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Opponents Agree: Brunell is the problem

Ghost of

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After each game this season, I've gone into the opponent's locker room and asked a veteran defensive player with credentials to tell me about Brunell. And each week I've been told that Brunell is most of the problem, that their defensive game plan is to gang up on Portis until Brunell completes some passes downfield, that defensive coordinators are convinced Brunell can't do that any more with any consistency.

So, yesterday I asked Packers safety Darren Sharper the same questions. Sharper, who lives here in the offseason, isn't some trash-talking irritant; he's one of the NFL's smartest and most insightful defensive players who is sorely missed right now in the Packers' secondary because of an injury. Asked what the defensive game plan was against Brunell, Sharper said: "Knock him down. He doesn't want to get hit. The plan -- and you can see other teams doing the same thing on film -- is to not let him set his feet. Make him roll out. Hit him enough, and sooner or later it'll mess up his accuracy. He's not the same quarterback he used to be. Look, I played against him in Jacksonville, and he was a very, very accurate passer. But in the pocket now, his passes sail. He has to roll out now; maybe he sees his receivers better. I don't know if he's as comfortable in this offense or what. But he's not the same quarterback.".

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That was the key paragraph I also noticed.

It was incredible in 2002 how different the offense looked when the strong armed Ramsey came in.

I am with you Ghost on this one in that Ramsey in will make a world of difference. Even if he gets pounded to the ground.

Which is the reason why I think Ramsey isn't in. Pass protection

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Yeah, bubba, your comments(and Jb's) add nothing.

All you guys do these days is throw in one-liners in an attempt to evade the truth. You're adding nothing to your discussions anymore.

Darren Sharper has been an All-Pro for years. He does not have a friendship obligation or bond to Brunell and he's not an a-hole. You're right, the words of the opponent mean nothing.

What's sad is they're not even trying to hide behind anonymity.

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the fact Brunell is ranked dead last as a starting qb in the NFC tells you all you need to know.

this guy's numbers are prehistoric based on current trends in the NFL in terms of completion percentage and yards per completion.

and all that is due to the failures of Clinton Portis and the Redskins offensive line? :laugh:

come on, don't pee down my back and tell me it is raining :D

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

Yeah, bubba, your comments(and Jb's) add nothing.

All you guys do these days is throw in one-liners in an attempt to evade the truth. You're adding nothing to your discussions anymore.

Darren Sharper has been an All-Pro for years. He does not have a friendship obligation or bond to Brunell and he's not an a-hole. You're right, the words of the opponent mean nothing.

What's sad is they're not even trying to hide behind anonymity.

Ghost can you read anything. We didn't say Brunell isn't the problem all we are pointing out this title to your thread is midleading since you mention opponents, yet you only use a quote from one person.

Let me ask you another question what QB in the NFL doesn't do well when pressured and hit a lot??? I will give you the answer, all of them :doh:

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Originally posted by bulldog

and all that is due to the failures of Clinton Portis and the Redskins offensive line? :laugh:

Don't you realize it's obviously the fumbling of Clinton Portis and all the dropped balls of our receivers (never mind the ugly overthrows)... once they stop that then we will start winning... :rolleyes:

Looks like that wasn't the case. Brunell singlehandedly threw that game away much more so than Ramsey "threw the Giants game away" despite Ramsey coming in down 13 and not being the starter for the game.

Brunell had tons of time in the pocket most of the plays today (not all of course). When he is slightly rushed, he badly overthrows a wide open Chris Cooley for fear of getting hit.

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

Yeah, bubba, your comments(and Jb's) add nothing.

All you guys do these days is throw in one-liners in an attempt to evade the truth. You're adding nothing to your discussions anymore.

Darren Sharper has been an All-Pro for years. He does not have a friendship obligation or bond to Brunell and he's not an a-hole. You're right, the words of the opponent mean nothing.

What's sad is they're not even trying to hide behind anonymity.

the problem is ghost, is you gio way out of your way to find anything to bash Brunell with, but refuse to accept anything positive in his favor/ or positive about him. Your posts are neither objective, or informative... just the typical bash bash bash variety.

I have yet to read a single post by any Brunell basher give a detail explanation of how everything is Brunell's fault. No detail of the play, and what he did wrong, or how he caused the others to fail. It is just easy to point a finger and say it is all Brunell, or Brunell got a weak arm... yadda yadda yadda... but no real substance.

you have an obsession that is boarding on the extreme. (no pun inteneded).

as they say "opinions are like ass-holes"

"everyone has one, and most of them stink." :bow:

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Originally posted by bubba9497

the problem is ghost, is you gio way out of your way to find anything to bash Brunell with, but refuse to accept anything positive in his favor/ or positive about him. Your posts are neither objective, or informative... just the typical bash bash bash variety.

Bubba to defend ghost he did go to Michigan :D

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Originally posted by bulldog

come on, don't pee down my back and tell me it is raining :D

Dont give me no brocolli and tell me its greens. dont give me no noise and tell me its music:laugh:

But in all seriousness, Ghost of Nibbs Mcpimpin and the rest of the league are correct. If you beat Brunell, you beat this offense and that is not an overwhelmingly difficult task. It doesnt take a genius to figure out that opponents' gameplans are to stack 8 or 9 men in the box and dare Brunell to do something about it. Its simple. Kinda like last year when the plan was to blitz the Sh*t out of Ramsey. If you're a D coordinator and its Redskins week, then you look forward to the extra hours of tee time:doh:

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Originally posted by bubba9497

the problem is ghost, is you gio way out of your way to find anything to bash Brunell with, but refuse to accept anything positive in his favor/ or positive about him. Your posts are neither objective, or informative... just the typical bash bash bash variety.

I have yet to read a single post by any Brunell basher give a detail explanation of how everything is Brunell's fault. No detail of the play, and what he did wrong, or how he caused the others to fail. It is just easy to point a finger and say it is all Brunell, or Brunell got a weak arm... yadda yadda yadda... but no real substance.

you have an obsession that is boarding on the extreme. (no pun inteneded).

as they say "opinions are like ass-holes"

"everyone has one, and most of them stink." :bow:

What details or information do you give?

And you're lying, I mean FLAT OUT LYING. I did a rather in-depth statistical analysis that included(earlier in the season) Tampa Bay and Washington offensive and defensive statistics AND the numbers comparison between Brad Johnson and Mark Brunell and compared Tampa's benching of Brad to our non-benching of BRunell. I was slammed pretty hard, though someone else posted something similar that got good responses. I just didn't have my people backing me like Jb has your back in your non-stop apologia.

Don't lie about my posts. Some of them are "extreme" and of the "bash" variety, but the facts are out there beyond all level of rational countering. The visual evidence is in, now all-pro defensive players are chiming in.

Look, bubba, the quote from Sharper IS backing. Or we can bring in your whining about 10 penalties, that'll really address the QB situation.

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I have said it a million times Ramsey is a much better Passer at this point but the COACH's playbook is predictable and MOST important runs a boot leg on 75% of passing plays. RAMSEY CAN NOT THROW ON THE RUN. At this point we have to let the kid get in and get back in the groove of things though. What Sharper said is true though you can not see at home, but at the games the defenses are disrespecting our passing game leaving a rookie and a injured Al Harris on the outside with one second string saftey playing deep and the rest of the D playing up. Oh yeah the corners did not even have a cushion playing man:doh: Brunell is not seeing the field and has the slowest most dramatic effort filled release in the league. Bubba give up on sticking up for the guy

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Originally posted by bubba9497

the problem is ghost, is you gio way out of your way to find anything to bash Brunell with, but refuse to accept anything positive in his favor/ or positive about him. Your posts are neither objective, or informative... just the typical bash bash bash variety.

I have yet to read a single post by any Brunell basher give a detail explanation of how everything is Brunell's fault. No detail of the play, and what he did wrong, or how he caused the others to fail. It is just easy to point a finger and say it is all Brunell, or Brunell got a weak arm... yadda yadda yadda... but no real substance.

you have an obsession that is boarding on the extreme. (no pun inteneded).

as they say "opinions are like ass-holes"

"everyone has one, and most of them stink." :bow:

Please name one throw this year where he stepped up in the pocket and you said to yourself wow

btw he did sit in the pocket a few times untouched and overthrew the recievers.

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I think that logically Brunell should be benched. With the way the offense is playing any other coach would replace the QB the way Brunell has played recently.

That said, I am in no way shape or form convinced that Ramsey would do any better. But, I suppose it is time to let him have his chance even if it is just a chance to compile evidence for when he is traded in the offseason

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Brunell may have some good points, but they aren't many right now and they certainly aren't enough to justify benching Ramsey behind him. The guy can flash some of what made him great before, but all too often, he just plain out svcks.

How the hell does he miss a wide open Cooley in the end zone? :doh: Yeah, he had a guy in his face, but Cooley had his defender beat by about 15 yards. Just put it up for grabs!

And how many friggin' times did the ball sail on him on third downs to WIDE open WRs? Hell, on at least one attempt, he actually had his feet set.

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some people are going to alibi whatever guys the team throws out there on Sundays regardless of what the outcomes. that clearly happened here under Turner and Spurrier.

Turner had 6 plus years to turn this thing around was still paddling around at .450 as a winning percentage when he was canned.

Spurrier simply lost the club in the middle of the 2003 season. He said in press conferences that he didn't have any real answers for what was happening to his club and he clearly proved that as the team nose-dived to the end of the schedule.

This year the club made some good moves to bring in quality players on defense in Griffin, Washington and Springs.

And if the coaching staff did a better job of evaluating talent on offense and the acquisitions that were made, this team would in fact be much improved over 2003.

what has happened unfortunately is that Gibbs made one poor move but that move because it was at the most important position on the team has caused a host of problems that are tough to overcome.

if Brunell were playing as well as Kurt Warner or even Vinny Testaverde, the Redskins would be 4-3 or 5-2.

Instead we have gotten ZERO from the qb position this season.

Brunell's stats overall are horrid.

Worse than what Shane Matthews put up in 2002.

And what happened to Matthews after that season?

He ended up not as a starter but as the #3 qb in Buffalo and then Cincinnati.

Brunell will be on the bench in 2005. Bonus or no bonus, the Redskins have little choice given how poorly he has performed to this point.

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