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We need a center

E-Dog Night

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Not usually a position you think too much about, but it seems pretty clear that Raymer's best days are behind him, and if Freidman can't beat him out, then somebody new needs to be in there. If anyone has a list of FA centers for next year please post 'em. As far as the draft goes:

1. Ben Wilkerson, LSU


2. Vince Carter, Oklahoma


3. Dylan Gandy, Texas Tech


4. Scott Mruczkowski, Bowling Green


5. Drew Hodgdon, Arizona State


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He just looked like his head was not in the game. It really pisses me off. Every lineman played hard, even Samuels. Then you have this friggin center playing like he just came off the practice squad. Note to Raymer: we DO want to win the last 4 games. Get your damn head in the game already!

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I cannot believe that Friedman can play any worse than Raymer is. Wasn't Friedman benched because of a couple of bad snaps? The only 2 bad offensive plays yesterday (The calling back of a touchdown due to holding, and the only sack allowed), were totally Raymer's fault. Surely Friedman can do better.

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Raymer, certainly, has been the weakest player on the line at this point. He consistently gives up quick, early pressure almost every time we TRY to develop a deep passing route. I think this is a spot we really need to improve in the offseason, but, I suspect we may look toward a free agent player instead.

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I don't think it's Raymer's head thats the problem, I believe the injuries to his knees and ankle (achilles) have caught up to him. He can no longer hold up at the point of attack because he lacks the strength in his lower body.

On Ramsey's sack he was out of position and the DT just threw him to the side like a ragdoll and then sat on Ramsey.

On the holding penalty he was again out of position, due to his poor base, and grabbed the guys collar and jerked him.

I fully expect him to be released this offseason.

As for the whole O-line... I couldn't believe how they were finishing blocks. They were sealing the pursuit off and really opening up seams for Portis.

I thought Samuels played like a man possessed..... completely manhandling his assignment and blocking anyone in sight until the whistle blew.

Watch the tape of Dockery, I don't think I've seen a guard that spends as much time on the ground as he does. He must have the worst balance in the world. I'm hoping in the offseason that the coaching staff asks him to loose 20 or 30 pounds. He seems weigh to heavy to use his feet effectively.

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Does a drafted center come in and immediately contribute???

Or is it a better position to fill in free agency???

Who's got the answer???????

That's what I want to know. I think FA would be better, but the question is, who's the best FA center available?

Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?

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Originally posted by IbleedBurgundy&Gold

Does a drafted center come in and immediately contribute???

Or is it a better position to fill in free agency???

Who's got the answer???????

That's what I want to know. I think FA would be better, but the question is, who's the best FA center available?

Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?

Exactly, who is out there? Come on smart guys!

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Quality FA centers can come cheaply. Stud centers don't come around too often and this draft doesn't have one. I think as of now we need to get a replacement for Raymer through FA and trade down in the first round of the draft to pick the Elton Brown the guard from UVA. We could also use our 3rd rounder on a center.

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Originally posted by fdarugar

Quality FA centers can come cheaply. Stud centers don't come around too often and this draft doesn't have one. I think as of now we need to get a replacement for Raymer through FA and trade down in the first round of the draft to pick the Elton Brown the guard from UVA. We could also use our 3rd rounder on a center.

Please don't go on that, "we need to draft the entire UVA team" kick again.

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Originally posted by jrfriedm

Please don't go on that, "we need to draft the entire UVA team" kick again.

and since when is elton brown the entire UVA team? i'm not a UVA fan but from what I've seen this kid and he is a manchild. you need to get off whatever high horse you are on, I'm a knowledgable fan and would not base my opinions on homer bias.

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There has not been a "drafted the entire UVA kick"on the board.

The draftable players from uva who would fill weaknesses on the skins has been mentioned as possibilities to consider, just like Wilkerson, Kiwanawhatever from BC, players from USC, Auburn, Michigan, and many others have been mentioned.

It just so happens UVa has what is likely the best G AND the best TE available in the draft. And a DE who was touted as a top DE before getting injured.

UVA has 4 draftable players that might go early in the draft and help a team. Lundy is the 4th (I think he's the sr with Pearman being a jr.)

I'm wondering if maybe some of VT's OL or DL might be worthy of looking at as well.

Vt's DL might not be highly touted, but they all have that 150% effort and desire. Might be a Salavea or Noble in that group to be had later in the draft.

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