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Video: Wilbon crushes Pasquarelli


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I just e-mailed ESPN.com with this:

To whom this may concern:

Len Pasquarelli has to be the WORST analyst I have ever had the misfortune of reading or hearing. How on Earth can ESPN continue to pay a man who intentionally shows his bias against the Washington sports program? He is clearly not going to be able to give an objective opinion about the Redskins, so why does he consistently do so? I would listen to Michael Irvin, a former Dallas Cowboy over that fat jerk! Obviously ESPN has no qualms about pissing off an entire sports community by allowing that moron to continue to report on things that he OBVIOUSLY doesn't WANT to do. I am sick of this obese clown taking away decent oxygen from real reporters who are at least willing to be objective with their analysis. He should be reporting on the Walrus races in the Arctics. At least he won't need a coat, with all that blubber, he'll be right at home! Even Michael Wilbon called his remarks stupid! Len Pasquarelli should not have a job for remarks like that, period. But what do I know? I'm just a PAYING customer, like MANY others in the Washington area who are Redskins fans! Please, keep that in mind! Thank you!

If you would like to send an e-mail expressing your feelings on Pastabelly's remarks about joe Gibbs, this is the site to do so:


:nutkick: :point2sky

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There's nothing better than watching to fat men, who never smelled up a jock proffesionaly, argue over who's opinion is right.

Makes for good entertainment though. Oh yeah, just because you've played at that level doesn't automaticaly translate into the gift of prognostication....see Hoge.

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Originally posted by johnt


I am amazed that Wilbon had the Kahunas to say a word about one of his ESPN fraternity brothers..you want to make a statement.? If you subscribe to ESPN the Mag...ask for your money back..go to the Endzone eat half your meal and send it back..don't buy a thing advertised on ESPN..and ask Daniel to take the Skins off the list for Sunday night games until they get a hold on the fat anti-semite fool.

That is all it is anti-semetism aimed at Snyder.. T.Bradshaw(REDNECK FOOL) is from the same mold..and until they are labeled for what they are...this will continue.

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Originally posted by phanatic

There's nothing better than watching to fat men, who never smelled up a jock proffesionaly, argue over who's opinion is right.

Makes for good entertainment though. Oh yeah, just because you've played at that level doesn't automaticaly translate

Of course that's not what we saw here. We didn't see people arguing over which opinion was correct. We saw one journalist call another out for his well-known bias against the management which manifests itself in his writing. It's not a secret how Lenny feels about Snyder and the Skins.

The point was that Lenny isn't really making an opinion. He's simply taking a shot at the Redskins because he's angry with them and he'll do it in any way he can, which included the absurd article he wrote after getting scooped.

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Originally posted by Art
Originally posted by phanatic

There's nothing better than watching to fat men, who never smelled up a jock proffesionaly, argue over who's opinion is right.

Makes for good entertainment though. Oh yeah, just because you've played at that level doesn't automaticaly translate

Of course that's not what we saw here. We didn't see people arguing over which opinion was correct. We saw one journalist call another out for his well-known bias against the management which manifests itself in his writing. It's not a secret how Lenny feels about Snyder and the Skins.

The point was that Lenny isn't really making an opinion. He's simply taking a shot at the Redskins because he's angry with them and he'll do it in any way he can, which included the absurd article he wrote after getting scooped.

I'm not disagreeing with your compalint over his "biased" hate filled diatribe. I'm simply stating that there are a good deal of other so called "writers" that do the same damn thing. As I stated, Hoge thinks the only teams that stand a chance to win a Bowl must have a factor back. Instant bias. How about all those years where Summeral licked the southern hemisphere of the Cowboys' scrotum on national TV (figuratively speeking, of course)?

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:logo: Help! :helmet:

I’m a new member here, but certainly not new to the Washington Redskins (fan since 1976) and to most sports media. I know this guy Pasquarelli is a sports writer, but what’s the deal with his hatred of our beloved Washington Redskins? Does it stem back to one particular incident in particular, or has he just always been this way?

Help a brother out and fill me in. Thanks in advance for your help.


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Originally posted by DUSTINMFOX


You should have included a link to this page in your email so ESPN could have seen and heard what Wilbon said....

Art, is right....ESPN probably has no idea about Wilbon's shot because it's local news......

Pretty Please,

Dustin :)

That's a GREAT idea!!! I'll go do that right now!!!:point2sky

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Originally posted by DUSTINMFOX


You should have included a link to this page in your email so ESPN could have seen and heard what Wilbon said....

Art, is right....ESPN probably has no idea about Wilbon's shot because it's local news......

Pretty Please,

Dustin :)

I just sent this thread to espn.com so they could not only see the vid. but also our comments in response!

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This is the e-mail I sent to ESPN:

As a teacher of English and Journalism, I find it baffling that ESPN, a highly respected sports network, would allow and endorse such a biased and non-objective writer as Len Pasquarelli to serve on its staff. It is painfully obvious that Mr. Pasquarelli has a set agenda in his reporting that skews his ability to write a cohesive article that can be perceived as accurate and/or relevant. Furthermore, it has become painfully obvious that ESPN, by supporting and allowing such biased writing to be published under its title, is losing its credibility as a faithful, objective sporting news source.

I, personally, have sent several e-mails to my cable service provider, Cox Communications, on behalf of the ESPN network, to try preventing the loss of your network from my cable service. As a person who tries to instill objectivity along with fairness and truth in articles for young writers and journalists, it pains me to think I was in support of a network that has obviously found itself a marketing giant and no longer feels the need to show an ethical standing from its own staff.

As a network, I realize that you, ESPN and Disney, can make your own judgments on what you feel is best for your market value; however, the consumers and the fans will only take so much. I fear that ESPN is facing the possibility of one day becoming nothing more than one of the politically biased cable news networks. What a shame. You used to be so good. And at 25, you were so young.

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Guest Matt Kyriacou
Originally posted by phanatic

Oh yeah, just because you've played at that level doesn't automaticaly translate into the gift of prognostication....see Hoge.


Hoge is God. He said that the Redskins would win the division and that the Eagles would not even make the playoffs.


(The above comments were made with tongue firmly implanted in cheek)

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Originally posted by Tarhog

Seriously, I'd think ESPN wouldn't be thrilled with someone taking shots at an NFL legend.

A 3-time Super Bowl winner, a successful accomplished man in every endeavor, an innovator, well-liked by all his peers, and overall a good Christian.

I could see why Lenny would slander the man. :rolleyes:

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