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This last loss was the worst so far for me...

Commander Adama

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I have to say that I was the most disappointed with our last lost to the Eagles. I did still have hopes that the team would turn it around and make it to the Playoffs, and I was so excited about the turnaround last week with the Giants. Now I just feel drained and I am starting to worry about the offseason. What Coach will or won't return. What's going to happen with our picks. If the Redskins will finally wise up and get someone to replace Cerato. I just hope Coach Gibbs stays, Jensen recovers, we resolve talks with Smoot, Smauels, and Gardner. Also, I am so tired of the media having a feeding frenzy on the Redskins. They are a great team who have stuck together even with their record.

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Displaced Redskins fan, you are wrong because for the first time since the offseason (of course) we are getting some respect around the league, although there is still no confidence nationwide at our offense. When people think of good defenses right now in the NFL, they think of the Pittsburghs, the Baltimores, the Phillys, and THE WASHINGTONS of the league. We are now in that echelon. Plus I have confidence in our drafts now, since Taylor and Cooley are both studs, and those 2 tackles are pretty sturdy. Keep the faith it's gonna happen!

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As far as I'm concerned, after watching the game Sunday night, the only reason we're not Super Bowl contenders is that we lost too many games early.

I remember Berman one year, announcing who the last wildcard team was, saying that so-and-so was "joining the ranks of teams who're glad that San Francisco didn't make the playoffs".

This year, that teams is us.

The only teams that aren't glad they aren't playing us, are the ones that didn't watch the game.

Now, it remains to be seen if we can maintain that intensity. But if we can, then the Glory Days have already started.

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You Know I really dont like Mcnabb But I respect the way he plays, he's a good quaterback, soughta like Emmit Smith, I hated Emmit, but loved the way he played the game. Now as for our team, man keep your head up, this team is starting to take shape of a Joe Gibbs team, the intensity, the attitude, the physical ruff plays. Just because JG is calm and in control at all time, he has a fire and a passion for physical football. I said this once in another thread but, I dont believe all of our offensive problems are in the system itself, and most old timers will agree, JG coached teams always played with the intensity level that our team played with Sunday night, that level of intensity is what made that man so damn good. Its coming dont worry, we just need a good relativily quiet off-season, gain the continuity that our team has lacked for years and watch out.

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Originally posted by Larry

As far as I'm concerned, after watching the game Sunday night, the only reason we're not Super Bowl contenders is that we lost too many games early.

I remember Berman one year, announcing who the last wildcard team was, saying that so-and-so was "joining the ranks of teams who're glad that San Francisco didn't make the playoffs".

This year, that teams is us.

The only teams that aren't glad they aren't playing us, are the ones that didn't watch the game.

Now, it remains to be seen if we can maintain that intensity. But if we can, then the Glory Days have already started.

yea losing games can really hurt you on the road to the super bowl

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Originally posted by Displaced Redskin Fan

I have to say that I was the most disappointed with our last lost to the Eagles. I did still have hopes that the team would turn it around and make it to the Playoffs, and I was so excited about the turnaround last week with the Giants. Now I just feel drained and I am starting to worry about the offseason. What Coach will or won't return. What's going to happen with our picks. If the Redskins will finally wise up and get someone to replace Cerato. I just hope Coach Gibbs stays, Jensen recovers, we resolve talks with Smoot, Smauels, and Gardner. Also, I am so tired of the media having a feeding frenzy on the Redskins. They are a great team who have stuck together even with their record.

We are rebuilding this team brick by brick to make a solid foundation. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day.

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Just because JG is calm and in control at all time, [\QUOTE]

This is exacly why his teams play with such intensity. They have a leader who they know will give them every opportunity to be successful, and when the chips are down, will be a pillar of stability and consistency. This makes guys fight their guts out for him. He gives his players the highest respect, demands discipline and quality, and gets respect as a result. They want to win for him. He is their leader. And, despite the outward calmness, noone can challenge Coach's fire and intensity. It is easily seen in his work ethic.

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There are too many arguments that the philly game was our best game to date to get down about it.

Ramsey completed several third down passes to various recievers and showed excellent pocket presence. The reciever's hands were glue, including gardner's. Cooley is making a name for himself on national TV.

Our defense played astounding football against one of the leagues best offenses.

It really wasn't a bad day.

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I definitely think Joe has turned this team around. I just think the record doesn't reflect how good they really are! They had Philly until that one play! *cries* I can't imagine how good the team would be with Jensen back, more drafted O Linemen, and some D Linemen Studs! Woah! I went to a lot of games this season and was even supposed to go to the Giants game, and only didn't because it seemed we lost every game I went to. I thought I might be jinxing the team! Now before you start thinking "this guy is off his rocker", I didn't totally believe that, but it started to feel like that.

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The Redskins will NOT be the team to make the biggest splash in FA this off-season.

I'd bet $$ on it, even though the mediots will be lurking in the shadows waiting for us to sign someone, ANYONE, to a HUGE contact and signing bonus.

I don't see it happening this year.

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