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Is what Philly did Classless?


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That strategy makes a lot more sense when you're up by one score and you're trying to hold onto a lead. Up by 30 ... seems a little odd, but ok.

Again, I do understand and I did want the starters out sooner in that game, but I don't think the playcalling in the fourth quarter was agressive at all.

In the 3rd, as I explained before, they were going to keep firing as long as Favre was in there, but in the 4th the only thing they were guilty of was attempting a couple passes to the fullback (who is an awful WR, BTW :) ) to get a couple first downs.

I mean, to each his own (taking a kne and punting or trying to run out the clock yourself), but I do get a little tired of these game situations and the Eagles have had a lot of them this year because of the way they've put some opponents away early.

You get kinda caught where a team puts 9 men in the box because they know you have to run it every down and if you try to avoid just running into a wall 3 times and punting, you get crap from the other team for "stcking it to them".

It's just a crap situation with no real solution- everyone wants the same thing...the end of the game.

This is just a hypothetical, but what if the Birds would have taken a knee for three downs and punted every time they had the ball in the 4th quarter? How much you wanna bet the Pack would have thought that ws "showing them up", too.

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About the starters. I remember in the steelers game, I didn't want them to take there starters out either. Why? So there backups could come in and do the same thing? If they are going to score points, it would be a little better if there doing it with their best players atleast.

Speaking from the position of the losing team, yes it was nice of them to take a knee at the end of the game, but they don't have to. They are not obliged make me feel warm and fuzzy. Their job is to win a football game. As long as your not taking cheap shots (which coincidentally the packers were, and people are defending it, as if they had a right to because of the situation) then everything is fine.

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Originally posted by f_dallas

It's just a crap situation with no real solution- everyone wants the same thing...the end of the game.

Very true, but it's much better to be in that situation rather than in the position of being as embarrassed as the losing team.

Allowing Detmer to throw a pass or two to a stone-hands fullback on third down hardly qualifies as running up the score, I'd agree.

Henry has a legitimate point - kneeling would have been fine as well.

Like you said, it's almost a no-win on this one point. I thought the call was OK to get a first down. No need to let the Packers have a chance at one more cheap score with their starting WR's against the 3rd string DB's.

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Executive Summary For Those Too Busy/Lazy To Read This Whole Thread:

Redskins fans: The Eagles are a classless organization, from the players to the fans. What they did Sunday was typical of an overrated team that will again lose the NFC title game. Also, Andy Reid is a fat slob.

Eagles Fans: It's football, you whining sissies. Redskins fans are jealous because they don't have a team anywhere near the caliber of the Eagles. Face it, you're a distant second (with NY and Dallas) in the NFC East. It's Philly's year. Good luck trying to relive the glory with that fossil Gibbs.

Verdict: To be decided on FedEx field Sunday.

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I only saw bits and pieces of the game, but I'll chime in anyway. First, I don't think Reid was classlessly piling on. I also don't think he was scoring extra points in case of a tiebreaker since they are way the hell ahead of the rest of the nfc anyways.

I think F Dallas' explanation makes the most sense. Reid wanted to demoralize Green Bay knowing that they will probably play them again in the playoffs. Confidence is important, and Green Bay can't have much about playing Philly again after that arse whoopin. I also agree with Fdallas that it could have turned out to be a stupid move if Westbrook or McNabb got hurt in the process, but I guess Reid thought it was worth the risk.

One thing I remember is people used to say Gibbs was piling on when the Skins were just crushing everybody in '91. Of course, that is not at all Gibbs' style, but there were games, like the Atlant game, where the opponent just couldn't stop anything we did. We would run more than Reid did yesterday, but Reid just won't pound the ball for some reason. Maybe he just wants to keep Westbrook and Levens as fresh as possible.

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Originally posted by Lil Lane

Executive Summary For Those Too Busy/Lazy To Read This Whole Thread:

Redskins fans: The Eagles are a classless organization, from the players to the fans. What they did Sunday was typical of an overrated team that will again lose the NFC title game. Also, Andy Reid is a fat slob.

Eagles Fans: It's football, you whining sissies. Redskins fans are jealous because they don't have a team anywhere near the caliber of the Eagles. Face it, you're a distant second (with NY and Dallas) in the NFC East. It's Philly's year. Good luck trying to relive the glory with that fossil Gibbs.

Verdict: To be decided on FedEx field Sunday.

That about sums it up.
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Eagles should have run the score up. You are now in the stretch for the playoffs, they are well ahead of the pack, but all teams need to be firing on all cylinders when the playoffs begin. You know they'll have a week one bye so these guys need to get all the reps they can in against good teams. Let's face it; our division has not challenged them all year. If they call the dogs off, they are only doing their team a disservice.

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I didn't tune in to the Eagle game at all. I don't picture Andy Reid as the type to run up the score though...and I'd really be afraid of someone getting hurt. Would be foolish to leave them in when the game is out of hand...but since I didn't see the game I can't really comment.

...but I can say I hope the Colts get their @$$ whipped in their first playoff game. Tired of watching them consistently run up the score so Peyton can break the TD record.

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I don't know how you can accuse the Eagles of trying to "run up the score", when they score 5 TDs in the 1st half, and ZERO in the 2nd half. In fact, the Packers actually outscored the Eagles in the 2nd half, 17 to 12.

If you actually WATCHED the game, the ONE thing that the Packers were successful in doing was stopping the run. So, they kept pitching in the hope to get First Downs. They were having a heck of a time trying to just run out the clock.

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I still find it funny tht people bring up the tie breaker and how points decide that. It doesnt look like Philly is gonna need to rely on the tiebreaker for anything. Also, i agree that philly did back off the offense a bit in the second half, but its still puzzling why Reid left the starters in for so long. If he was truely waiting to see if Favre would come back in the game(which it was pretty obvious he wouldnt be) did he really think Bret would bring them back from down 35 in the fourth. Says alot about his confidence in their D

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Everything about Philly is classless...what do you expect?

They're still upset that at the fact that finishing 2nd in the NFC each year doesn't mean sh!t...they couldn't run it up on anyone else, so they take it out on the Packers.

Don't even try that sh!t next week, Reid!!

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Originally posted by favreisgod

I still find it funny tht people bring up the tie breaker and how points decide that. It doesnt look like Philly is gonna need to rely on the tiebreaker for anything. Also, i agree that philly did back off the offense a bit in the second half, but its still puzzling why Reid left the starters in for so long. If he was truely waiting to see if Favre would come back in the game(which it was pretty obvious he wouldnt be) did he really think Bret would bring them back from down 35 in the fourth. Says alot about his confidence in their D

Personally, I would have liked him to have taken McNabb, Westbrook and Owens out at the start of the 4th, simply to prevent any possible injuries. However, 15 minutes of football is still a long time. Favre has been known to stage remarkable comebacks, and AR knows it as well as you do.

If we had a 3rd string running back that could have pounded a few first downs and run out the clock, I'm sure AR would have put him in, as he's done before. But the Eagles are missing Buckhalter AND Reno Mahe, so that didn't leave much. I think FB/HB Thomas Tapeh might have been able to take handoffs from Detmer or Blake and maybe even moved the chains, but Grady Jackson was a very wide wall, and the only way to get past him was to toss over him.

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- McNabb played ONE series in the 4th quarter. In that series, they rushed 4 times for 52 yards. They had 2 pass attempts for 7 yards.

- the announcers started talking about pulling the starters before the 3rd quarter was even half way over! That is rediculous. First of all, if you pull all your starters, who plays? Who plays special teams? You have to keep your starters in or your backups would get WAY too tired.

- Maybe the Eagles kept passing because:

- They had their #4 guard at left guard, and their #2 center at right guard.

- The Packers defense has Grady Jackson and Cletidus Hunt at DT. They are stout against the run.

- The Packers secondary could not stop ANY type of pass from the Eagles.

- The Eagles weakness in terms of depth is at running back. This is the one position where they don't want injurys.

HATERS hate philly because the Eagles are winning. They will reach for anything to make the Eagles look classless.

You want to talk about class, what about all the trash-talking and baiting from the Packers? Or how about the blows to the face by Al Harris? Oh wait, they don't play for the Eagles so they can't be classless.

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Personally, I'd agree that Reid should have pulled McNabb sooner, he was taking a pounding, in that respect I would have also taken Westbrook and Owens out prior to the Birds last poss. in the third... BUT think of it this way, IMO Reid did pretty much play 2nd/3rd stringers through most of the 4th. and they scored a few field goals. I am and have been a birds fan for years, I can only assume that most people on this site aren't too familiar with how the WCO is run. The whole premise for the Offense is multiple routes run at different levels all routes are designed to find a spot i the D. When the short route is covered then the nest read goes inter-mediate then deep, so it all depends on the coverage, where the QB throws the ball. So I don't see why people keep saying things like "Why did Reid keep going deep when they were up by 35" First of all he didn't, McNabb/Detmer were throwing the ball. Almost every play in the WCO has at least one or two deep routes, the blame lies on the Packers D, a lot of those deep passes were blown coverages and or run after the catch yardage...

Now let me ask you all as Redskins fans, IF it were the Skins that put up 48 on the G-men yesterday (good game by the way I only saw bits and pieces) how would you react to that??? Seriously how would you react? I know personally I loved seeing the Offense finally click off the bat, the last couple of weeks the Eagles Offense has taken a while to get moving...

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I hate defending Philadelphia. But here I go, anyway:

If I were Philly's coach, I wouldn't want McNabb in there where he could get hurt. Other then that, however, I have no problem with it.

This is PROFESSIONAL football. These people are out there earning millions of dollars...if they are so upset about getting the crap kicked out of them, then they can go cry in their rooms at the Hilton while they drink $1,000 a bottle champagne and try not to spill it on their Rolexs.

This was a statement game. This was supposed to be the Game of the Week - in the NFC, anyway. Green Bay was the rest of the conference's "last hope" (I don't know why everyone is writing off Atlanta). If I were Philadelphia, I'd want to win by as many points as possible to send the message that I am the king of this mountain.

Also, when you score that many points you are (trying to) get inside the head of your next opponent (in this case, us). Now, since we also won in a blow-out, our players are going to be optimistic about our chances, anyway. But what if they had just snuck by the Giants, or *GASP* lost to them, and then they look up and see that Philly score? They've got to be thinking, "Oh God, they're coming for us now."

Besides, we had OUR starting QB playing when we were up 31-7 with 8 minutes to go, did we not?

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Originally posted by GrimReefa

I hate defending Philadelphia. But here I go, anyway:

This was a statement game. This was supposed to be the Game of the Week - in the NFC, anyway. Green Bay was the rest of the conference's "last hope" (I don't know why everyone is writing off Atlanta). If I were Philadelphia, I'd want to win by as many points as possible to send the message that I am the king of this mountain.

I've started to write off atlanta, even before week 13. Mainly becuase their margin of victory is redicoulously close. Something like 17 points difference in all of their games. Now, alot of that has to do with being destroyed by Kansas City in one game, but it still shouldn't be that close.

If Atlanta were a serious threat, they would be beaten the teams they have played, with room to spare. They just beat them.

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As far as Atlanta goes, let's just say 27-0 and leave it at that.

As far as our performance against the Giants, well, it's already been pointed out that we knelt down with over two minutes to go and even punted the ball back to the Giants for a few insignificant passes. And we were only ahead by 24.

But hey, if the Packers don't care I don't really either. As far as I know, they haven't said anything about the Eagles rubbing it in.

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Quick question to those who think Philly was classless...

The Patriots were up 35-7 in the 3rd quarter. Corey Dillon got injured in the 2nd quarter and had tallied up 98 yards at that point. Cedric Cobbs and Kevin Faulk filled in for Dillon until, with 7:15 to go in the 3rd, Dillon was put back in for one play. He rushed for 2 yards, thus giving him 100. Then he was taken out.

Was that a classless move by Bill Belichick and the Patriots?

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Besides, we had OUR starting QB playing when we were up 31-7 with 8 minutes to go, did we not?

Excellent post! Reid has been bashed the last few years for sitting on a lopsided victory only to allow the opposition back into the game. The attitude this year is to bury your opponent and never change the momentum and speed by which their offense is playing. It's hard to stay at that level when you're blowing the doors off your opponents. Reid does not want the team that played the Steelers. He want's this team to play at a high level regardless of the score. It's unfortunate that the birds have been kicking ass in the majority of their games this season. It's overdrive, a gear every NFL offense wishes to achieve. No need to back off it. Indy, KC and St.Louis have been doing this over the last few years.

Put down the haterade!

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