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Hypocritical congressman outed, resigns


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Ed Schrock, one of the most anti-gay members of Congress, has resigned after being outed. He was a sponsor of the the Defense of Marriage Act and voted against health benefits for gay partners, adoption rights for gay couples, equal access to employment for gays, and so forth.


It will be interesting to see the spin that will develop, both in the media and on this board. I bet (hope) Santorum will be next.

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Originally posted by Ignatius J.

How is this hypocritical?

He's gay and doesn't want to extend rights to gays. That's more honest to me than someone not gay saying those things.

If in his mind, or better yet, in his party's mind, there was nothing wrong with it, why is he resigning?

Personally, I don't care if he's gay or not, what I find amusing is how anti gay republican's often are (except for Ahhnold) yet here we have a gay GOPer.

My viewpoint all along is that politicians in general are huge hypocrites. They bash Clinton for his sexual affairs, bash gays, promote morals, but there are probably tons of them cheating on their wifes, smoking pole, doing drugs etc...

Don't attack something you are doing or your teammates are doing.

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Originally posted by JimboDaMan

I'm trying to decide on my favorite post:

- the guy who doesn't find any hypocricy at all :laugh:

- the guy who thinks the point is about what rank of anti-gay this man is, or

- the guy who refers to Schrock as "bending over backwards". :D

On your first point, I'll repeat the question I had in the other thread about this.

Was he against being gay or against gay marriage?

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Ancalagon, I heard discussion that Shrock was outspoken against gays in the military, and favored keeping them out of the service. Shrock, a retired Navy captain, represented the 2nd Congressional District of Virginia in the Virginia Beach/Hampton Roads area, with a large military population.

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our has anyont thought maybe if he was pro-gay then people might think differently if they knew him better then just the public, he didn't want anyone to think he was, so it isn't being hypocritical it was a form of protection, he knew in his line of work being gay is not accepted yet, it is sad but it is the truth, he was a va congressman!!!

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Originally posted by Dan T.

Ancalagon, I heard discussion that Shrock was outspoken against gays in the military, and favored keeping them out of the service. Shrock, a retired Navy captain, represented the 2nd Congressional District of Virginia in the Virginia Beach/Hampton Roads area, with a large military population.

Interesting. I wasn't aware of that.



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I know he was a co-sponsor of the Same Sex Marriage Amendment. I believe he was the guy I saw in CSPAN a while back arguing against extending civil rights protection to gays, but I must be honest - I haven't been able to find a link to back this up.

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Originally posted by jbooma

our has anyont thought maybe if he was pro-gay then people might think differently if they knew him better then just the public, he didn't want anyone to think he was, so it isn't being hypocritical it was a form of protection, he knew in his line of work being gay is not accepted yet, it is sad but it is the truth, he was a va congressman!!!

jb, yes it was a form of self-protection. Yes, that was hypocritical. Its the very definition of "living a lie".

AtB, clearly in the man's heart he was not against being gay. But his public policy stances were consistently opposed to ensuring gays were afforded rights equal to the rest of us. It went way beyong gay marriage.

I kinda feel bad for the guy. I've known "closet gays" and its not an easy way to live. For him, in his public position, it must have been horrible.

But in a way, justice was served. He was one of the crowd that argued protecting gays from discrimination was bestowing special right on them. And now he's lost his job and reputation for being gay.

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Originally posted by Burgold

Well, if he was a former Naval officer who later advocated against gays in the millitary... I would think that hypocrisy would be hard to argue.

how is that maybe he believes they shouldn't be allowed we don't know, just because he is gay doesn't mean anything

the man is gay, if a man votes against all bills that favor women in anyway and then is a happily married man who treats his wife great is he a hypocrite?? No because he might believe that we just don't know.

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heh...don't believe the hype. He resigns because of allegations that he called a gay sex line? There's more here:

Etiher he had a long conversation on that line, and he is aware of a tape that clearly has his voice on it, or

There's something else out there, and his resignation is the only way to keep it supressed.

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Originally posted by Burgold


He's against gays in the millitary. He served in the millitary. He's gay. Nothing seem off there to you? I suppose he was the only gay in his mind suitable to be in the millitary?

He still might believe gays should not be allowed, like I said we don't know him and how he thinks. We also don't know when he was in the military was he honest with himself, meaning did he believe he was gay or straight at that time.

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Originally posted by jbooma

our has anyont thought maybe if he was pro-gay then people might think differently if they knew him better then just the public, he didn't want anyone to think he was, so it isn't being hypocritical it was a form of protection, he knew in his line of work being gay is not accepted yet, it is sad but it is the truth, he was a va congressman!!!

i can't tell if you're defending him a little bit or not, but my :2cents: is that we can't have people in power who are so ashamed of what they are, or scared of what others will think of what they are. If this guy is gay, he should be able to accept that not everybody will look at him the same. This guy is making and voting on legiuslation under a competely false pretense. He's voted anti-gay to hide the fact that he's gay, that's not exactly honest, i don't think.

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Originally posted by FullbackIsKey

i can't tell if you're defending him a little bit or not, but my :2cents: is that we can't have people in power who are so ashamed of what they are, or scared of what others will think of what they are. If this guy is gay, he should be able to accept that not everybody will look at him the same. This guy is making and voting on legiuslation under a competely false pretense. He's voted anti-gay to hide the fact that he's gay, that's not exactly honest, i don't think.

I agree, it is sad though that he had to cover it up for so long, maybe one day we can accept everyone for who they are not what we percieve them as. That saying I don't know if southern VA would ever elect someone gay anyway, that is a sad statement to say living in this state.

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Originally posted by Funkyalligator

So will you admit that this republican is a hypocrit, jbooma?

i can't admit it unless we know all the facts and how he feels, to be a hypocrite you have to deliberatly go against your personal beliefs, we don't know if he did, just because he is gay does not mean he did

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