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Bronco fans rant on Bailey yesterday


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My most vivid memories of Champ include him getting lost on a deep ball that any other CB could easily get a beat on, and after allowing a 35 or 40 yard reception, getting up and clapping his hands together in frusturation.

He's obscenely overrated, and I've never been sure why everyone seems to be so enamored with him. He got torched last night, one occassion after another, and as soon as he made that easy pick, Madden was singing his praises all over again, overlooking the fact that he gave up two TDs.

Just a microcosm for Bailey's career. Get burned twice, make one play, boom, great corner.

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The Champ of Chumps did not want to play for another coach and Joe Gibbs aint just another coach.

I am glad he got blazed and I cant wait for his next game, when he plays to aggressively and cost the Bronco some serious yardage.

Chump wont change?

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As mentioned above big, strong, fast physical receivers own Champ Bailey. Period. Terrell Owens would make a fool of Champ and he is proving that maybe Garcia was holding him back because he is a BEAST right now. So you can forget any prior meetings they might have had. More teams will go at Champ now because he has been exposed. He's good but far from shut down.

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

Charlie Murphaay

Hate to break it to you, but Rice did regularly beat the Falcons secondary like a drum. If Sanders was as good as he was alleged to be, he would be put on Rice to guard him. But Rice consistently blew up the Falcons, in fact, he scored more on the Falcons than any other team(at least for that stretch in SF.)

Charlie you don't remember Brent Jones carrying Deion Sanders about 15 yards on his back, literally piggybacking cuz Sanders can't tackle?

Or the fact that McKyer, Case, Jordan and Sanders got obliterated by the Redskins, and Clark had 204 yards receiving.

It's YOU that don't have a memory. Again.

I remember that the Falcons had horrible teams when Rice lit them up. I remember that Rice was shut out of the endzone several times by Deion during the time Rice played against Atlanta.

The last game Rice played against Jerry in an Atlanta uniform he held Rice scoreless and had 2 INT's. One of the main reasons Sanders was courted and later signed by the 49ers.

Brent as well as many other good TE's give CB's piggy back rides all the time.

Sanders got obliterated by the Redskins. Okay Ghost. One man was obliterated by 3 WR's. What kind of logic is that you're using. So by your logic, Deion guarded 3 WR's at the same time.lol. The reason a #3 WR usually gains an abundance of yards or has a big game individually is because the team has decided not to throw to the primary WR's. There you go Ghost, exaggerating. Again.

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Champ is not physical enough to cover like this, he relies on the receiver to help show him where he is going and when the receiver makes a move and then quickly changes it Champ cannot keep up and often falls just like he did on monday, as a DB you are taught not to lean on a Receiver because of things like that, you are to keep a hand on their hip or to slap their hand as you run downfield with them, this is where champ goes wrong, the only way he has a chance on the ball is if it is underthrown, it it's thrown over the shoulder he's playing catch up to where basically you are trying to knock the ball out of the players hand once he is in the process of brining it in..

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For what it's worth, I met Champ Bailey at the Atlanta Airport waiting for luggage. We talked and laughed for a while, complete strangers.

He is one of the nicest and most approachable people I've ever met in my life. Not professional athletes, but PEOPLE!!!

He's a top 10 corner who has good P.R. The media hypes him more than he ever does himself. He's usually been a humble guy until this year he's started getting vocally confident.

It's clear you all harbor animosity due to your allegiance with the Redskins. I'm a fan too, but not blindly so.

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Originally posted by GIBBS LIVES

Champ isn't a physical CB. That's why a guy like Chad Johnson just pushes him around. I don't think Bailey could handle T.O. either.

The best cornerback in the league will be sticking T.O. next week. His name is Mccalister.

Uh, hello? He's shut T.O. down twice. Maybe you haven't caught up with the rest of the discussion.

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Champ always got his respect from the media when he was in Washington. He is still one of the best CB's in the league. But now that he is in Denver, a "Media Darling" he is being hyped to be bigger than life. MNF featured him, put him in the spot light like they do Ray Lewis or Dieon.

The networks try to manufacure superstarts and really only a few can live up to it. Champ remindes me of Urlacher, when they are in the spotlight they make as many bad plays as good ones. For what its worth I would say Urlacher is more overrated than Champ. Denver paid superstar money for a top corner.

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What is somewhat surprising is that Champ played LIGHTS OUT under Lewis. He was as good in coverage as anyone you've ever seen. He didn't make plays, of course, so teams could test him, but, he was excellent in coverage. I don't know that Lewis going after him had anything to do with having coached him. I think Chad Johnson is his guy and that's what the Bengals do. It's probably as simple as that.

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Originally posted by Art

What is somewhat surprising is that Champ played LIGHTS OUT under Lewis. He was as good in coverage as anyone you've ever seen. He didn't make plays, of course, so teams could test him, but, he was excellent in coverage. I don't know that Lewis going after him had anything to do with having coached him. I think Chad Johnson is his guy and that's what the Bengals do. It's probably as simple as that.

yeah your probably right.

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Originally posted by NoCalMike

Remember in 2003 against the Saints, Aaron Brooks is rushed and hurried and he just tosses the ball almost straight up in the air, and the WR was all alone for the catch.....

You're thinking of Matt Hassleback chucking to Koren Robinson. He wasn't alone tho, Champ was about 3 feet behind him.

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Originally posted by Art

What is somewhat surprising is that Champ played LIGHTS OUT under Lewis. He was as good in coverage as anyone you've ever seen. He didn't make plays, of course, so teams could test him, but, he was excellent in coverage. I don't know that Lewis going after him had anything to do with having coached him. I think Chad Johnson is his guy and that's what the Bengals do. It's probably as simple as that.

Great point....yet again.

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