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ESPN Message Boards Really Suck

E-Dog Night

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To all our recent ESPN refugees:

Just so you know ... this board pretty much started out of dissatisfaction with the old TSN boards. They got so bad, so fast that many of us had nowhere to turn for intelligent Redskin discourse. Extremeskins couldn't have come about at a better time.

Extremeskins has since evolved into something much bigger than a message board. It's a real community. Stick around for any length of time and you'll see.

Hope you enjoy the site ... and the site enjoys you. :)

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Originally posted by Brave

To all our recent ESPN refugees:

Just so you know ... this board pretty much started out of dissatisfaction with the old TSN boards. They got so bad, so fast that many of us had nowhere to turn for intelligent Redskin discourse. Extremeskins couldn't have come about at a better time.

Extremeskins has since evolved into something much bigger than a message board. It's a real community. Stick around for any length of time and you'll see.

Hope you enjoy the site ... and the site enjoys you. :)

No doubt. I have actually been able to get tickets to the games due to this site. Skins fans are truly unique, in that they live and die together over our beloved Redskins.

vegata, welcome. I did battles with you on ESPN under gibbsdaone.:gaintsuck

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Originally posted by IbleedBurgundy&Gold

Ok, I'm finally over here. I signed up on this board a while ago but found it too busy for my tastes. It was difficult to figure out where I wanted to be and how to get there. I just wanted simplicity, and there were so many damn options that I went back to the ESPN board.

Lately, however, the ESPN board is broken more often that it works, and I just have given up on that site. So I'm trying to get in the groove here.

I suppose it's nice to have the little options, but the end of the day I don't really care, I just want to talk Redskins football.

So howdy everybody.


:welcome: Welcome to the site. Make yourself comfortable. Chips & dip are on the table & the beer is in the fridge...

:munchout: :beerglass

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Originally posted by IbleedBurgundy&Gold

Thanks for the tip.

I'm having trouble posting photos. Wht's the deal with that? Do I have to a URL for every photo?

Any tips would be greatly appreciated. :read:


Welcome bleeder :cheers:

First piece of advice, take a few minutes to get 'oriented'


2nd piece of advice, read 'The Rules'

And although I can understand feeling a little bit 'overwhelmed' upon finding extreme (just like ants when they discover 'the giant foot'), this place is both incredibly diverse, AND a wealth of information, including a searchable player and game database comprised of every fact about every former Redskin and Redskin game in franchise history. Not to mention home to the funniest man alive today, John Tayman (thats BANG! to you).

Glad to have you here. It ain't a 'message board'. As Brave said, its HOME if you're a true Redskin fan. :cheers:

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Originally posted by vegeta613

:( espn is sinking faster than the Titanic

Its about time I left for good and be a full timer here as well

I sure will miss making those boys fans look like fools though


Nah, there are several over here that you (we) can terrorize! ;)

Welcome to the board as well...and of course...

:wewantd: :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :wewantd: :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :wewantd:

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Hey guys,

I bailed on the ESPN boards well over a year ago. I always enjoyed conversing you all of you guys (Goldy, King Gibbs, Vegeta, Oldskool, etc)... but that place was a troll-infested dump even then. Now it's not even a dump, it's like a no man's land.

I'm glad we've all found a home here. Perhaps Extremeskins will even provide us a "Refugee" forum where we can all chat like the old days. ;)

We really need to get Shark over here. He was/is one of my all-time favorite posters. I think it's pride that's keeping him there. Like the captain on the Titanic, I believe he'll go down with the ship. I just hope we hear from him again.

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I to was a regular on ESPN boards my name was (Fastbreak 4 2 and Pacman2)I had a great time talking to Goldy, Vegeta, Oldskool,Shark,Veg and the rest.Then Goldy told me about this site about a year ago and its 100 times better than the Espn boards.I still go over to the boards every now and then but this is my home now.I miss watching Goldy make Fletch cry like a ***** everytime he was on there.I to wish Shark would join us on here I thought he did knew alot about football and I did agree with him on Spurrier.


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spanish,I agree with everything you said it is very hard to find a topic without a troll in it.I've been here for a year or close to it and this site is the best on the web.Its got great topics,awesome posters that know football and the Mods that run this board is awesome.I know I have probably gotten on their nerves since I joined but they have been patient with me and I thank them for that.My main go on here is to get along with posters on here and try to learn a thing or two from them:laugh: .My other goal is to reach 5000 posts so I can have my very own Darrell Green Avatar.:notworthy

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Welcome to Extreme.

If you're looking to battle opposing teams fans here... you really won't have much opportunity. We do have resident Cowboy, Eagle and a Giant fan here.... and while they do like to poke the hornet's nest every once in awhile... the staff here reigns them in.

There are no trolls here.

I know each of you gives up your seniority and persona by leaving ESPN. But we a family here, a large one at that, and we always accept new members who are of value to the community. Relatively easy.

So feel free to jump right in where you left off there. Recognize that ExtremeSkins is a community beyond any single member... and that there are 1000's of Redskins fans here trying to enjoy themselves by talking or getting information... and don't use the site to run a personal vendetta or your personal soapbox (mutual respect)... and you'll fit in just fine.

See you around.

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Originally posted by IbleedBurgundy&Gold

Thanks for the tip.

I'm having trouble posting photos. Wht's the deal with that? Do I have to a URL for every photo?

Any tips would be greatly appreciated. :read:


Hi and Welcome!

First Tip:

Relax about your avatar. It will change a lot your first few months here. Nobody thinks you look like that. (but if you do, 555-woof.)

You can upload photos, or link to them. Uploaded photos are limited in size (yes size matters, small is good) but linked-to photos are whatever.

Just practice like you did with the fonts and colors and stuff.

Die-Hard, Om, Blade, Art, Tarhog, Henry, Park City Skins and Bubba9497 are owners/operators/moderators. If they say jump, then jump. Don't waste time asking how high, just jump.

Be nice to posters who are fans of other teams. One "new" poster here tried to rally everyone against a certain Giants fan. He was tarred, feathered, drawn and quartered, and then never heard from again. I imagine there was a funeral, but none of us went.

This is the greatest Skins site on the Web.


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Originally posted by Die Hard

I know each of you gives up your seniority and persona by leaving ESPN. But we a family here, a large one at that, and we always accept new members who are of value to the community. Relatively easy.

This is so true. I'll admit that I was concerned about leaving the ESPN board, where I was the 2nd most prolific poster, to come here where I was a complete unknown. It is also a much larger community here. But what I've come to realize is that the number of members does not detract from the "small town" atmosphere of this place.

I think it's the same thign with SharkinVa. He's built himself into a legend on the ESPN boards. The most prolific poster in the history of ANY ESPN board I'd imagine. But when he comes over here, he's just another cheerleader. I hope he'll change his mindset and decide to wander over to the greatest Redskins community in the world, but we all know how damned stubborn he is.

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Wow, thanks to everyone who wished me a warm welcome. It's going to take some time getting into the swing of things but I'm sure I'll get there.

I have to admit that I did enjoy tearing Fletch a new one every now and again, and some very sick and disturbed part of me will miss that. But what I won't miss will be HITMAN and his posts such as "DIKKSKINZ SUKK MY HAIRY BALLS GIBBS IS A RELIC WON'T LAST 10 MINUTES GAME HAS PASSED HIM BY DIKKSKINZ 5-11 THIS YEAR MARK MY WORDS BWAHAHAHHAH!!!"

I also won't miss Bayuo file and his 432 different personalties and his posts of nothing but smiley faces which freeze your computer.

Any way glad to be here.


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