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Snyder Talking Picks


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Being out of town, I can understand how you'd be out of the loop a bit, but remember that the Snyder meddling thing is over with Gibbs back.

What Gibbs says is "gospel." According to Lavar.

Snyder never talks to the media during the season and in the offseason, he barely speaks. It's usually through Swanson. THe Redskins PR guy.

Kind of like Bush's "budget guy."

Neverhteless, tell your boy that they are hiring Norv back and that they are going to be really, really awesome.

However, the true possibility is that is sh*t a*s team is going to move to LA because they can't draw a crowd even with Ricky Williams int he lineup.

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Originally posted by OWUeagleMD

Obviously this interview never took place, nonetheless, I'm sure most of you are willing to admit that nothing is out of the question when it comes to Little Dan.

Yeah, yeah, "he doesn't do interviews during the season," but this is certainly within the realm of possibility when you look at his track record.

Actually it isn't at all. Dan has never traded up in the draft ever, in the 1st round especially, since the 2000 draft when we had a stock pile of picks and Samuels filled a need.

This makes no sense, and is not within any realm of possiblity based on his track record

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Originally posted by OWUeagleMD

Obviously this interview never took place, nonetheless, I'm sure most of you are willing to admit that nothing is out of the question when it comes to Little Dan.

Yeah, yeah, "he doesn't do interviews during the season," but this is certainly within the realm of possibility when you look at his track record.


It's not.

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Wow, I'm impressed with the devotion you have to Little Danny boy, afterall, he has been immensely successful.

No, the Skins have never traded up. Then again, when your picking in the top ten every season and have top tier talent staring you in the face without trading up, it really isn't the most neccesary thing in the world.

In speaking about his track record, I was referring more to his penchant for making moves that seem more related to selling tickets and stirring excitment than to winning games.

There's nothing wrong with admitting Little Dan is a chump. A little animosity can be expected considering the lack of success since he was directing the ship.

And afterall... Gibbs is back, right? Doesn't that fix everything?

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Originally posted by OWUeagleMD

Wow, I'm impressed with the devotion you have to Little Danny boy, afterall, he has been immensely successful.

No, the Skins have never traded up. Then again, when your picking in the top ten every season and have top tier talent staring you in the face without trading up, it really isn't the most neccesary thing in the world.

In speaking about his track record, I was referring more to his penchant for making moves that seem more related to selling tickets and stirring excitment than to winning games.

There's nothing wrong with admitting Little Dan is a chump. A little animosity can be expected considering the lack of success since he was directing the ship.

And afterall... Gibbs is back, right? Doesn't that fix everything?

Once again your ignorance shows. The only top 10 pick of the Snyder era (besides the 2000 draft, which was just great manuevering) was last season and Sean Taylor was picked.

Who has been picked by Snyder to sell tickets and be for entertainment? Ramsey was selected after several trade downs, and Snyder was lauded for his moves in that draft.

Unless you know your facts, get out, because you will be torn up with the ignorance you spew

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Originally posted by OWUeagleMD

Wow, I'm impressed with the devotion you have to Little Danny boy, afterall, he has been immensely successful.

No, the Skins have never traded up. Then again, when your picking in the top ten every season and have top tier talent staring you in the face without trading up, it really isn't the most neccesary thing in the world.

In speaking about his track record, I was referring more to his penchant for making moves that seem more related to selling tickets and stirring excitment than to winning games.

There's nothing wrong with admitting Little Dan is a chump. A little animosity can be expected considering the lack of success since he was directing the ship.

And afterall... Gibbs is back, right? Doesn't that fix everything?

Pick your poison. Either take a good at this :

New Rules and Guidelines


We'd like to take a few minutes of your time and clear up a few lingering misunderstandings, myths, and notions.

First of all, this is a website created by Redskins fans, maintained by Redskins fans, and devoted, primarily, to Redskins football. While we enjoy having visitors... we didn't leave the door open because we are hoping to have someone drop in who will change our way of thinking.

We are quite happy - although some might argue "miserable" - being Redskins fans. We continue to believe that each Sunday marks a new beginning and that eventually we will return to our days of greatness. You, of course, can laugh at that notion, but if you do it here, it probably won't be taken too kindly.

We have a ton of knowledgable fans here who know quite a bit about Redskins football, particularly, and the NFL in general -- as well as a host of other topics. We do allow a lot of Redskins machismo here because that is part of the Redskins experience. More than likely you will also read critical, disparaging, mean-spirited, and callous statements about things related to your chosen football team.

Don't make the mistake of thinking this is a friendly environment. When you are here, your screen is burgundy and gold for a very deliberate reason. Nothing about this site should have suggested to you that we are remotely interested in being all things to all football fans.

We'll do our best to keep it as cordial as possible but bear in mind you are the unknown to us. You have obviously chosen to be a guest in our home so take the time to familiarize yourself with our guidelines and the environment of the boards.

You will usually be treated with the same respect you afford others. You might decide you don't like it here but we've worked hard to get it to this point and we like it an awful lot.

We, for the most part, allow light and good-natured "smack talk". However, if things become personal in nature it will be dealt with swiftly and decisively. Our bias lies with our members.

Enjoy your stay here -- just don't allow that to interfere with our ability to enjoy your stay here.


Have a very Blue Christmas.

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Warm welcoming huh guys?

As for the Blue Christmas cartoon, I found it extremely entertaining and have e-mailed it to many of my friends of teams from around the league, tahnks for giving me another opportunity to look at it.

As for your "message to other teams fans" I appreciate reiterating to me the boards guidlines. As a longstanding member of Eagles boards, Ravens boards, and Giants boards, I'm aware of what a frustrating thing trolls can be. Fortunataly though, I'm not a troll, and to clear up another accusation, I am not ignorant either.

Lets get back to football guys, thats why were here, right?

My point is simply that Little Dan has not proven to be exactly the most masterful GM in the bussiness, thus making a statement about drafting Leinert (which, as I said originally, obviously didn't happen) is not entirely unbelievable.

Coming from a man who, after inheriting a team that went a round deep into the playoffs, decided to fill the roster with Bruce Smith, Andre Reed, Irving Fryar, and Deion Sanders, how could anything be unbelievable?

How could someone who frivolously trades draft picks for washed up verterans like Mark Brunnell, be given such respect to call a statement such as this about Leinert "impossible"?

My point is simply that Little Dan's track record, whether you want to admit it or not, is one marred with mistakes, losses, and publicity stunts. While Gibbs very well may now run the show, I simply don't understand how anything could be deemed impossible when you look back and see what Little Dan has done to a once storied franchise.

Relax guys, it wasn't like I attacked the team very harshly. I know this is a Skins board, but don't you have any respect for a dissenting opinion? Kinda makes things more interesting, right?

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I love how these guys come in here and act like they saving us with their wisdom. As if we're so dumb that we don't know our own front office situation. Like we have to be reminded of it on every possible relevant thread that is posted here.

OWUeagleMD, let me let you in on a little secret. Your post is a 98% rehash of every other post that is made in reference to Dan Snyder by opposing teams' fans. You have offered no new information nor any enlightening viewpoint. Feel free to search our archives for any thread that mentions Dan Snyder to see how you've just rehashed, recycled, and regurgitated things that have already been covered by plenty of others before you.

Mebbe if you keep tryin' you can lurn us sumthin yet! Keep up the good fight!! :laugh:

Happy Holidays. :D

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You came in here, as a newbie, an opposing fan newbie, and start denigrating our owner with smart-ass monikers, you're getting exactly what you should expect to get. Has it occured to you that it was Dan Snyder himself, and ONLY Dan Snyder who convinced Gibbs to return? A 3 time Super Bowl-winning coach and Hall of Famer seems to think thats Snyders not such a bad guy. I think I'll have to go with Joe's take over yours, call me crazy.....

It has nothing to do with you deserving a warm welcome. Classy opposing fans DO get a warm welcome. Knock off the 'little Danny' crap and condescension, maybe you'll get a little warmer welcome.

And we'll be the ones to ultimately judge whether you're a troll or not :)

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Originally posted by OWUeagleMD

Warm welcoming huh guys?

Very warm indeed. Perhaps even toasty, considering that with your first post & the three following posts from you take a cheap shot at our owner.

Maybe you should have taken the time & introduced yourself first. This is our home. You are a guest. Extreme is more then a message board. It's a community. Oppossing teams opinions are welcome here. However, kept in mind the respect you get comes from the respect you earn.

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First, Merry Christmas to everyone here who is not offended by those words, and Happy Holidays to those who are.

Second, I did a few searches on Snyder interviews and found nothing at all since the offseason "Gibbs" announcements which he was part of.

Third, OWUeagleMD, I (and I believe most Skins fans) understand that Dan has made mistakes since he purchased the team. However, he has improved in recent years. He has shown much more restraint and given his coaches a lot more free reign of the players. You state that he only cares about making money, but that is not true at all. Sure, he is a businessman. He does care about selling tickets. But, most importantly, he is a true fan of the Redskins. He loves this team and is more concerned with making this a winning franchise again than he is with money (which should be extremely evident due to his open checkbook).

He has learned a lot. And, he has tried very hard to help this team. He even brought back Coach Gibbs. I'm much happier as a fan to know that the owner of my team wants to win and is willing to pay any dollar to achieve that, than as a fan of some of the franchises in this league that have owners that do nothing at all.

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Originally posted by OWUeagleMD

Warm welcoming huh guys?

As for the Blue Christmas cartoon, I found it extremely entertaining and have e-mailed it to many of my friends of teams from around the league, tahnks for giving me another opportunity to look at it.

As for your "message to other teams fans" I appreciate reiterating to me the boards guidlines. As a longstanding member of Eagles boards, Ravens boards, and Giants boards, I'm aware of what a frustrating thing trolls can be. Fortunataly though, I'm not a troll, and to clear up another accusation, I am not ignorant either.

Lets get back to football guys, thats why were here, right?

My point is simply that Little Dan has not proven to be exactly the most masterful GM in the bussiness, thus making a statement about drafting Leinert (which, as I said originally, obviously didn't happen) is not entirely unbelievable.

Coming from a man who, after inheriting a team that went a round deep into the playoffs, decided to fill the roster with Bruce Smith, Andre Reed, Irving Fryar, and Deion Sanders, how could anything be unbelievable?

How could someone who frivolously trades draft picks for washed up verterans like Mark Brunnell, be given such respect to call a statement such as this about Leinert "impossible"?

My point is simply that Little Dan's track record, whether you want to admit it or not, is one marred with mistakes, losses, and publicity stunts. While Gibbs very well may now run the show, I simply don't understand how anything could be deemed impossible when you look back and see what Little Dan has done to a once storied franchise.

Relax guys, it wasn't like I attacked the team very harshly. I know this is a Skins board, but don't you have any respect for a dissenting opinion? Kinda makes things more interesting, right?

Welcome. Feel better now? I'm feeling charitable since it's Christmas and all. :) So. Tell ya what. Some interesting accusations and conclusions there most, with a little research, could easily be proven wrong to some degree or another. So let's try this. You thrown your hat, such as it is, into the ring so how about we do things this way. You are going to find all the facts and stories to support your claims. I'll find the ones that dispute many of them. Pretty simple. And shouldn't be a problem since we are talking football here. Okay. I've got Christmas stuff to do, but your turn. Make good use of it.

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