if I was not told that we were out? I think not.

Man am I bored at work.

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The only thing that bothered me was how the interviewer kept harping on the Coles trade setting a precedent for unhappy players. Coles wanted to be RELEASED. Gibbs said, "Hells no!" The only reason why Gibbs is getting crap is because we sent Coles to the Jets. If we sent him to the Niner's or Miami, it wouldn' look so accomodating.

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Mark the Homer

"The ceiling on general seat prices is subject to league rules. The ceiling is $79, and that is what Snyder charges. I'm not sure what the rules are regarding upper decks, lower decks, etc. But I do know the most that can be charged is $79 for general seating, and that includes playoff games.

And there is no doubt in my mind Snyder would charge more if he wasn't forced to abide by league rules."

You are wrong. There is not league set maximum for tickets to regular season games. Snyder could charge much more for the lower bowl tickets.

However the league sets the actual price for all playoff games, These do for more the $79.

Superbowl tickets are now at least $500. When I went to the Rose Bowl for Superbowl XVII, the price was $40. Yes, since in 23 years, the price for superbowl tickets has gone up 1,250%.

It is Danny's fault that the cost of tickets and beer is so expensive.

For those that complain about the price of beer and hot dogs, have you gone to any other arena's? THe MCI center beer is priced the same.

If you don't like the prices, then don't buy the product.

Oh, I have been to almost every game at Fed-Ex and since 1972 at RFK.

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Originally posted by SB33

For those that complain about the price of beer and hot dogs, have you gone to any other arena's? THe MCI center beer is priced the same.

If you don't like the prices, then don't buy the product.

Oh, I have been to almost every game at Fed-Ex and since 1972 at RFK.

Beer at Ericcson Stadium is $5. FedEx $7. I don't like the price and let people know about it.I think people would gripe a little less if they could at least bring in one unopened bottle of water. A crumb.

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Originally posted by BigCb37

I hate what Snyder has done to the stadium.

Most expensive Beer in the league - $7 each

No Redskins colors or logo on the outside, all you can tell is that FedEx plays there.

No walking into the stadium, you must park (and pay) to get in. The reasoning by the skins is because they dont want people to get hit by cars - however they have no problem letting people walk OUT after the game when more drunk drivers are out there.

No out of town scoreboard (ok they finally fixed this last season - but it was the first year with it back)

Most exspensive beer in the league....really? Do you have a link for this? Every stadium I've been to have all been similarly overpriced beer?

No Redskins colors outside the stadium? Did RFK have any Redskins colors outside the stadium? Most (if not all) stadiums now sell out their naming rights...

And yes, now that there is a Metro stop outside the stadium you can walk to the stadium.

Your arguements are silly.

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Originally posted by gridironmike

Beer at Ericcson Stadium is $5. FedEx $7. I don't like the price and let people know about it.I think people would gripe a little less if they could at least bring in one unopened bottle of water. A crumb.

We're in a little bit different of an income bracket than Charlotte N.C. I don't know if most people in NC can afford a $7 beer. Go to NY, LA, and Chicago. I'm sure they're right around $7 too. And the parking lots in Charlotte suck. They are all private lots because the stadium is downtown.....the tailgating sucks. People are nice though.

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Originally posted by DUSTINMFOX

We're in a little bit different of an income bracket than Charlotte N.C. I don't know if most people in NC can afford a $7 beer. Go to NY, LA, and Chicago. I'm sure they're right around $7 too. And the parking lots in Charlotte suck. They are all private lots because the stadium is downtown.....the tailgating sucks. People are nice though.

Yup. beer at a cubs game, $7, beer at a sox game 2 yrs ago, $6.50. I wouldn't know about a beer at a bears game, I refuse to enter Soldier field, the bears bore me.

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