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WT: Dinner with Dan

Sanders 83

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Originally posted by Sanders 83

Sorry man, but this not the anti-Snyder thread. We may have the second highest ticket prices, but we have the biggest stadium in the league, what do you expect?

Well having the biggest stadium in the league only brings in more money. Its not like it costs 4x more to have the biggest stadium compared to the smallest stadium ya know?

JKC gave out nice things with 1/2 of the profit from ticket sales, not even mentioning all the side deals that Snyder has running.

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wow, direct questions that people want to hear asked...professional straight forward answers that people want to hear....this doesn't sound like typical washington, d.c. weave and bob journalism. what is this crazy stuff they are printing? i actually got something out of d.c. sports interview.

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Originally posted by Sanders 83

Sorry man, but this not the anti-Snyder thread. We may have the second highest ticket prices, but we have the biggest stadium in the league, what do you expect? We should be most thankful for Snyder bringing back Joe Gibbs, and now who better to trust the team with? The mistakes are in the past, let's move onto the present with Gibbs and company, and watch them build, with Snyder, a winning organization again.

It was a good interview, I enjoyed reading it. I am very thankful Gibbs is back, but if you want to get technical, Snyder did not bring him back. It was a minority owner of the Redskins who called Gibbs and asked him to come back, not Snyder.

I am with you regarding mistakes being in the past, and I'm hoping for a winning future. My problems with Snyder are from an attending fans' perspective.

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Originally posted by Art


You are in the EXTREME minority in your views. If you don't know that, you've got your head in the sand.

I suspect most fans who are pro-Snyder fans are TV watching fans. I believe most fans who attend games don't have a whole lot of love for Mr. Dan Snyder.

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Originally posted by Mark The Homer

I suspect most fans who are pro-Snyder fans are TV watching fans. I believe most fans who attend games don't have a whole lot of love for Mr. Dan Snyder.

WRONG!! I went to 4 games last year, 3 the year before, and 1 the year before that. In the Atlanta preseason game we had to sit behind those pillars, and it wasn't a whole lot of fun your right. But every other experience I have had, has been as good of time as I can have. The Bucs and Vikings games last year were just incredible, Fed Ex probably has never been as loud, and it was a great feeling for everyone. I also went the Bengals game last year, in which we got down early and 25% of the people left before we even started a comeback. Once we did though, the place sounded was as loud as it could be with all those fans leaving early.

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Originally posted by Mark The Homer

This comment shows Snyder's disdain for the Washington Post, and explains his refusal of renewing their season tickets.

So what? They are his tickets right? How would you feel if someone went your Boss and started accusing you of things you have never done?

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Originally posted by Sanders 83

So what? They are his tickets right? How would you feel if someone went your Boss and started accusing you of things you have never done?

Frankly, I thought Dan's comment showed that he understood the disdain the Post seemed to have for him of late. I think it's great theater that the tickets were pulled. I'd actually scroll through my season-ticket holder list and remove anyone who's a known post employee too.

Then maybe I'll come up from my number a bit :).

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Originally posted by Mark The Homer

I suspect most fans who are pro-Snyder fans are TV watching fans. I believe most fans who attend games don't have a whole lot of love for Mr. Dan Snyder.

Well, I suspect if what you suspect is correct, few fans really hold it against Jack Kent Cooke for building the stadium. I know you think they should and they should be angry as all get out that he'd build the stadium he built, but, most fans probably understood why he did it and the benefits to us, as fans, that come from it.

That Snyder has dramatically improved the stadium since purchasing it is so crystal clear, only a complete loon would attempt to deny it has happened. But, Snyder can't erase Cooke's mistake -- since you believe it was Cooke's mistake. He can just make it better.

Thankfully, he has.

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Ive had Club Seats since 1998 and I am a fan of Dan Snyder. He is passionate about building a winning team, and human enough to admit that he has made some mistakes, and smart enough to try to learn from those mistakes.

Make no mistake about WHO hired Joe Gibbs. It *was* Dan Snyder; Fred Drasner may have helped talk Joe into it, but giving the credit for Joe returning to anyone *but* Dan Snyder smacks of idiocy.

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Originally posted by Blade

Ive had Club Seats since 1998 and I am a fan of Dan Snyder. He is passionate about building a winning team, and human enough to admit that he has made some mistakes, and smart enough to try to learn from those mistakes.

Make no mistake about WHO hired Joe Gibbs. It *was* Dan Snyder; Fred Drasner may have helped talk Joe into it, but giving the credit for Joe returning to anyone *but* Dan Snyder smacks of idiocy.

Come on, Blade.

You know this is where Yusuf will jump in that Dan gets NO credit for hiring Joe because Joe hired himself and Dan had no choice in the matter. Oh, wait, you did point out the idiocy of such statements. Agreed :).

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I wish Elf asked what his plan is on getting the opposing teams fans out of the stadium. I mean to me thats the main problem. Also, maybe if he can add the bouncing stands in one section. That would be great.

Otherwise I think it was a great interview!

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Originally posted by Blade

Ive had Club Seats since 1998 and I am a fan of Dan Snyder. He is passionate about building a winning team, and human enough to admit that he has made some mistakes, and smart enough to try to learn from those mistakes.

Make no mistake about WHO hired Joe Gibbs. It *was* Dan Snyder; Fred Drasner may have helped talk Joe into it, but giving the credit for Joe returning to anyone *but* Dan Snyder smacks of idiocy.

Originally posted by Art

Come on, Blade.

You know this is where Yusuf will jump in that Dan gets NO credit for hiring Joe because Joe hired himself and Dan had no choice in the matter. Oh, wait, you did point out the idiocy of such statements. Agreed :).

OK, which one of you wants to ante up and be the first to say Snyder would have actually said "No" or anything like it when Gibbs decided he wanted to coach again? (Crickets chirping) Now, which one of you wants to say that Snyder would have been able to talk Gibbs into coming back had Gibbs not wanted to? (Crickets again) Bottom line, Gibbs' return was one man's decision-and the one man wasn't Snyder, it was Gibbs himself. After all, we've had coaching vacancies before and Snyder always made Gibbs his first choice and was rebuffed.

How popular an owner do you think Snyder would be about now had Gibbs decided to remain retired? Had Gibbs not come out of retirement the team was in danger of seeing the start of an eroding fan base due in no small part to Snyder's mismanagement. I think Gibbs was well aware that the franchise was floundering and decided to return in part because of it. Had we been doing well I think the chances are good he wouldn't have returned to coaching.

I'm not a Snyder hater. I'm a failure hater. 34-46 is failure if you ask me. If you really want to see someone stick their head in the sand then show me someone (this means you Art) that can spin 34-46 into success or anything like it. I suppose we should get the consolation prize version of a Lombardi Trophy because we made all the right moves without getting the results:rolleyes:

When we turn things around I'll be the first to offer accolades and congratulations. Until then we remain what we've been since John Cooke took over-a mediocre team with mediocre management. Results gentlemen, results.;)

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Originally posted by Art

You know this is where Yusuf will jump in that Dan gets NO credit for hiring Joe because Joe hired himself and Dan had no choice in the matter. Oh, wait, you did point out the idiocy of such statements. Agreed :).

This statement is the definition of "passive-aggressive." Carry on.

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Your reply is amusing to me, as it accuses me of putting my head in the sand, while attributing to me comments I've never made, revealing you haven't actually bothered to pay attention.

Yeah, 34-46 is a failure. Some of us just recognize where the failure has been and try with great effort to shed light on those in dark :).

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Originally posted by Yusuf06

OK, which one of you wants to ante up and be the first to say Snyder would have actually said "No" or anything like it when Gibbs decided he wanted to coach again? (Crickets chirping) Now, which one of you wants to say that Snyder would have been able to talk Gibbs into coming back had Gibbs not wanted to? (Crickets again) Bottom line, Gibbs' return was one man's decision-and the one man wasn't Snyder, it was Gibbs himself. After all, we've had coaching vacancies before and Snyder always made Gibbs his first choice and was rebuffed.

Dude, you state past worries as if they matter today.

Who cares whether Gibbs was talked into the job or not, he is here.

Why don't you ante up and say you thought he would come back in 2004.

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What is wrong with everyone, I love this article and about the ticket prices... Come on for GOD sake the man is spending the money on the stadium and just because your not get seat cushions doesn’t mean he is cheap and not giving back...He is a different owner and we are in different times so what you are saying dont make sense at all.. I had one question though I was confused on the LC answer, so did he tell him he is going to buy him a big screen TV and watch it or not? I hope he did and I am glad that ***** for a player is gone!! Cheers to WT and Cheers to Danny!!

Hail to the Redskins


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Originally posted by Yusuf06

I think Gibbs was well aware that the franchise was floundering and decided to return in part because of it. Had we been doing well I think the chances are good he wouldn't have returned to coaching.


You think if we had been in the playoffs the past 4-5 years and had won 1-2 Super Bowls Joe Gibbs wouldn't have come back? :rolleyes: State something other than the obvious next time.

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Originally posted by denverdan

crickets chirping

See, here I was thinking that nonsense was universally understood to be the sheer idiocy it was. The mere suggestion that an owner who actively worked to talk a coach into taking the job couldn't THEN once successful, have said no, and therefore deserves no credit, is something you dopes actually feel needs an answer?

Are you KIDDING.

Joe Gibbs continually rebuffed opportunities to coach in the NFL. Perhaps including from Dan Snyder. Then, Snyder worked him until he decided he'd return to the NFL. Gibbs wasn't sitting on a rocking chair when an errant football from a neighbor's hard landed at his feet, and he thought, "Gosh and golly, I'd sure like to coach in the NFL again."

He had to be CONVINCED to do so. He had to be convinced not to take a job in a city with a team he was part owner of. And, when he made the decision to coach the team based on the offer to coach the team, obviously, most reasonable people would presume the guy who organized and developed the relationships necessary to bring about that decision would get a wee bit of credit.

Sometimes you people embarrass me here. Like right now.

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