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Poll: Democrat or Republican....(sigh) or other


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I went with "other," althought I'm technically a registered independent.

I don't believe in the current party system's definitions, which seem to be too stringent to me. I don't agree 100% with the policies of either party. It's like I agree with certain points of both, but disagree with enough fundamental beliefs of both that either part would try to kick me out... :laugh:

I'm against abortion, but for the creation of a Palestinian state. I'm fervently anti-union (the NEA, in particular), but believe Teachers aren't given in return what they put into their careers. I believe in the first amendment, but don't believe that things you say are protected by it. You reap what you sow.

I'm a walking, breathing, functioning contradiction, in other words... :laugh:


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I registered Independent after the 2000 election, when I became too disgusted with both parties to belong to either of them.

I consider myself a fiscal conservative. I don't like spending almost 30% of the money the government collects just to maintain the debt. Bush inherited a surplus in 2001. He set a record for the largest budget deficit in the history of our country in 2003. He broke that record in 2004. So there's absolutely no way I can justify voting for Bush.

Socially, I'm pretty liberal. If its none of my business, its none of my business. Please stop spending my tax dollars on $7 million helicopters to keep Mexican pot in Mexico. If 2 people I don't even know want to get married, why would I change the constitution to prevent them. So, again, there's no way I can vote for Bush.

I'll vote for Kerry, but I won't become a Democrat. I might support Swarzenegger for a 2nd term out here on the left coast, because everything I heard about him before this convention was that he was a pragmatist. If he switches to the right-wing party line, I'll look for someone else.

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Originally posted by ntotoro

I went with "other," althought I'm technically a registered independent.

I don't believe in the current party system's definitions, which seem to be too stringent to me. I don't agree 100% with the policies of either party. It's like I agree with certain points of both, but disagree with enough fundamental beliefs of both that either part would try to kick me out... :laugh:

I'm against abortion, but for the creation of a Palestinian state. I'm fervently anti-union (the NEA, in particular), but believe Teachers aren't given in return what they put into their careers. I believe in the first amendment, but don't believe that things you say are protected by it. You reap what you sow.

I'm a walking, breathing, functioning contradiction, in other words... :laugh:


Wow Nick!

You summed up my feelings to a tee! Great Post!

I'm curious....

Who will you be voting for this election? It doesnt matter, but I like to compare my rationale with those who are like-minded at times. Thanks!

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Originally posted by Phat Hog

Democrat. I am not ‘anti Kerry’… but haven’t thrown my vote to him yet. I am hopeful that the debates will give me more clarity as to where he stands on issues.

Smart Voter alert!!

I wish more would look at it the same! So many vote solely out of emotion and press coverage. You are to be commended!

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Originally posted by skin-n-vegas

Wow Nick!

You summed up my feelings to a tee! Great Post!

I'm curious....

Who will you be voting for this election? It doesnt matter, but I like to compare my rationale with those who are like-minded at times. Thanks!

Not sure yet, to be honest. I have a bad feeling it'll be a coin-flip once I walk in the booth... :laugh:

Seriously, though... the thought of either Alfred E Newman or Lurch as President scares me. The problem is it's gonna' be one or the other. One is the devil you know, the other is the devil you don't. Logic would tell me to stick with the one I already know (Bush), but I haven't committed yet.


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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

Republican since I was 9 years old. Figured it out on my own since my parents never had any interest in politics (they ask me who they should vote for)

However as I got older my beliefs have become more libertarian.

I am more socially liberal today then I was in high school. Probably more fiscally conservative also.

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Strongly independent. Essentially, depending on where I am (real life, not extremeskins), people either think I'm very liberal or very conservative.

I'm a strong freemarketer, leaning towards libertarian on economic issues, although some people would interpret that incorrectly, and I have clear exceptions to those views on specific points. I hesitate to say fiscally conservative, although people seem to throw that around. Its a term that has changed in meaning over time, and doesnt mean what people think it does.

Socially moderate, but not a centrist, per se. Its pretty simple. I take each issue on its merits. I think about it, consider it, and draw my conclusion. So I'm all over the board in the sense that my social views swing wildly back and forth between party lines, although I'm logically consistent in the underpinning ethical thought process involved in making the decisions.

Strong on defense, although not underpinned by some warmongering attitude or lack of compassion for the horrors associated with warfare, but rather ethical consistency, pragmatism, a strong inclination towards enabling self-determination, a long term outlook on such matters, and an abhorrence of slippery slope appeasement.

Right now I'm at one of the most liberal universities in the country, so most think I'm a raging right winger. Of course when I'm home, or visting friends in other parts of the country, they think I'm a bleeding heart liberal secularist. Silly me.

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

Interesting way to look at things Todd.

I try and have the same logic in all of the social issues although like you I go all over the place. While I am fairly religious I still don't think a gov't has the right to say no about things such as abortion or gay marriage. Yet religously I hate both those things.

And Lothar I do believe you are right. There needs to be a Jessee Ventura like candidate on the national level to break the duopoloy Dems and Reps have

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

I don't know what he could do to either of those guys Hitman. I guess you can make fun of Ventura for being a wrestler and Perot for big ears.

I ended up really liking Perot in 1992 after watching his infomercials. I think he actually would have made a fine president domestically and would have learned the international game.

The Perot factor was huge in 1992 as I believe he garnered 11 percent of the vote and 19 electoral votes

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