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Arrington, Barrow, Washington.....will they be......


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Everything and more, that we thought the combo of Arrington/Trotter/Armstead was going to be?

Not to say NOTHING was good about that trio, but I definatelty thought it would be a much more intimidating group(yes I am talking about before Trotter's injury)

I dunno, it just seems that Marcus Washington is going to be a huge key to Arrington being much better. Usually through his career Arrington has been the single threat, but now with Washington on the other side who so far has looked just as menacing and fast as Arrington, O-coordinators are going to have a hell of a time gameplanning to block either or both on any given play.

I still can't wait to see Arrington rush from the weakside, and thanks to Washington's presence on the strongside, it is going to make it all possible.

Then we have Barrow who hasn't even played yet, but is a proven vet, and a good tackler, causing havoc in the middle....

I can't wait.......:cheers:

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Let's see if they can stop a QB rollout pass to the TE.....then I'll get excited. That was the most frustrating part of last year, our LBs getting caught way out of position. I still have flashbacks of the Tampa Bay game.

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yeah - The Arrington, Trotter, Armstead trio was never able to find an identity together. 1st they had Marvin Lewis coaching them and they resisted some, Trotter gets hurt, Lewis leaves and Edwards just didn't seem ready to step into the job and all signs of discipline deteriorated. Now Arrington seems to have matured to be willing to do whatever is asked, Barrow has been praised for his football smarts and Washington has the athletic abilities almost to match Lavar and seems happy to be here. - Throw in the fact that Williams philosphy is that the D revolves around the LB's and we 're looking good all the way around.

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I was pretty impressed by Antonio Pierce. I read in one of the articles here, not sure which one, but they said that the combo of Pierce, Arrington, and Washington would produce one of the fastest corps of LB. Also that Williams likes speed. I, for one, wouldn't have a problem with that quasi-lightning-strike capability from our LB corps..

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Originally posted by Raub

Let's see if they can stop a QB rollout pass to the TE.....then I'll get excited. That was the most frustrating part of last year, our LBs getting caught way out of position. I still have flashbacks of the Tampa Bay game.

If they can stop a FB flat I'll be happy. How many times did we get burned by that play against Tampa??? :doh:

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The former trifecta was just a group in the wrong place at the wrong time. In year one, Trotter was learning how to play true MLB then got hurt, and in year two, it was his first year back from the knee injury. He wasn't 100% all year. Had we kept him, this would have been the year to judge him. Armstead was a technically sound, stable presence in the front 7, but he was a little slower than he used to be. Putting him as the spy guy against McNabb was a terrible decision by Edwards last year, it just showed his lack of range more. Arrington has never quite performed how he should, since he's never had continuous, competent (I say that because the only coach he had two years in a row was Spurrier/Edwards as his position coach) coaching.

Hopefully, a veteran like Barrow already knows enough of football to play effectively, and moving Arrington to the weak side is the remedy that it is being made out to be.

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Marcus Washington looks good. It remains to be seen whether Arrington will show more discipline. As for Barrow, who knows, he can't even seem to get on the field and until he does there's no telling. Potentially, they could be a very good combo, but we thought that about last years group too. After the past few years of high expectation and low performance, I'll be taking a wait and see approach, although it is hard not to get excited with the obvious improvements from a coaching standpoint that seem to already be manifesting themselves on the field.

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Remember back when Tampa first became a formidable defense? I do. I remember they had Nickerson and Brooks. Everyone was talking about how Nickerson was the best LB in the league (or at least the arguments were being made), but then everyone started noticing Brooks, and then people were saying that he wasn't even the best LB on his team.

I kinda see a similar thing happening with the Redskins this year. If our defense comes out like we're planning for it to, I can see us making this argument between Washington and Arrington. At least, I hope we can make these arguments.

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More...we have a proven defensive coordinator now along with team discipline. When I say proven Defensive coordinator I mean since Marvin left. We were 5th in the league when he was there. We also have backups that look good. Mitchell and Pierce seem to be playing well in preseason. I've always liked Mitchell and feel comfortable with him stepping in if someone goes down. (knock on wood)!!

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I think that our current LB corp will be everthing we thought our last corp would be, and much more. Washington is as young as Arrington they have the ability to dominate together for years to come. Barrow is getting up in age but is solid and could have the best season of his carrer with everyone worried about our outside LB's. Look for Washington & Arrington to be teammates in Hawaii this February.:cheers:

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Anyone think Washington might be a better linebacker than LaVar? LaVar is extremely overrated, and Washington is extremely underrated. However, if LaVar decides to play team defense this year, there won't even be questions as to who is the better linebacker.

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