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Sean Taylor - Wherefore Art Thou? (Edit: Where You Be, Bro')

Dan T.

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Taylor saw little action today. Bram Weinstein mentioned that he was late for (or missed?) a meeting because he was sick. Supposedly they reduced his involvement as a result.

Could this be related to the report by Extremeskins hospital worker who reported here that Taylor went to the hospital during the week because he suffered a seizure?

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Originally posted by Dan T.

Taylor saw little action today. Bram Weinstein mentioned that he was late for (or missed?) a meeting because he was sick. Supposedly they reduced his involvement as a result.

Could this be related to the report by Extremeskins hospital worker who reported here that Taylor went to the hospital during the week because he suffered a seizure?

Gibbs said in the press conference that he was in some packages and not in some other ones, the reason he was out of some, was because he missed practice time this week.

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FOX said he missed time in practice because he was sicker than what was told tothe media... and the Skins didn't want to excert him.

WTEM reported Taylor missed a meeting and was being punished.

Gibbs in his press conference said that he (Taylor) was only in certain packages, but missed some time this week and was not involved in more... meaning either story could be true

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Bram Weinstein mentioned that he was late for (or missed?) a meeting because he was sick. Supposedly they reduced his involvement as a result.

Think what it would of been if he was playing for coughlin. :laugh:

The pregame said 4 giants filed grievances against him (including Strahan) because Coughlin fined them for only being 2 minutes EARLY to a meeting. Coughlin locked the doors BEFORE the meeting was supposed to start and wouldn't let them in; even though they were there before the meeting was supposedly scheduled for.

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Originally posted by Ancalagon the Black

"Wherefore" means why, not where. :)

Alternate title edited in, Black. Shakespeare always frustrated me, I could never understand WTF they were saying. I guess it shows. :laugh:

So, Taylor missed some meetings due to sickness, so as a result didn't play so much? Or was it more of a discipline thing? Hearing both explanations. . .

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Originally posted by Dan T.

Alternate title edited in, Black. Shakespeare always frustrated me, I could never understand WTF they were saying. I guess it shows. :laugh:

So, Taylor missed some meetings due to sickness, so as a result didn't play so much? Or was it more of a discipline thing? Hearing both explanations. . .

I noticed and edited my post accordingly. :cool:

On the Taylor situation, how frustrated must he have been not to be able to hear his name called as starter in his first NFL game? It must have been heartbreaking.

I don't think he'll be missing any meetings in the future.

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Originally posted by Ancalagon the Black

I noticed and edited my post accordingly. :cool:

On the Taylor situation, how frustrated must he have been not to be able to hear his name called as starter in his first NFL game? It must have been heartbreaking.

I don't think he'll be missing any meetings in the future.

WTEM (Bram Weinstein, I think) mentioned that Clinton Portis came over to a dejected looking Taylor on the sidelines, put his arm around him and gave him a good pep talk. Mentioned that it shows how Portis is quickly becoming a leader on this team.

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I remember seeing a couple of the other players on the sidelines consoling Taylor.

It may be b/c he was frustrated he wasn't getting much playing time.

If it's true he missed a meeting, then this will be a good lesson for Taylor....


Skins Guy

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Originally posted by Ancalagon the Black

I noticed and edited my post accordingly. :cool:

On the Taylor situation, how frustrated must he have been not to be able to hear his name called as starter in his first NFL game? It must have been heartbreaking.

I don't think he'll be missing any meetings in the future.

I don't think that bothered him since NOONE got announced!

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Originally posted by jbooma

The way the starting safetys played today Taylor may not start for sometime, especially since he was burned by that one play that should have been a TD. Bowen was amazing today, where has that been and Lott was very solid.

the pass shouldn't have been a TD. if it should have been a TD, it would have been, but making a full extension grab from a ball coming straight over your head isn't exactly the easiest thing to do.

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I think Sean was actually sicker than disclosed and his frostration was in the fact that he returned from the injury to reduced time during the game. He was being consoled by Portis as a gesture to be ready when his number is called. Williams has shown brilliance in the cultivation of this kid. I think Williams is feeding the young puppy gunpowder. When he grows up, or finally gets into the game, he will be a crazed maniac looking to draw blood. I can't imagine him playing with more ferocity than he has already shown. It's a truly scarry thought.

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Originally posted by TimFolk

Naw he missed a meeting. Gibbs was displining him. He just didn't take it out to the media like SoS would have.

There was absolutely NO discipline involved. He was sick and missed some practice and meetings. Therefore he was not as prepared as Lott. Taylor was going to play a lot more and be featured in certain packages, but the game never required those packages. He played more when Bowen went down, so they shifted Lott to strong and Taylor to free.

He also played in multiple DB formations. Tampa never ran plays which required the limited packages that Taylor was in. Taylor was in a limited number of packages because he missed practice and meetings because he was ill.

...There was NO disclipline involved...

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