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Bronco fans rant on Bailey yesterday


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Originally posted by DCMONEY

Also I'm getting tired of everyone that brings up D. Sanders name like he never got toasted when he was with the Falcons. Jerry Rice busted the Falcons for 5 TD's, Henry Ellard and Flipper Anderson got out on the Falcons on a regular basis. Anthony Carter of the Vikings torched him. And we all know what the Skins and the posse did to the Falcons. Does this make Deion a bum NO. But if you all want to reach where Champ is concerned, hold the same criteria period. I don't know how old some of you are but I rememeber when Clown Sanders was with the Falcons and can remember him having bad games. So get it right. He goes to the 49ers and Cowbums and people forget but I haven't.

It's funny, that the way Dieon talks trash, commentators, experts..etc. would love to show the plays when Jerry Rice beat Dieon for 5 TDs or any WR for that matter. However, there's no footage of that, BECAUSE, Jerry Rice never beat really had great games against Dieon. When Deion went to Dallas, Deion locked Jerry Rice down, just like he did in 49ers practicces when he played with San Fran. The 49ers pounded the falcons because the falcons had nothing else besides Sanders.

You're memory is a little cloudy my friend.

There maybe a handful if that of plays when Deion got beat badly in his entire career. When Champ's career ends he will have been beaten badly countless times by decent to good WR's. I couldn't imagine Chump Baily being able to cover Sterling Sharpe, Andre Rison, Andre Reed, Michael Irvin....etc in their prime.

By the way, those of you who have this "great memory" do you remember that when the Skins played T.O. and the 49ers, Tim Rattay was played the majority of the game due to Garcia's Injury. The Niners had no passing game whatsoever. T.O. still got off though, breaking Arrington's tackle and running for a TD on a reverse.

Chump Bailey is a wannabee primetime. Too bad he can't catch the ball on offense or punt return. At least Deion could do that. Not to mention his many kick returns for touchdowns.

I've been on this Island longer than Gilligan, and I ain't looking to be rescued. - Deion Sanders

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Originally posted by afparent

Look it comes down to this. A damn near rookie QB went after Champ. A damn near rookie!!!! Unless we have lowered our standards when defining a "shut down" corner, he is not one. I remembered when you never heard D. Green's name the whole broadcast. And as much as I hated him, Deion did take away at least his part of the field and you were playing with dynamite. In Deion year with the Skins, he gave up 1 TD. No he didn't do anything spectacular but he played a solid CB, He was around 34 then. Champ is in his prime and gets burnt at least 4 times a year.

Deion had more picks than champ did that year also.

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I know Champ could look at them signing Coles,Brunell, Trotter & Sanders over the past few years and then think well at least compensate me for never missing a game and perfoming at a pro bowl level. People act like he was arrogant for saying it.

You need to face the fact that Champ wouldn't have stayed here no matter how much we offered him. He wanted out of here,period.

Champ and his agent NEVER negotiated with the Redskins.

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If for nothing else, we don't have to listen to Len Pastabelly dump on the Skins for that trade this week, it was great to see Champ look like a Chump in the National spotlight. For my money, I'd take Clinton Portis (plus FA Shawn Springs) for Champ Bailey and a 2nd Rd Draft Pick in a heart beat.

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Quick, why is Ray Lewis such a great player? Is it just because he runs fast, tackles hard, and is in the right position? No. Its because in addition to his individual talents, he is a leader, and with his fire, passion, vociferous, outgoing nature, he lifts up the play of those around him, rallies the troops on the field, and wills his team to victories.

When you consider that aspect of the game, Smooty is 1000x the player Champ is.

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Originally posted by DCMONEY

You're right. I Man generally performs at a highlevel for 5 years and one of the few Skins who never said a word until his contract came due and gets villified for it. Amazing. Players around the league hold out or threaten to when their contract isn't up and nothing is said. Why shouldn't the man say something if he feels he being low balled. The Skins have had a habit of awarding others teams players but won't sign their own. I know Champ could look at them signing Coles,Brunell, Trotter & Sanders over the past few years and then think well at least compensate me for never missing a game and perfoming at a pro bowl level. People act like he was arrogant for saying it.

Champ flat out said that if they brought in another coach, he was gone.

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Originally posted by Mufumonk

Champ flat out said that if they brought in another coach, he was gone.

actually, I think this post is more on the money as to why a deal never got done. Champ didn't want to be here, and I think it was because he didn't want to learn a whole new scheme with the REDSKINS, all over again. If you're tired of constant change, why not be traded somewhere where they've had consistentcy? How long has Shanahan been coaching the Bronco's? It has to be the longest next to Bill Cowher in Pittsburgh. I don't really fault him. I'm not too homer blind to see that the Redskins have been a mess up top orginazationally the last few years. Too fixacted on the quick fix. No GM. Although I have my doubts about Gibbs as a GM, Gibbs does bring stability to this franchise, and he does bring a plan. Really, a coach like that is the perfect fit for an owner who refuses to bring a general manager on board. Spurrier needed a GM so he wouldn't have to worry about anything but coaching his team.

So in the end, we're all winners.

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The Bailey stuff reminds me of when Deion came to the Redskins. We all expected a shutdown corner, yet immediately, teams went after Deion, throwing at him because Bailey(the rook) was on the other side of the field. We soon woke up. Bailey is a good corner, a damn good corner in fact, but from everything I have seen through his career, he is not what you should call a SHUT DOWN corner, because WRs can find a weakness in his style, and exploit it all day long.

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Originally posted by NoCalMike

The Bailey stuff reminds me of when Deion came to the Redskins. We all expected a shutdown corner, yet immediately, teams went after Deion, throwing at him because Bailey(the rook) was on the other side of the field. We soon woke up. Bailey is a good corner, a damn good corner in fact, but from everything I have seen through his career, he is not what you should call a SHUT DOWN corner, because WRs can find a weakness in his style, and exploit it all day long.

Someone in last night's game thread made a good point.

Marvin Lewis coached Champ. The Bengals went after him. Maybe Marvin knows something(a weakness) that the rest of the league and media does not?

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Originally posted by afparent

Look it comes down to this. A damn near rookie QB went after Champ. A damn near rookie!!!! Unless we have lowered our standards when defining a "shut down" corner, he is not one. I remembered when you never heard D. Green's name the whole broadcast. And as much as I hated him, Deion did take away at least his part of the field and you were playing with dynamite. In Deion year with the Skins, he gave up 1 TD. No he didn't do anything spectacular but he played a solid CB, He was around 34 then. Champ is in his prime and gets burnt at least 4 times a year.

Four times a year? You mean 4 times a GAME.

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Cmon......WTF is wrong with everyone. Champ is a stud. I like him and he is a good CB for any team. The truth of the matter is I would rather have Clinton Portis on my team then any shutdown corner. When Champ started complaining about money it made it easy to let him go. The same thing happened to Portis on the Broncos side. They both wore out their welcome with complaining but everyone MUST still respect the type of players they are. Glad we dont have champ either cause our defense doesnt seem like it needs him this year so far.

I'll have to admit though....when Amani Toomer got the best of Champ it killed me last year. I realized how one play can turn a corner from great to just good.

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Charlie Murphaay

Hate to break it to you, but Rice did regularly beat the Falcons secondary like a drum. If Sanders was as good as he was alleged to be, he would be put on Rice to guard him. But Rice consistently blew up the Falcons, in fact, he scored more on the Falcons than any other team(at least for that stretch in SF.)

Charlie you don't remember Brent Jones carrying Deion Sanders about 15 yards on his back, literally piggybacking cuz Sanders can't tackle?

Or the fact that McKyer, Case, Jordan and Sanders got obliterated by the Redskins, and Clark had 204 yards receiving.

It's YOU that don't have a memory. Again.

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

Charlie Murphaay

Hate to break it to you, but Rice did regularly beat the Falcons secondary like a drum. If Sanders was as good as he was alleged to be, he would be put on Rice to guard him. But Rice consistently blew up the Falcons, in fact, he scored more on the Falcons than any other team(at least for that stretch in SF.)

Charlie you don't remember Brent Jones carrying Deion Sanders about 15 yards on his back, literally piggybacking cuz Sanders can't tackle?

Or the fact that McKyer, Case, Jordan and Sanders got obliterated by the Redskins, and Clark had 204 yards receiving.

It's YOU that don't have a memory. Again.

Dam you trebek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by GIBBS LIVES

Champ isn't a physical CB. That's why a guy like Chad Johnson just pushes him around. I don't think Bailey could handle T.O. either.

The best cornerback in the league will be sticking T.O. next week. His name is Mccalister.

To be fair, Bailey did a pretty good job against Owens in 2002, when the Skins played in San Francisco. Of course that was one of those seasons where we didn't assign ONE CB to ONE RECEIVER, as Smoot DROPPED an easy INT, when he was covering TO, and then Bailey also made a would-be INT, when it was overturned due to instant replay.

I don't think Owens is hard for GOOD CORNERS to cover, but he is hard to tackle and stop once he makes the catch. He is similar to Rice where once get gets the ball he becomes a whole new type of Dangerous, opposed to Moss who is pretty much uncoverable on man-to-man coverage.

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