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'Cool Mom' Threw Sex Parties for Boys


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Originally posted by NoCalMike

I only knew of ONE friend of mine who had what I would still consider to this day a MILF, and hell yes I would have at the time. I mean now looking back I know it would have been the wrong thing to do, but at the time I would have done it in a second.

Representing my generation, me too.

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in my personal opinion, the legal system is very biased towards females. If a case comes forward involving any action of a male towards a female, he is almost immediately guilty. Granted there a many cases that are legit, but it just seems like fake cases happen a lot. I remember watching that "Hard Knock Life" show on the NFL channel, and they had a women speaking to the players on how to protect yourself from false accusations. I don't know if I am completely alone in this thought, it just seems that way to me.

Also , does anyone remember the california child support laws that were forcing men to pay child support, who after paternity test showed them not to be the fathers. And the reason... because their names were on the birth certificates. I just seems laws are biased in the womens favor.

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Originally posted by afparent

yea, i probably would have done it if she was kind of attractive....probably would have only lasted 30 seconds, but yea, i probably would have done it....:laugh:

sorry, i know this is a serious subject

Typical teenage boy....IF she was KINDA attractive:laugh:
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Originally posted by DEXMAN

in my personal opinion, the legal system is very biased towards females. If a case comes forward involving any action of a male towards a female, he is almost immediately guilty. Granted there a many cases that are legit, but it just seems like fake cases happen a lot. I remember watching that "Hard Knock Life" show on the NFL channel, and they had a women speaking to the players on how to protect yourself from false accusations. I don't know if I am completely alone in this thought, it just seems that way to me.

Also , does anyone remember the california child support laws that were forcing men to pay child support, who after paternity test showed them not to be the fathers. And the reason... because their names were on the birth certificates. I just seems laws are biased in the womens favor.

Ah, I'm not sure that's true.

Actually a huge percentage of rapes go unreported for a variety of reasons. One major reason is that many states do not have "rape shield" laws. Rape shield laws prevent a woman's irrelevant sexual history from becoming fodder for Defense Counsel thereby preventing defendants from turning their trials into a public exhibition of the woman's sexual history. Many women avoid prosecuting a claim for just this reason: they don't want their past to be revealed when it has nothing to do with the fact that they were raped. This is to say nothing of the fact that many women have avoided reporting rapes to avoid the shame that they feel about being raped.

Do false reports happen? Probably. Does that mean that the legal system is biased against men? I don't think so.

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Originally posted by iheartskins

Ah, I'm not sure that's true.

Actually a huge percentage of rapes go unreported for a variety of reasons. One major reason is that many states do not have "rape shield" laws. Rape shield laws prevent a woman's irrelevant sexual history from becoming fodder for Defense Counsel thereby preventing defendants from turning their trials into a public exhibition of the woman's sexual history. Many women avoid prosecuting a claim for just this reason: they don't want their past to be revealed when it has nothing to do with the fact that they were raped. This is to say nothing of the fact that many women have avoided reporting rapes to avoid the shame that they feel about being raped.

Do false reports happen? Probably. Does that mean that the legal system is biased against men? I don't think so.

I understand your viewpoint. I guess what I'm really trying to say is that it seems the instant a man is accused of any crime on a women, that the man is guilty. I feel as though I'm not conveying my message well enough though. One of the best examples I can think of is Sexual Harrassment(sp). The second you are accused of it, whether you are guilty or not, you are screwed. I'm willing to bet, and I have no actual proof to back this up unfortunately, that the majority of men accused of this would be found guilty of it. You know I just realized that this is actually the reason I made the biased comment in the first place. I think that Sexual Harrassment covers such a broad list of actions, that it's almost impossible not to sexual harrass others. It seems that it has almost gotten out of control. As far as rape, it's such a damning accusation, that regardless of the outcome of a trial, your reputation has been shot. Especially if you are in the public eye.

I think I'm done with this rant now. Sorry for getting off topic.

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I had similar thing happen to me in high school.....

I had a good friend who was dating a girl who had a hot single Mom....very MILFY...

We would all party over there (mostly drink) and one time I'm sitting on her bed talking to her about one of my girlfriends and she goes..."You know, Dustin, I would really like to party with you sometime..."

I said..." Ms. ____ , we are partying..."

She then just gave me this hot look and I kinda caught on to what she was alluding to...she taught me a lot. Thank You

Before I get the backlash...I was 18.....in two weeks:D

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Originally posted by DEXMAN

Personally, I don't think it should be statutory rape considering the guys consented. The lady has problems and should be charged with the alcohol and drugs stuff, but I don't see a sex crime here. Besides, how many of you had a friend with a hot mom? Given the chance, there's one or two MILFs that I wouldn't have turned down.

Well that women is NOT a MILF.

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Originally posted by iheartskins

Ah, I'm not sure that's true.

Actually a huge percentage of rapes go unreported for a variety of reasons. One major reason is that many states do not have "rape shield" laws. Rape shield laws prevent a woman's irrelevant sexual history from becoming fodder for Defense Counsel thereby preventing defendants from turning their trials into a public exhibition of the woman's sexual history. Many women avoid prosecuting a claim for just this reason: they don't want their past to be revealed when it has nothing to do with the fact that they were raped. This is to say nothing of the fact that many women have avoided reporting rapes to avoid the shame that they feel about being raped.

Do false reports happen? Probably. Does that mean that the legal system is biased against men? I don't think so.


False reports do not "probably" happen.

The DoJ itself states rape is THE most falsely reported crime in the US(which makes sense as it's hard to falsely report a murder.) There was a woman who they caught in Cali that had accused several men of rape in different jurisidictions by luring them online into real meetings and then eitehr having sex with them OR just threatening that she would accuse them.

Beyond this, are studies that indicate that, in some areas, false rape allegations may be as high as 30-50 percent of cases.

And how can we prove how many rapes go unreported? I knew a girl that lied about basically everything in HS, to the point where she lied to her own friends about personal subjects, who claimed to have been raped but never had any charges pressed or anything of the like: Do I take her word for it?

Remember the loaded question surveys that asked something about unwanted sexual contact(including touching of any kind) and the claims afterwards that one of out of every few women in the US had been "Sexually assaulted(which conjures up images of rape or near rape)"

How about the incident at Ohio State where stickers were put in urinals telling men, essentially that what they were holding were weapons and that no means no? Isn't implicit in such actions the belief that every man is just oh-so-close to being a rapist. As if every man IS a rapist in the right circumstances.

Sorry, there is ample evidence that child molestation and sexual assault are OFTEN falsely reported man.

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