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why we WONT miss arrington


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Lavar Arringtion (imop) is the most ovverrated player on the squad. I don't understand whats all the arrington hype is about? What does he do on the field? Besides personal fouls (last yr) and often cought out of postition. So far this yr, i know its still early but, not only do our other lb's put up better #'s that him, our safety (matt bowen)has more tackles. Fred Smoot is only 2 tackles behind arringtion! Pierce is clearly outplaying arrington, when borrow comes back, we need to somehow play Borrow, Pierce, Washington.

Its great seeing him talk a lot of game each week on tv, but it sucks seeing him do nothing in the games. A pro bowl LB makes plays. A pro bowl LB is not ranked #50 in tackles in 2003 with 0 interceptions.

Washington, Borrow, Pierce. Our 3 best LB's.

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I have to disagree. LaVar is a major force on the defense.

It has nothing to do with the number of tackles. It has to do with how the opposing offense has to plan to protect their quarterback from him. His mere presence on the field makes the opposing offense shift their game plan.

He is a leader....emotionally as well as physically.

He WILL be missed.


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That's ridiculous to say that we won't miss the guy.

He's easily one of the best LB's in the league, and he impacts the other team's offense simply by being on the field. The other team has to protect the QB from him, run plays designed to take him out of it (be it a screen or running in certain directions), and just generally worry about him.

He is regarded as one of the better defensive players in the league, and that's not simply because of the "hype" that too many Redskins fans get bothered by. He may have missed some plays in past years when he tried to do too much, but without him in there last year, what a joke this defense would have been.

I am a little worried about him not being in there, actually, because now instead of running plays away from that position, the Cowboys will be trying to attack it. But in the long run, a healthy Arrington down the stretch will mean WAY more than an Arrington who would be hurt and just toughing it out in there.

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I would admit, he seemed to have more of an impact his first 2 years, but he still had a good pass rushing year under Lewis in his 3rd season as well. Last season I admit his play was pretty low, but he was still a force. If teams dont find ways to counter him, he will mess someone up, just ask Vick in that pre-season game, or better yet, ask Aikman...

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Out of context maybe.....but I recall a young star a few years ago who played for the Lakers (Kobe) who benefited sitting on the sidelines and watching the team come together without him being a part of it.

LaVar's a star, I'm hoping watching other players do well in his absence will show him that playing within a system will give him the oppurtuinities to make the plays he wants to make.

He's had alot of pressure on him the last few years...a little time off (if the Redskins can still win) may help.

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Originally posted by Blondie

I have to disagree. LaVar is a major force on the defense.

It has nothing to do with the number of tackles. It has to do with how the opposing offense has to plan to protect their quarterback from him. His mere presence on the field makes the opposing offense shift their game plan.

He is a leader....emotionally as well as physically.

He WILL be missed.


However, I bet Rock can fill in for him. :)

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Arrington is in the top 5 LB in the league.... You might not miss him, but the team sure will. You must be in denial. Lavar is the heart and soul of our defense. He elevates the play of guys around him, very much like a Derrick Brooks or Ray Lewis.

I hope he has a speedy recovery.

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We may not miss him for monday night, but in the long run we will. He has in the past and will eventually make game changing plays. Not everybody can do that. In the meantime, someone who is discipline and plays his assignments will be fine. In other words, we can put someone in their who will not hurt us, but sometimes during the season we will need the spectacular and only Lavar can do that.

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Originally posted by red21skins

Lavar Arringtion (imop) is the most ovverrated player on the squad. I don't understand whats all the arrington hype is about? What does he do on the field? Besides personal fouls (last yr) and often cought out of postition. So far this yr, i know its still early but, not only do our other lb's put up better #'s that him, our safety (matt bowen)has more tackles. Fred Smoot is only 2 tackles behind arringtion! Pierce is clearly outplaying arrington, when borrow comes back, we need to somehow play Borrow, Pierce, Washington.

Its great seeing him talk a lot of game each week on tv, but it sucks seeing him do nothing in the games. A pro bowl LB makes plays. A pro bowl LB is not ranked #50 in tackles in 2003 with 0 interceptions.

Washington, Borrow, Pierce. Our 3 best LB's.

This is perhaps one of the stupidiest things I have ever read. At no time during this rant did you make any sense or create anything that resembles a rational thought. I feel dumber for having read it. :doh:

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Originally posted by red21skins

Lavar Arringtion (imop) is the most ovverrated player on the squad. I don't understand whats all the arrington hype is about? What does he do on the field? Besides personal fouls (last yr) and often cought out of postition. So far this yr, i know its still early but, not only do our other lb's put up better #'s that him, our safety (matt bowen)has more tackles. Fred Smoot is only 2 tackles behind arringtion! Pierce is clearly outplaying arrington, when borrow comes back, we need to somehow play Borrow, Pierce, Washington.

Its great seeing him talk a lot of game each week on tv, but it sucks seeing him do nothing in the games. A pro bowl LB makes plays. A pro bowl LB is not ranked #50 in tackles in 2003 with 0 interceptions.

Washington, Borrow, Pierce. Our 3 best LB's.

What in the He--...are you serious?!!?! Nah, Nah you were kidding.....I hope.

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Originally posted by RonJeremy

This is perhaps one of the stupidiest things I have ever read. At no time during this rant did you make any sense or create anything that resembles a rational thought. I feel dumber for having read it. :doh:

lol...easy man, it is the weekend....maybe he had one too many.

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I still remember last year when they had the Skins/Seahawks game as GOTW on the NFL channel. They showed Hasselbeck on the sideline with his O-line saying how much he is worried about Arrington. That right there says enough. If the opposing QB is scared of him, that's a major advantage for us. Him not being on the field for the next 2-4 weeks will hurt us. I just hope Washington can step up his play enough and take the leadership role in his absence.

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Originally posted by red21skins

Lavar Arringtion (imop) is the most ovverrated player on the squad. I don't understand whats all the arrington hype is about? What does he do on the field? Besides personal fouls (last yr) and often cought out of postition. So far this yr, i know its still early but, not only do our other lb's put up better #'s that him, our safety (matt bowen)has more tackles. Fred Smoot is only 2 tackles behind arringtion! Pierce is clearly outplaying arrington, when borrow comes back, we need to somehow play Borrow, Pierce, Washington.

Its great seeing him talk a lot of game each week on tv, but it sucks seeing him do nothing in the games. A pro bowl LB makes plays. A pro bowl LB is not ranked #50 in tackles in 2003 with 0 interceptions.

Washington, Borrow, Pierce. Our 3 best LB's.

What kind of fan are you? :doh:

This place is just disgusting sometimes. Makes me sick... :(

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Originally posted by Renegade7

What kind of fan are you? :doh:

This place is just disgusting sometimes. Makes me sick... :(

Trust me, there are fans like this on this site.

Lots of them have the same venom for Patrick Ramsey. And just stupid football opinions, honestly.

In fact, had you not read the position-specific names, you'd think this was a post about Ramsey.

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