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Sultan will be cut. There is little doubt.


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Lets stop kidding ourselves. Sultan will be cut. Simon has a better chance of making the team. Rock and Simon both play special teams well, in different ways. Sultan has speed and little else. There is no doubt in my mind that Sultan will be on the practice squad. Rock has not looked impressive either. A 240 Rock looks a lot better than a 215 Rock in short yardage, IMO. Ladell is still the number 2, Rock is number 3/ST and Simon is the number 4/ST(if needed) with Morton as a 3rd down/returner only.

Sultan, I like your speed, but thats not good enough against top D. Its easy to pad stats against 3rd team Ds in the pre-season. Gari Scott is also bye-bye, no doubt b/c he is not even as good a returner as Simon. Bye Cliff as well.

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Originally posted by golfgram

Lets stop kidding ourselves. Sultan will be cut. Simon has a better chance of making the team. Rock and Simon both play special teams well, in different ways. Sultan has speed and little else. There is no doubt in my mind that Sultan will be on the practice squad. Rock has not looked impressive either. A 240 Rock looks a lot better than a 215 Rock in short yardage, IMO. Ladell is still the number 2, Rock is number 3/ST and Simon is the number 4/ST(if needed) with Morton as a 3rd down/returner only.

Sultan, I like your speed, but thats not good enough against top D. Its easy to pad stats against 3rd team Ds in the pre-season. Gari Scott is also bye-bye, no doubt b/c he is not even as good a returner as Simon. Bye Cliff as well.

With all due respect to Rock and Blondie, what has Cartwright shown us this preeason that makes you want to keep him? Granted that McCullough is the leading rusher and he has played against 2nd and 3rd string talent, but I'd cut Betts before I cut McCullough, Simon or Cartwright.

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Cripes, Sultan has no control over when he enters the game...how can you blame the guy for putting up numbers against the level of competition he is thrown in against?

I would reserve judgement until we all see what this kid can do against first string players.

People used the same logic to knock Randy Moss when he came out of 1-AA. But it turns out he was good at any level. History may well show the same for Sultan.

Don't write him off just because he hasn't been given starting PT to showcase his skills...

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but I'd cut Betts before I cut McCullough, Simon or Cartwright.

good thing you are not the coach ;)

Sultan is my pick because he can go to the PS. He is still very raw, Speed is great, but in the NFL RB's also have to block, and catch passes.... two things he hasn't really shown he can do yet. He would benefit greatly by playing a year in NFLE.

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Originally posted by McMetal

Cripes, Sultan has no control over when he enters the game...how can you blame the guy for putting up numbers against the level of competition he is thrown in against?

I would reserve judgement until we all see what this kid can do against first string players.

People used the same logic to knock Randy Moss when he came out of 1-AA. But it turns out he was good at any level. History may well show the same for Sultan.

Don't write him off just because he hasn't been given starting PT to showcase his skills...

The one problem I have with this, is that there is a reason for him not getting starting PT. And that's Joe Gibbs and Company, ( and before them, S.S. of all folks), have decided, apparently not to do so. And for that, there also must be a reason. Things that make you go hmmm.

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Mcmetal, I think putting Moss and Sultan in the same situation don't really compare, IMO. Moss was a helluva talent coming out of Marshall and his only knock if I'm not mistaken was a Marijuana charge he recieved. What made Moss drop was GM's and owners not wanting to take a chance on him due to the charge and not being convinced he would change his ways. Frankly, teams thought Moss would end up being a head case and Denny Green was suppose to be one of the best in working with these types of players. So Denny saw the raw talent and took a chance like no other would.

Well, we see now that alot of teams passed on a heluva player that's been somewhat a modest player since entering the league. Now in Sultan's case, it's a totally diffrent story. Sultan has to prove himself for another year that he belongs and can run between the tackles and get those tough yards. He hasn't seperated himself in a way that coaches can just give him a roster spot. He has speed but must also learn some other quality stuff to help make him a better back.

Moss was a all-pro from day 1. And when coaches, players and fans watched this guy play on the NFL level from day 1. We all knew this was a special receiver and that he would without a doubt be a superstar receiver. But you can't see that in Sultan. He may run well against 2nd string players in pre-season and falter during the regular season against #1's. He just doesn't have that stigma about himself or his game to say "hey! this guy is gonna be special.

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if rock is kept it will be for ST. he has shown me nothing as a runner and is not terribly effective as a pass blocking back. let's look at this from a different perspective: if Portis is hurt, I think a healthy Betts can serve as an adequate replacement. If we have to drop down to Rock/Simon we are in a world of hurt.

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Sultan has much more than just speed, he's got good vision, good hands, and he actually is very strong.

He is a good natural runner even though he still has little experience.

He's shown he can carry a bit of a load too with all the carries he's been getting in these games.

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Originally posted by REDALERT

Mcmetal, I think putting Moss and Sultan in the same situation don't really compare, IMO. Moss was a helluva talent coming out of Marshall and his only knock if I'm not mistaken was a Marijuana charge he recieved. What made Moss drop was GM's and owners not wanting to take a chance on him due to the charge and not being convinced he would change his ways.

Not entirely true. NFL GM's were also worried about the level of his competition at that time. This was before Moss and Pennington showed that they could make the jump and play at the NFL level.

Sultan did gain over 1,100 yards rushing one season at USC, which last time I looked, played a tougher level of competition then Marshall. :)

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I think the real question is which TWO backs will get cut. Sultan can go to the practice squad, but they are not going to keep five running backs in Clinton Portis, Ladell Betts, Rock Cartwright, John Simon and Chad Morton. Who else is getting cut>>>???

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I personally think Sultan can be a productive back if given the oppurtunity. I like his motor. He looks for the home rum a little too much but he has run it in betwwen the tackles also. There were a few times when there nothing there and he changed directions or reversed field and made something out of nothing. I hope they can keep him.

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Speaking of backs, how much money does Chad Morton make? I seem to remember it was a lot, and unless he returns 2 punts/kicks for TD's this year, I will have to consider him a very pricey pick-up for what he has done (3rd or 4th back and returner)... I know it will never happen, but I would love to see Morton go away and us keep one of the other backs (like Sultan) who has peformed very well this preseason.

PS. now that I say this, Morton will turn into Dante Hall...

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Originally posted by bubba9497

good thing you are not the coach ;)

Sultan is my pick because he can go to the PS. He is still very raw, Speed is great, but in the NFL RB's also have to block, and catch passes.... two things he hasn't really shown he can do yet. He would benefit greatly by playing a year in NFLE.

Has Betts ever blocked anything but another players view on the bench as he sits there on IR?

Right now McCullough nor Simon are full time RB’s due to their blocking skills needing polishing up but at least they can play (unlike that waste of a draft pick Betts).

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I think this says it all:

Gibbs said it was important for players like Betts and Russell to put their injuries behind them and make an impression on the field.

"Sometimes you can't avoid injuries," Gibbs said. "But practice time is a premium and it's hard when they're not out there. Then other players look good, they step up and make a statement. Then you start looking at them and figure out how they fit on the team. If a guy is missing out on that, it puts him in a bad position."


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Betts has to show he's worth keeping tonight. I also think he has to show it on Special Teams too.

Did anyone notice the close up they showed of Rock half-assing it on punt coverage @ Miami? I bet coach saw it and that is not good for him. That's not normally how he plays, but still not good.

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Originally posted by McMetal

People used the same logic to knock Randy Moss when he came out of 1-AA. But it turns out he was good at any level. History may well show the same for Sultan.

Not to nitpick but last time I checked, Marshall was a 1-A school when Moss went there, not a 1-AA.

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Originally posted by fansince62

if rock is kept it will be for ST. he has shown me nothing as a runner and is not terribly effective as a pass blocking back. let's look at this from a different perspective: if Portis is hurt, I think a healthy Betts can serve as an adequate replacement. If we have to drop down to Rock/Simon we are in a world of hurt.

Good thing you are'nt the coach.;)

Betts has shown nothing in the two years he's been here. Nothing. He has been beat out by every RB he's competed against.

Atleast the rock ran for 80 plus yards against the # 1 defense in the league last year and the cowboys were playing hard because of playoff positioning.

Unlike Betts who ran for 80 yards two years ago against the Jags who were playing for nothing when it was the second to last game of the year and they were allready out of it.

I don't know why people love this Betts guy when he's done nothing to justify his selection in the 2nd round.

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I think that if Portis were to get hurt that Sultan is the only guy we have right now that could carry the load and take 20-30 carries a game. Betts will get hurt doing that plus he gets tackles in the backfield too much trying to be cute, Morton is too small, Simon doesnt have enough power though he is a great receiving threat and I feel he could really help this team in certain situations, and Rock doesnts have the speed you need if you want 20-30.

Sultan has a good mix of speed and power, to go along with very good vision. He makes great initial cuts. He also has good hands, he just needs to work on his blitz pickup. He has proven to me that he is durable, I know he got hurt last year after just one carry but that was a freak thing where someone's helmet smashed his hand it wasnt like a hamstring thing or the type of thing that these injury prone guys tend to get. We have had some drives in preseason that we have fed it to him maybe like 8-9 times in a row,(i think)........... thats hardcore. He kinda reminds me of a James Mungro type player but with more speed, for those of you not familiar I believe it was two years ago that the Colts were down to their like 5th string running back and he came in and rushed for 100 and some against the Eagles, I think Sultan is the kinda guy that if we were to get down to him in the depth chart he could do the same type of thing.

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