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Is what Philly did Classless?


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Originally posted by Henry

Tenacious, I've been watching football seriously for about 20 years longer than you, and I could probably count on one hand the number of times I've seen a team up by 30 points with less than 90 seconds to go pass the ball, for any reason. I don't care what kind of offense you run, it's an unusual thing to do. Reid has never struck me as a particularly classless guy, but 99% of NFL coaches would not do that.

First off, for the benifit of those that didn't watch the game, the pass that was throw on 3rd and long that everyone is talking about, was thrown about as long as needed to convert the 3rd down. If it was 3rd and long, and Reid wanted to keep the Packers offense off the field, that had just scored a td previous to this possession, off the field. Why wouldn't you throw, to try and convert a long 3rd down? I've watched the eagles play under Andy Reid long enough to know, once we convert the 3rd down, we go right back to running. Its funny, the eagles ran alot more then they usually do, and specifically more then they usually did in this game, in the 4th quarter, and everyone singles this out. I think people just look for things to complain about.

Judging classiness, we would try and gauge it by guessing at Reids intention on the play, correct? You've heard my guess at it.

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Originally posted by KINGBRICE_28

I don't care if they are up by 85........If nobody is open short and owens is open DEEP then what is McNabb supposed to do?


No lead is safe in this league especially if the backups are "supposed" to be in ..

im not blaming the players, they were doing exactly what theyre paid to do. This is all on Andy Reid risking his starting players. And id say a 35 point lead is pretty safe seeing how no one has ever come back from that large a defecit and the packers sucked today.

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Originally posted by TenaciousB15

Judging classiness, we would try and gauge it by guessing at Reids intention on the play, correct? You've heard my guess at it.

And you're entitled to your guess. I personally feel Reid wanted to throw deep. He went for passes on a few other second down situations as well.

However, I do respect and understand your view.

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Originally posted by celj1234

half of you didnt even watch the game

if the skins would have done that you would be loving it

heck when is the last time the skins had the chance to put 47 on the board

Thats because we're skins fans.....get it ? We don't really care.

Have a nice day :)

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Originally posted by favreisgod

im not blaming the players, they were doing exactly what theyre paid to do. This is all on Andy Reid risking his starting players. And id say a 35 point lead is pretty safe seeing how no one has ever come back from that large a defecit and the packers sucked today.

Last year, the Colts were down by 21 with 4 minutes to play in the MNF game to Tampa Bay and came back to win...I think Reid kept the guys in as long as Favre was in the game, that's called respecting Brett Favre. With Favre's ability to single-handedly turn a game around, leaving the starting O has "some" logic to it...However, I do think he should have taken the starting O out sooner.

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Originally posted by KDawg

And you're entitled to your guess. I personally feel Reid wanted to throw deep. He went for passes on a few other second down situations as well.

However, I do respect and understand your view.

Oh, if your talking about earlier in the 3rd quarter, then your right. They did take shots deep. I have no problems with that though. People are making it sound like the eagles were taking shots downfield with two minutes left on the clock.

I like that vince lombardi quote somebody posted earlier. I'll repeat loosely.

"Why should our team quit if the other team isn't"

The pack offense and defense, certainly wasn't giving up.

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Originally posted by celj1234

0000 maybe the 6 pages of crying

You seem to have mistaken your keyboard keys. The "O" which is what you were trying to use is under and to the left of the zero key. Nice try though. No wonder everyone thinks Philly fans are dumb, a small number of you lower the average Eagle's fan IQ tenfold.

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Originally posted by celj1234

Seems like a lot of skins fans seem to care but were would i get that idea from..........

0000 maybe the 6 pages of crying

There are several intelligent Philly fans in this thread....you're just not one of them. You're just another 'shut up' or similiar comment away from drifting into oblivion like so many trolls who've come before you.

Go ahead. Make my day. ;)

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I'm not going to get into the name calling, not that I'm too mature for it, but b/cuz I'm tired. However, there was an interesting quote from Cooley in the Pre-game show on WJFK. They asked him when he really knew he was in the NFL, and could tell there was a real difference in playing in opposing teams stadiums. He said he noticed the difference when he went to Philly, and that not only were old ladies cursing at him and flicking him off, but kids at the age of 5 as well. :laugh:

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Hey Eagles fans, I've got some advice for you. If you don't like our biased homerism, go away. This is a Redskins board after all.

At least play nice if you want to share our great board for very long. Because, well, no one wants you here. (again, this is not directed to the few level-headed iggle fans we've got here ;))

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I think this thread has gone far enough........this thread was created to say the eagles shouldn't of run up the score. This is the nfl and tiebreakers are done off points scored so there is NO arguement here worth debating. This isn't preseason and if the skins did it YES we would all be happy. No skin here would call GIBSS classless if he scored 40+ and kept in the starters......sure portis and coles would come out but not the whole team.

The eagles fans are doing nothing more than what some of you would do on thier forum if the situation is flipped. As members of this board you should all be able to identify IGNORANT kids who just want to post b.s. to make you mad. This is why we have an ignore button.

Both sides are wrong and need to quit acting like kids......

This thread was made to start ish and it needs to be closed.

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Don't pretend like you know my intentions, Kingbrice. You do not. Please don't sit up there like you're better than everyone else or you know how others feel about a situation.

I would NOT be happy if Gibbs ran up the score. At all. And he wouldn't. Period. This is a discussion forum where people are allowed to discuss matters. I think for the most part this has been a civil discussion (save a few inflammatory remarks). You have no right to tell me what I can or cannot post as long as it's within the rules and guidelines we all agreed to upon signup. And this thread is within those rules.

Forgive me for talking about a division rival at a Redskins board.

I'm done with this thread. If anyone wishes to communicate with me further, take it to PMs.

EDIT: As for your claim both sides are wrong, that is also incorrect. Neither side is in fact "wrong" unless they take cheap shots. The Eagles fans are more than welcome to defend their team, and they should. And 'Skins fans are more than welcome to pick a side and defend it.

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I was hoping Davenport would spike Mikell's head after he scored that TD, then the 4th stringer pointed to the score board. What a classless POS.

Just another reason to hate Philly.

level-headed iggle fans
:laugh: :doh:

And Philly IS NOT a trashy city, just some parts near Broad and Patterson, Next to the Wachovia Center and no I'm not talking about Citizens Park. That's Jim's(Thome) house.:cheers:

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First of all this is the pros and players get paid millions of $ to defend. So I don't fault Reid. But I do think we match up well against the Eaglets. Hopefully ST will knock somebody's head off. And CP will run right the f*#@# over Trotter.

P.S. It was nice to see the recievers catch the damn ball.:eaglesuck

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As much as I may dislike Philly, their fans, their coaches, & their players, I don't think it's classless to run up the score for anybody. I mean, this is the NFL & scoring is the name of the game. Aside from that, tie-breakers are determined by many things, including points for & points against. I think the only thing that is NOT smart about it is keeping the starters in. If you have that much of a lead on someone, there is no reason to keep your starters in, other than their stats. But, you risk an injury that could potentially hurt you in upcoming games. Other than that, I see nothing wrong with it. Afterall, the Redskins have run up the score on a lot of teams over the years. The Rams (51 points) in 82, the Giants (72 points) in 66 just to name 2 offhand. So, I don't think it's classless. Let's not forget that our OWN Fight Song ENCOURAGES IT!

"Beat 'em, Swamp 'em Touchdown!

Let the points soar!"


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Originally posted by halter91

I was hoping Davenport spike Mikell head after he scored yhat TD, they the 4th stringer pointed to the score board. What a classless POS.

Just another reason to hate Philly.

Wow. I hope your drunk. Lets put this in to context. After narrowing the gap to only losing by THIRTY POINTs in the 4th quarter, a packer spikes the ball on the eagles logo, so Quintin Mikell tells him to look at the scoreboard. And Mikell is the one at fault. This is just another example of the logic that has gone on in this topic. (BTW I'll take this time to correct the person who claimed the eagles fans were booing the packers scoring that td) They came out, after he spiked the ball on the logo. Same old little things like this that get said, becuase people aren't paying attention. And they all seem to snowball over the years.

Its funny, players have done stupid things like this a few times to the eagles this year. Luckily at the end of the day, players and fans can always pull a Mikell on them.

I hope you'll be this forgiving the next time someone decides to spike the ball on the redskins logo.

Personally, I don't care, I'm not one of those "OMG you have to show respect for my team or I will freak out" people. So long as my team is winning, the joke is on you, you know?

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