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Ramsey Now Key With Brunell Exposed


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Ramsey has always been the key. We just didn't want to admit it. Gibbs wanted a veteran QB, that's who Gibbs wanted, that's what he got. But you wanna know what makes the system go? The deep passing game. If you're going to run it run it run, you've got to make them pay when the D finally commits to try and stop you. 8 in box= throw it deep. Brunell either can't do that, or he's pulling our leg(sorry for the pun). Everyone who wanted Ramsey starting, here's you're chance. But I promise you this: if ramsey has another preformance like he did last week, againt dallas of all people, he'll be gone by the end of the year. Gibbs won't have it. He's not the qb in the leauge with a strong arm.

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

I like how illone chimes in with "three years of utter disappointment. "

One of the worst cases of mischaracterization in the history of Extremeskins(only Jb's previous post about Pat throwing picks because he 'might not want to be here'--paraphrased)

Yeah, I was horribly disappointed when Pat led us back to beat the Jets, Falcons, almost did(had the D held up) vs. the Giants, overcame a terrible rushing attack to almost tie it vs. the Eagles, beating the Seahawks, Patriots and even got close with the Cowboys.

BTW, his first year was 2002. It's not a full three years of disappointment, couldn't be. This is his third season and he's played almost a half of football. Jeff Garcia has looked terrible--TERRIBLE and has a job. Leftwich looks awful thus far. But somehow RAMSEY is the disappointment?

Get off it, hater.

First of all I'm not a hater just because my opinion differs from yours. I know it hasn't been three full seasons, but don't you see how just as I am off about the time Ramsey has been in there, you are jumping the gun on your Brunell assessment?

Ramsey has been with these players for awhile now. He's been throwing to Gardener and Coles so I would expect the chemistry to be solid between them and field communication to be far more advanced than it has shown in recent outtings.

Gibbs may be able to get the most out of Ramsey, but if we are trusting Gibbs to do that, then why is Brunell not given the same nod of confidence?

That's great that Ramsey brought us back in the games you mentioned, but the overall season was a disappointment, and Ramsey's mental mistakes played a huge part. I'm kinda curious as to how long Ramsey can keep stinking it up before you say he's done or not a good fit for the team.

Two games is hardly enough to judge a person's overall worth. Even after a losing season you are still in love Ramsey, so why not give Brunell a couple more games with a new offense before shouting on the messageboards that Ramsey should be the man? Your bias towards Ramsey is evident, so at this point I suppose we will just have to agree to disagree.

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Everyone get's on Brunnell and his two performances. When in actuallity they weren't that bad. Historically Gibbs teams get better and better. We just made too many mistakes.

Brunnell just needs some time. Personally, Patrick has upside, but we will lose some games we shouldn't lose until he evolves. Our defense is good enough to win with now, but not if a quarterback makes mistakes. That's why Patrick against Dallas worries me.

Sure Mark has made some mistakes. But, Pat was a mistake a minute in the Giant game. Fumbled snaps. Three pics, etc. Three sacks. And, that is why we lost. The defense literally kept us in the game.

Geez, some of you need to lighten up on Brunnell. If I'm not mistkaen didn't Seattle only beat the Bucs 10 - 6. Time to bench Matt. What kind of numbers did Hasselbeck put up. Didn't he make the Pro Bowl last year.

I'm telling you, Tampa has a good defense. Mark had his second best drive going when his hammy gave out. He ran for a couple of plays. Hit Coles, etc.

I think to beat Dallas this early and in such an important game, we need Mark. Talk about huge pressure for Patrick early in Gibbs first season back against our arch rivals who own us, on national television. I just don't think he's quite ready yet.

He will be Patrick. Hit some plays that will make you go "Ahhhhhhhhhhh." Then do something like take an unwanted sack that put us out of field goal range.

Trust me Dallas will throw a lot at Pat, and they will see if he has gotten any better from Dallas last year. The good for Pat, if you give him time, he can kill ya!

Pat has to learn to manage a game and minimize mistakes. Can he do that? That's my concern at this stage in his career. To me, he still needs the clip board.

If he starts, which I think he will. I think Mark will be second -- and will only come in if Pat really continues to struggle and makes mistakes he just shouldn't be making. It will be interesting guys.

What is strange about Patrick is that in some ways he's regressed from year one to year three. Two years ago in Philly he played really well. Likewise agains Houston. Last year was the start of the demise. A lot can be attributed to a lack of protection. An NFL beat down can mess with your head.

With Gibbs, I do think Patrick will begin to turn the corner again. I just want to beat Dallas and don't know if he gives us the best chance at this stage.


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Ramesy just needs a little time. He came into the game in an odd situation. He's a young quarterback, who is adjusting to an infinintley different system than Spurrier's. He needs to understand, that forcing throws in the NFL leads to defeat. I think he may have learned his lesson last week. He also needs to understand that sometimes dumping the ball off in the flat is more effective than going for the big score. I'm sure the coaching staff is riding him hard about making intelligent football decisions. I would be suprised if he didn't perform well against Dallas. It could really be a remarkable game for him. I, personally, have faith that Ramsey and our offense will dismantle the cowgirls D.

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Originally posted by Newera

If he starts, which I think he will. I think Mark will be second -- and will only come in if Pat really continues to struggle and makes mistakes he just shouldn't be making. It will be interesting guys.

If Mark is healthy I would be willing to guarantee him starting. There is no way in hell that Gibbs puts Ramsey back there with a healthy Brunell on the sidelines.

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The offense is still coming together. Look for success in the passing game to follow success on the ground. I am much more concerned with the line and the running game at this point. I would look for Portis to have a big night running. He needs to attone for his game last week. Ramsey or Brunnell will be solid if the running game is clicking....


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Originally posted by bulldog

Brunell to me equals WCO. The last time I checked we didn’t run that kind of scheme.

Bulldog do you know you will look very dumb for this post if Brunell plays on monday and wins, he did practiced today. Gibbs has already said if Brunell is healthy he plays, and if he doesn't play if Pat is good when Brunell is healthy he is back as the starter.

If Joey T can win in this system so can Brunell.

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Originally posted by jbooma

If Joey T can win in this system so can Brunell.

I feel the same way but averaging a fumble a game isn't something that Brunell should still be doing this late in his career. That and the fact that he never gets the ball to Coles for more than 5-10 yards is a big problem. He's completing 50% of his passes and 90% of them have been <10 yard throws. The only thing positive is that he isn't getting sacked much at all.

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