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Am I the only one with reservations about Portis..


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Don't get me wrong here, I think Portis is the real deal. But I also have some reservations about how he's being run. I don't believe Portis is as effective between the tackles as he is out in open space, and it seems to me after watching the two games that it partly proves my concerns correctly.

I know we had a sweep play that looked pretty nice in the preseason, and more of that utilizes Portis quickness and agility and speed better than pounding him up the gut, which I believe wears him down.

I mean, isn't that what Ladell Betts is for? Relief for Portis and getting the tough yards early in the game so Portis won't be tired later on? But then again, maybe Joe Gibbs agrees with me and he's just saving stuff in the playbook for later on this year. After all, seasons are won not in September but in December.

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Well, I'm certainly not questioning Gibbs. I just remember how he utilized Riggs at short yardage back in the day. Then again, one must wonder if he wasn't a little skiddish after we aquired Byner from the Browns. Remember the fumble that sent Byner packing? Hmmmm...think Gibbs might have had that in the back of his head?

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Originally posted by steveskins

1) I don't believe Portis is as effective between the tackles as he is out in open space, and it seems to me after watching the two games that it partly proves my concerns correctly.

2) After all, seasons are won not in September but in December. [/b]

1- Sounds like the same arguments I heard people make for getting rid of Trung Canidate to me. At least Trung didn't cost $50 million. :rolleyes:

2- Provided you dont start out 1-3. :laugh:

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I'm really disappointed in the lack of running room up the middle. I don't know where there problem is. I do know that until we are able to stretch the field with the passing game, it will be very difficult for the running game to get going. We've got to get that secondary to play off a little, and open up the running lanes.

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The problem is not only Portis. It's also up front. It may take awhile for the O-line to become a cohesive unit and perform like one on the field. Plus they have been hit with injuries.

Portis is Portis. When healthy, give him a hole and he'll do the rest. He ... and the O-line ... are in Gibbs' system for only two games now. It simply takes longer than that. Since Portis' opening TD, the running game has been largely ineffective.

And with Dallas' speed on defense, I'm not expecting everything to turn around on a dime Monday Night, either. Hate to sound pessimistic, but historically our good running games against Dallas have been running right at them, pounding them between the tackles. We don't seem to be able to excel at that right now. I think we may have to open up the running game with a few successful passes, which goes against Gibbs' normal approach.

The key, in my view, will be the intesity with which the Redskins take the field. For whatever reason, over the last decade the Skins tend to come out flat against Dallas. They just don't seem to want the win as much.

THAT is what I hope Gibbs can remedy immediately!

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No reservations whatsover. Do you know he is on pace to gain 1700 yrd even with the bad performance against the Giants? As long as Betts plays one or two series a half, he should be fresh. My only concern with Portis is short yardage but his big runs will make up for that. We really need someone like him. How many times, whether it is a pass or a run are we stopped in the redzone and end up with a field goal. He is the type of back who will take it to the house.

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Portis is a good back and should have a solid career in the NFL, but I don't think he's the second coming of Barry Sanders. Denver has proven to be a plug in a RB and go team, and I think that Portis' reputation has benefited from that. I don't mean to take anything away from Portis' accomplishments with that statement, but I think he will not match his year 1 and 2 numbers with the Skins. Also, the Skins' O line just hasn't proven to be all that stellar so far, certainly not the same as Portis had in Denver. In that first run against the Bucs, the hole that Portis ran through was big enough to run a Mack truck through.

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A few things:

We are missing Jansen in the running game. Jones and Brown have been solid in pass protection, but don't seem to maulk people over like the Rock. Likewise, Randy Thomas is an excellent pass blocker, but doesn't seem to knock people back a la the Big Banger.

Secondly, Portis may actually be too quick for Gibbs' counter running plays. He's beating the crossing lineman to the line of scrimmage, so the play doesn't have enough time to develop. Betts needs to see some more time for plays like the Counter-Tre.

Lastly, Brunell has such a noodle arm that teams are stacking the box, daring him to beat them going long,...which unfortunately he simply can't do anymore and opposing defenses know it. Having Ramsey and his cannon back there on MNF will take some of that heat off.

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Blondie Wrote: Please........please...........please.........please.

Seem like Blondie and I agree. I have loved Rock since day one. I really wish he had kept his weight up, or even put on a little size. His attitude and running style would have been perfect for "Heavy Jumbo" if he were 230 lbs.

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I'm really disappointed in the lack of running room up the middle. I don't know where there problem is.


The "dirtbags" are getting dominated so far with the only thing making them statistically pretty being the first Portis run where he used his excellent field vision to find a crease on the backside of the play.

They are not playing very well, though things can always change.

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Yeah, that 64 yard run was all Portis. His speed made the linebackers go to the left, and then he quickly switched right once he saw the gigantic hole. It was nothing special about our line.

The biggest problem now is the very inconsistent/terrible passing game. Hopefully Ramsey can revitalize it and be efficient.

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Originally posted by Potato Sack

I was curious as to why Betts didn't come in for short yardage like a Riggs-type of back. I was scratching my head on that one.

We ran a few sweeps and Portis did turn on the Jets. But I think after that fumble he lost his confidence somewhat.


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Originally posted by Leonard Washington

i would like to see portis get more rest. i think betts should get more in-between carries ala after a big run or after 3-4 portis plays. i think people are starting to tee off on the counter also and use loading a side with 11 tight ends/h-backs.

Agreed. Portis should never see close to 30 carries again IMO. Id say between 20-25 with Betts handling another 10-15.

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Portis will be fine.

What we need is for the passing game to become a real threat that must be taken into account. Any halfway decent team that does not have to worry about getting beat in the air can stack the line and stop ANY running back.

Remember that Portis has only played 2 games and is still on pace to trample the team rushing record yet we want to discount his performances because the rest of the offense did not hold up their end of the bargain.

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Originally posted by ramseyskins

Yeah, that 64 yard run was all Portis. His speed made the linebackers go to the left, and then he quickly switched right once he saw the gigantic hole. It was nothing special about our line.

I wouldn't go that far. Watch the play again, and watch Jones seal the OLB as Portis was hitting the crease. If Jones doesn't make that block the LB probably meets him as he's getting into the second level.

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