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interesting comments from buges


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Originally posted by KevinMac

You people are incredible. People are mad that Gibbs won't rip Brunell, yet they are also mad that Buges dares say that Ramsey makes boneheaded plays, a fact that a 6 year old can see, and Ramsey would be the first to admit.

That's right, Buges should "STFU" because he dared say something about the annointed Ramsey, Savior of the Redskins. HOW DARE HE! That CREEP! Who in the heck does he think he is?

Buges should of gone on TV and flatly said that Ramsey is the greatest, smartest, most effective QB he has ever seen.

Followed by Gibbs saying Brunell sucks.

Some believe everything is great in Redskins land and negativity or calling it how he see's it is not something that is in this land.
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Originally posted by Hooper

Buges should just STFU once in a while. He showed me squat as a coach this year. We max protected on damn near every play and our qbs still took almost as many hits as they did during the Spurrier era.

I agree. Ramsey certainly has his problems, but they would be minimized if Bugels line did even a mediocre job.
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quit overracting :doh:

even Ramsey himself said he has made mistakes....it is part of learning. The key is to learn from them and not make the same mistake twice.

Relax, Buges ain't trashing anyone, he is a straight shooter. when you screw up he tells you, when you do good he is there to hug you.

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Originally posted by wickedwitch

I agree. Ramsey certainly has his problems, but they would be minimized if Bugels line did even a mediocre job.

And how is it Buges' fault that we only had two decent players on the o-line this year, and no separation ability at wide receiver? We all know that Ramsey holds on to the ball too long, and that just makes matters worse.
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Originally posted by KevinMac

You people are incredible. People are mad that Gibbs won't rip Brunell, yet they are also mad that Buges dares say that Ramsey makes boneheaded plays, a fact that a 6 year old can see, and Ramsey would be the first to admit.

That's right, Buges should "STFU" because he dared say something about the annointed Ramsey, Savior of the Redskins. HOW DARE HE! That CREEP! Who in the heck does he think he is?

Buges should of gone on TV and flatly said that Ramsey is the greatest, smartest, most effective QB he has ever seen.

Followed by Gibbs saying Brunell sucks.

I have no problem with the criticism of Ramsey because

Buges was correct. But what I "DO" have a problem

with is the way in which Buges criticizes Ramsey.

Buges takes every opportunity to bash Ramsey and I mean

every opportunity. Even when he's somewhat praising

Ramsey he throws in a little comment.

And as for your statement that "Ramsey makes boneheaded

plays, a fact that a 6 year old can see, Ramsey would be

the first to admit it".....Well no kidding!

And if it's a fact that a 6 year old can see...then there's

no reason to repeatedly bring it up..correct?

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Having watched many of the interviews this season with Bugel I haven't gotten the impression that he is singling out Ramsey. Yesterday he just made a comment that he made some boneheaded plays when asked by George how Ramsey was doing. He put just as much blame on himself, the WR's and lineman as with Ramsey.

Gibbs anointed Ramsey as starter for next season. That is enough for me.

What is clear is the disappointed you could see in his eyes and facial expressions during these interviews that some of his lineman have not played as well as they should have. I can’t remember him talking about Dockery or Raymer at all late in the season either bad or good. That tells me he was disappointed in them. I can’t remember what he said about Thomas but he praised Samuels and Brown.

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Originally posted by Larry

I remember hearing a lament, about 10 years ago, from some NFL personnel man, saying that coaches throughout football, at pro, college, and even High School, have been complaining that it's tough to get really good receivers, because, he says, all the kids who have the right kind of talent, want to play CB, instead.

Somebody needs to tell these kids that a Cornerback is a Wide Reciever who can't catch. Makes me want to go buy some coaching shorts and a whistle.

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Originally posted by Gilgamesh

And how is it Buges' fault that we only had two decent players on the o-line this year, and no separation ability at wide receiver? We all know that Ramsey holds on to the ball too long, and that just makes matters worse.

A great coach will get decent play out of poor players. Buges did not do that.

And of course Ramsey had problems, nobody is denying that. But from past interviews, Bugel seems to place the majority of the blame for the offense's problems on Ramsey, when in reality the blame is spread out between virtually all the players. He seems to be trying to balme everybody but his own unit. And that's my problem.

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Originally posted by wickedwitch

A great coach will get decent play out of poor players. Buges did not do that.

And of course Ramsey had problems, nobody is denying that. But from past interviews, Bugel seems to place the majority of the blame for the offense's problems on Ramsey, when in reality the blame is spread out between virtually all the players. He seems to be trying to balme everybody but his own unit. And that's my problem.


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Originally posted by wickedwitch

A great coach will get decent play out of poor players. Buges did not do that.

And of course Ramsey had problems, nobody is denying that. But from past interviews, Bugel seems to place the majority of the blame for the offense's problems on Ramsey, when in reality the blame is spread out between virtually all the players. He seems to be trying to balme everybody but his own unit. And that's my problem.

Your logic is flawed.

Does that make Gibbs a bad coach since he got poor production from the QB / WR posistion?

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Originally posted by KevinMac

You people are incredible. People are mad that Gibbs won't rip Brunell, yet they are also mad that Buges dares say that Ramsey makes boneheaded plays, a fact that a 6 year old can see, and Ramsey would be the first to admit.

That's right, Buges should "STFU" because he dared say something about the annointed Ramsey, Savior of the Redskins. HOW DARE HE! That CREEP! Who in the heck does he think he is?

Buges should of gone on TV and flatly said that Ramsey is the greatest, smartest, most effective QB he has ever seen.

Followed by Gibbs saying Brunell sucks.

Buges can complain about Ramsey all he wants but we all saw the line Buges is coaching let down the entire team all year long. They couldn't run block, couldn't pass block, and had some serious false start problems. When that's the case you shouldn't be calling out anyone other then yourself.

Maybe it's just me but I've always felt a good leader in terms of sports has give his guys credit for the good and take the blame for the bad. buges has been an @ss about Ramsey all year even while his unit was the teams greatest weakness. I don't like that.

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Originally posted by Larry

I remember hearing a lament, about 10 years ago, from some NFL personnel man, saying that coaches throughout football, at pro, college, and even High School, have been complaining that it's tough to get really good receivers, because, he says, all the kids who have the right kind of talent, want to play CB, instead.

That doesn't make sense. Don't WRs make more money on average than CBs, so why would they want to get paid less? Also, there is more glory for WRs catching TDs than for a CB deflecting a pass, and most players have big egos and want the glory. Also, one of the reasons most CBs are smaller than WRs is that the bigger, better players play WR as their (and the coaches) first choice and those left (smaller, that can't catch as well) are relegated to playing CB.

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Originally posted by terpskins

Man. I'm sick of hearing from Coach Bugel. Just coach, damnit.

One of the sillier comments I've seen lately.

Criticizing the man for perceived coaching failures is one thing ... criticizing him for answering questions on media spots he's contractually bound to answer is entirely another.

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Why so touchy on Ramsey?

We all know he is going to be a SOLID QB, not GREAT but SOLID...He has obvious flaws, holds the ball too long, stares down primary WR, doesnt see the field all that well...

I think Buges did a solid job w/the line this yr...The sacks this yr werent for lack of scheme like last yr...We didnt see people running in untouched and crushing Ramsey/Brunell like last yr...This yr most of the sacks given up were of the physical variety, not mental or scheme...A coach can only coach scheme and mental, thay cant control physical, that is up to the player, and on just about every sack it was b/c the player missed the block or was overpowered at the point of attack...

Buges/Gibbs did a good job of putting players were they were supposed to be they just couldnt physicaly execute the play...Not coaching...

Relax people, things will change now that the o-line have a full yr of playing in this physical style...The Wr/QB's are going to work on timing and also both are more familiar and comfortable in this O so it will look 2nd nature next yr, not forced...


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I have no problem with Buges criticizing Ramsey -- the guy often deserves it -- but I do think he needs to look in the mirror a lot, lot more. I repeat: we max protected all season long and we still couldn't keep our qbs upright. A lot of that goes on the players, but a lot of that has to go on Buges as well. Kim Helton didn't do that much worse -- and Spurrier didn't know what max protect meant. I mean, check the stats -- we gave up 38 sacks this year. Last year, we gave up 43.

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Wr aren't open? when you send out two wr into the secondary with 4db's they will be covered. They were however several times with 3,4 wr packages our guys weren't open. remember how Clark always worked backed to his QB and made the plays. Our wr need a lot of work.:2cents:

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Someone said Ramsey is supposed to throw to a spot or a place where a reciever is supposed to be and he has done this. Two Interceptions come to mind in regards to throwing to the spot. In the Giants game and Ramsey's relief appearance, one of the interceptions he WAS throwing to a spot and Coles slipped or argueably was held away from that spot. Another in the Dallas game, the same thing happened. Coles was supposed to cut in front of the defender and Ramsey hit the spot but Coles stumbled and the defender cut him off. So he does throw to the spot, but there is more than probably a little gun shyness about him pulling the trigger due to consequenses of the reciever not getting there. I can see why Ramsey might wait a second here or there. Hopefully everyone will eventually get on the same page.

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Originally posted by wildbill

Our receivers never seem open even when they catch the ball. All year (except for a few occasions) the ball had to be threaded into tight coverage in order to get the reception. Than you flip the channel and WR's are running wide open in all other games.

Hard to explain....harder to watch.

i'll cosign that.

i think its the routes/play calling. with spurrier people were always open, yet ramsey either couldn't find them or he was already on the ground. i was really hoping gibbs would have used more spurrier plays with buges "superior" blocking schemes to create a respectable passing game. i'm almost embarassed to see that the wr screen is still a keystone of our offense.

i'm starting to get annoyed with bugel...he makes some boneheaded comments. he needs to start spreading the blame onto the unit he is responsible for.

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Of course it would help if there were more than 4 route combinations. The passing game was in-part lame because it was so predictable. I obviously don't have access to coaches film, but even watching the TV feed every week you saw the same route combinations run over and over and over again. The design of the passing game, IMHO, is MORE to blame than the WR's or the QB. Every other NFL team gets guys like Brian Finneran, Ike Hilliard, Johnny Morton open. I refuse to believe that Coles, Gardner, and Jacobs are that much worse than those guys.

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I believe all players are open to criticism if they screw up. It just seems to me, and maybe it's an incorrect perception, that Bugel is quicker to make negative statements about Ramsey in the press than he was about Brunell. I don't recall any negative comments about Brunell when he was 'stinking up the joint'.

That's the only problem I have with negative comments. If you're going to call players out, then call ALL the players out who aren't performing. Don't just pick and choose.

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