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Gibbs needs to make a decision now on the QB


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Just put Brunell as the starter now so he can get more time with the #1 team. It is obvious that he isn't ready but the more time he is with the #1 team the more he can be ready for opening day. If we prolong this QB competition it might put us a step back going into the season.

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IMO , neither MB ,or PR have showned much in 2 preseason games . neither really seem to want to take the reins and lead this team. i know that JG has been running a vanilla offence ,not to show the rest of the league whats in store for them when the season starts , but if your having problems running such a easy offence intended to evaluate

your players ,how can the QB's run what coming during the season? put hasselback in with the starters for the third game , then give all three equal time in the 4th game and make a decision , MB does look more comfortable then PR but it's still a draw IMO . :2cents:

:ravensuck :dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

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Originally posted by jbooma

I would have said that a week ago, but getting 2 picks vs backups killed that plan.

i understand that Bomma , but by doing so ,it just might , might !! ignite that fire from either MB or PR that needs to be lit . they have each had a shot wtih the 1st team ,both look like they could use a little more WD-40 , maybe haselback is that solution . they are all learning a new offence

so some rustyness is to be expected. :2cents:

in the end i see MB being the starter with PR the back- up

follow by MH, what team in the league can say that. especially once they ( Redskins know the system being installed . :cool:

:ravensuck :dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

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Originally posted by Nothing As It Seems

3 more preseason games. We can play 2 more and then pick a starter giving them 2 full weeks with the first team. I would give each guy 1 more start and then choose.

I would agree if Mark as on the team last year, but he wasn't.

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gibbs is the man, he knows what's best.

I will say that at this point, it looks like Brunell will be the starter IMO, but who knows, there's still 2 more preseaon games... ( I know there are 3 games, but the starter will be dertermined in the next two.)

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Originally posted by Nothing As It Seems

3 more preseason games. We can play 2 more and then pick a starter giving them 2 full weeks with the first team. I would give each guy 1 more start and then choose.

That sounds good.

Normally the third preseason game is the most...important. Starters stay in into the thrid quarter. Since we have five....will we follow the rest of the league and have our fourth game like that? Or have both 3rd and 4th games like that, giving Brunell and Ramsey 3 quarters with the starters?

(I wonder if Miami will keep their starters in if we did that...)

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I disagree. Gibbs should not base his decision on two preseason games. It's not fair to any of the quarterbacks. Ramsey has done a nice job with not complaining through the whole deal with bringing in Brunell, and to announce the starting quarterback with three preseason games to go would not be the right thing to do, and Gibbs won't do it either.

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Ya know, I just love us.

We are really like family. Some of us are the intellectuals who think before we speak.

Some of us act out and speak before we think.

And some of us are like crazy Uncle Ralph......without the lamp shade of course.

This debate is just like the Rock/Sultan debate.

Bottom line.......like fuji said.......Gibbs will make the correct decision when it is time.

And like family, we can fuss at each other BUT NO ONE FROM ANY OTHER FAMILY BETTER COME HERE AND FUSS AT ONE OF US.

I love you guys.

Even those of you who do not see the error of your ways and want to get rid of Rock.


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Can we please stop this talk about Hasselbeck starting? He's not going to start, and he shouldn't start. The Redskins have two better quarterbacks on their roster. Big deal, Hasselbeck had a nice showing against the Broncos with the third stringers. He doesn't have the arm or the smarts that Brunell has, and he proved that last game when he threw an interception with a three-point lead and four minutes remaining. I realize that arm strength isn't the most important thing in a quarterback, but having Hasselbeck as your quarterback really limits what a team can do offensively. Hasselbeck can't throw the deep ball, and struggles in throwing to the outside. I think Hasselbeck would be a solid #2 for any team, but I think people need to come to their senses and realize that Tim Hasselbeck is not a better quarterback than Mark Brunell or Patrick Ramsey.

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Hasselbeck should be cut, not start. He may be the QB who has acclimated himself to Gibbs system the fastest, but he is still mediocre at best. Brunell should start, Ramsey needs to relax and learn more, and lets throw the young guy Hamden a bone and keep him on the roster.

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Ramsey needs to show more pocket presence in games... most games when he checks down he seems not scared but nervous if you will. If he could just move around more after his first read and give his OL some help by getting out of the pocket he would play soooo much better.. I just think he is having a hard time adjusting to the speed of the defence's, and may never get it... I pray that i am wrong!!

Brunell would be my choice if we were to start today, but not because he has shown he knows the offence better, or that he has played lights out better... its simply because of his ability to give the offence IMO, more time to get open with his pocket awareness.

I am sure in these next two games we should have a clear choice in our starting Qb.. Time shall soon tell


Skin 4 Life

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Originally posted by FunBunny

Hasselbeck should be cut, not start. He may be the QB who has acclimated himself to Gibbs system the fastest, but he is still mediocre at best. Brunell should start, Ramsey needs to relax and learn more, and lets throw the young guy Hamden a bone and keep him on the roster.

Hassellback is the perfect third QB - he's happy just to be on the team, works hard in practice, and if God forbid if it is ever needed for your #3 to go in you want someone who will manage the game.

There is a reason the Hamdan hasn't seen a single snap yet in two pre-season games.

...and I agree that Gibbs will probably make up his mind sooner than he will let out, just to keep the opponents guessing.

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