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Is it May 16th yet?


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Well, theres a plethora of reviews out there by people who have seen sneak previews of Star Wars Episode II, and they are full of phrases such "The best since the Empire Strikes Back" and "Single greatest Sci Fi adventure film ever made" and "Lucas redeemed himself."

I'm going nuts. Ten more days? This is worse than the week between the last pre-season game and the regular season opener ...

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From all the previews I've seen... it looks like Lucas focused more on developing the love story between Anakin and Senator Padmé Amidala (ie. Natalie Portman). I'll go see the flick... but I can't say I'm all too excited.

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dude, don't get your hopes up too much.

When sitting in Spiderman I was surrounded by kids like the Comic Book guy from the Simpsons.

They'd whisper "Well, everybody knows that in the comic universe that Spiderman didn't live on the left side of the street due to his Spidey-senses keeping him up at night......duh!"

100 Taco's for 100 Dollars should provide adaquate substanance for the Dr. Who Marathon!

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If this Episode 2 is getting good reviews the it must be awsome then, considering the Episode 1 got bad reviews and I loved that movie.

Being almost as big as a Star Wars Fan as I am a Redskins Fan, I can not wait until May 16th!

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I loved the first two, but HATED the last one. They shoulda named it The Muppets take Outer Space, or Starship Troopers meets The Muppets. I suppose for people w/ kids it may have been more enjoyable. Personally, I'm looking forward to Matrix II more than this movie.

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You guys can bust out the cross and the nails and crucify me right now, because I've only seen one Star Wars movie EVER and I had no clue what was going on. Plus I got dragged to it by a friend. I don't dig those sci-fi movies.

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I'm a Star Wars nut...not quite bad enough to dork out and dress up like darth Maul or set up a tent and camp out, but pretty damn close. I've been collecting the toys since the 70's and my collection is worth enough to buy a very nice Car or aft downpayment on a house. Episode 2 is getting fantastic reviwes and believe me I can't wait. Already have tickets for opening night, and I anticpate watching it several times like i did the 1st one. Unlike many I enjoyed episode 1, but I saw the need for a dryer movie that sets up the full 9 movie series. Lucas has said he's making all nine BTW so get used to the ridiculous hype folks.

The Two Towers looks awfully impressive too though, gonna be tough to decide which series made bigger splashes this year. One thing is for sure, if you like special effects movies this year has been and will end up being one of the best ever.

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I left the theater after episode one thinking it was just allright. I guess I just expected to much. After getting the dvd and watching it a few more times it kinda grew on me. I can't wait till the 16th. I already took a personal day off, so I can go see it. I am still wondering when Lucas will release 4,5, and 6 on DVD.

Does anyone know when the LOTR will be released on DVD??

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Here's part of a review of Ep2 from Harry Knowles at Aint It Cool News. The rest, with spoilers, can be found at:



I saw Star Wars Episode Two: Attack of the Clones hours ago. The ?how? of that will be a thing of mystery buried in a passed piece of paper from my book signing with a hotel, a room number and a time listed upon it. You don?t want to know about that room or the person(s) in that room, you want to know about Episode Two.

Jar Jar Binks. Jar Jar has a 15 second StepInFetchIt shuffle speak routine he does as he goes to first let Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker into the Amidala?s quarters that is so offensively awful, that it will not only make you recoil in horror, but it will remind you of all of the worst aspects of his character from THE PHANTOM MENACE. I wanted to burn the film, destroy, maim and murder it at this stage. I was steeling myself from the impending incompetence, the horror of my childhood being molested. I was prepared to have a very bad time.

I found myself not liking Anakin Skywalker at all, he?s a punk spoiled brat? A snotty nosed ego trip, that angry evil high school football quarterback that wants the head cheerleader. He whines like a Mark Hamill squealing about going to Toshi Station to get some power converters. There is much anger in him. He?s impulsive, conflicted, out of control and a mass murderer. Everytime I saw him and Natalie Portman together, I wanted to tell her to run, fly you fool. But am I not supposed to feel that way?

So did George Lucas drop the ball? Did he rape our childhood? Has he turned into nothing more than flannel wearing toy salesman without a soul or an eye for storytelling anymore? Was I disappointed to such a state that I wanted to yell and scream and break my original 12 inch Boba Fett and defecate upon it in a ritualistic purging of all that was once sacred to my childhood?

To answer all of those questions?. THANK GOD NO!!! Lucas succeeds with the film beyond my wildest dreams.

I was scared and thrilled to be watching Episode 2. The entire time I was in that hotel room, I was convinced that agents of Lucasfilm were going to knock down the doors and I knew I was being set up for a fall. I mean, it isn?t possible to see STAR WARS early. I know that, but there I was watching it. Listening to the sounds of drunk SXSW revelers falling into the door outside.

After about 20 minutes of that awareness everything but the film ceased to exist. The lights in the room dimmed in my mind. The person(s) in the room shrank like Scott Carey into the microverse. Everything about me was concentrating upon the film. The movie was not complete. There were moments where the effects were quite rough, but the work that was finished, was beyond reproach.

How do I explain the success of ATTACK OF THE CLONES? First, I must say that this film makes THE PHANTOM MENACE a better film. In fact, I would have to say that not only does it do that, but suddenly you will realize with horror, exactly why Jar Jar Binks is in the series at all. Upon first viewing, in less than ideal circumstances, I must say that I feel that this is by far the most entertaining Star Wars film to date. It may not have that innocent sense of wonder for the first film. It doesn?t have that sense of intimacy that EMPIRE STRIKES BACK had, or that film?s desperation. However, it also doesn?t have the trivial frivolity of JEDI or MENACE. ATTACK OF THE CLONES is a turning point in the saga. The point of no return.

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