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Snyder Talking Picks


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Hey, I've got a Dolphins fan at work, who loves to bash the skins and talk about how awful we are.....which I don't get considering the, ahem, Dolphins season. He told me today we should have signed Wannstedt instead of Gibbs... right, that'd be the day.....

Anyhow, he was telling me he saw Snyder on ESPN saying that we were going to be taking a long hard look at the QB from USC? Did anyone see this, or is he just hassling me. I searched over the board for it, didn't see any mention. Please tell me Snyder is not interfering....

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Yeah, that's what I was telling him. No way we'd have the pick to get him. He's absolutely convinced he saw it though... Maybe an old interview. I just wanted to make sure no one saw it.

He's just bitter b/c his team took this year off to smoke weed in Australia. I'd be sad if I was a Dolphins fan too.

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Originally posted by samtc

Hey, I've got a Dolphins fan at work, who loves to bash the skins and talk about how awful we are.....which I don't get considering the, ahem, Dolphins season. He told me today we should have signed Wannstedt instead of Gibbs... right, that'd be the day.....

Anyhow, he was telling me he saw Snyder on ESPN saying that we were going to be taking a long hard look at the QB from USC? Did anyone see this, or is he just hassling me. I searched over the board for it, didn't see any mention. Please tell me Snyder is not interfering....

You need to find a smarter friend.

Wanndstadt instead of Gibbs?

Thats got to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Hell, thats an INSULT to stupid people.

You need to raise your 'friendship bar'....its waaaaay too low.

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Originally posted by samtc

Hey, I've got a Dolphins fan at work, who loves to bash the skins and talk about how awful we are.....which I don't get considering the, ahem, Dolphins season. He told me today we should have signed Wannstedt instead of Gibbs... right, that'd be the day.....

Anyhow, he was telling me he saw Snyder on ESPN saying that we were going to be taking a long hard look at the QB from USC? Did anyone see this, or is he just hassling me. I searched over the board for it, didn't see any mention. Please tell me Snyder is not interfering....

So, how is it we were to sign Wannstedt instead of Gibbs when Wannstedt still had a job? Your friend's not very bright, apparently.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa, a co-worker, we're not talking about a close riend here. Any friend that told me we should have Wannstedt over Gibbs would've gotten a mouthful back. That's ridiculousness, which would not be tolerated outside a working environment...

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Originally posted by SouthernCali Skins

being gullible is a weakness...

(1) leinart is staying for 1 more year

(2) gibbs already named ramsey for next year's starter

dont be gullible

there is no such word as gullible.

Don't take my word for it.

Go ahead, look it up for yourself. Prove me wrong.

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Originally posted by Tarhog

You need to find a smarter friend.

Wanndstadt instead of Gibbs?

Thats got to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Hell, thats an INSULT to stupid people.

You need to raise your 'friendship bar'....its waaaaay too low.

Tell your friend that Nick Szaban has hired Spurrier to be his offensive line coach and you saw it on ESPN with George Edwards as the defensive coach.

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Obviously this interview never took place, nonetheless, I'm sure most of you are willing to admit that nothing is out of the question when it comes to Little Dan.

Yeah, yeah, "he doesn't do interviews during the season," but this is certainly within the realm of possibility when you look at his track record.

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