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Trade that QB ASAP


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guys I am watching the Denver/Buffalo game and so far both Plummer and Bledsoe are stinking the joint out...

Ramsey & Brunell both looked like pro-bowlers last night compared to these two.

about 10 passes thrown by both. 3 int (plummer 2 [1 by a DE], Bledsoe 1) and only about 3 rec.

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I remember watching Favre throw 3 interceptions in one half of a preseason game back in the '90s when he was in his prime. I think that was the year GB lost to the Broncos in the SB.

Why people get so geeked about meaningless exhibition games is beyond me.

Brunell has a career qb rating higher than almost all the starting qbs in the NFL and yet extremeskins fans treat him as if he were an unknown quantity.

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Originally posted by bulldog

I remember watching Favre throw 3 interceptions in one half of a preseason game back in the '90s when he was in his prime. I think that was the year GB lost to the Broncos in the SB.

Why people get so geeked about meaningless exhibition games is beyond me.

Brunell has a career qb rating higher than almost all the starting qbs in the NFL and yet extremeskins fans treat him as if he were an unknown quantity.

Okay, this is way OT, but I just want to vent. Why do people believe far is some great clutch qb in the playoffs? He throws crucial ints year after year...
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Originally posted by RW31

Okay, this is way OT, but I just want to vent. Why do people believe far is some great clutch qb in the playoffs? He throws crucial ints year after year...

favre WAS clutch.

last year proved he cant do it in the big games any longer

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Originally posted by bulldog

I remember watching Favre throw 3 interceptions in one half of a preseason game back in the '90s when he was in his prime. I think that was the year GB lost to the Broncos in the SB.

Why people get so geeked about meaningless exhibition games is beyond me.

Better yet as I recall, didn't Bret Favre throw about 6 interceptions against the St. Louis Rams in the NFC championship game a few years ago?

Yet I don't recall anyone saying lets get rid of that bum, Bret Favre. :laugh:

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Originally posted by bubba9497

guys I am watching the Denver/Buffalo game and so far both Plummer and Bledsoe are stinking the joint out...

Ramsey & Brunell both looked like pro-bowlers last night compared to these two.

about 10 passes thrown by both. 3 int (plummer 2 [1 by a DE], Bledsoe 1) and only about 3 rec.

Bubba have you ever thought they KNOW who the #1 qb is there so don't have to play as hard, then again I assume most likely you didn't :D

Look at Ramsey his big chance to show he should start and he plays terrible.

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Originally posted by jbooma

Bubba have you ever thought they KNOW who the #1 qb is there so don't have to play as hard, then again I assume most likely you didn't :D

that has to be your worst attempt at an argument ever.

Since they know they are the starters... then the pressure is off... isn't it. And in preseason the offense and defense are simple plays... not that difficult for proven starters in the same system (Plummer) one would logically assume that they should preform better. So why did they play so bad? because after the winter layoff.. it takes time to get in tune, and shake the rust off. So if proven starters under no stress have rust and are playing to get in game shape.... why is it we can't allow Ramsey the same time and pateince to get into game shape.

People here seem to expect too much too soon, and have very little patience. A fine wine takes time as does many other great things. How do you get to Carnagie Hall???? practice ! :)

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Plummer has looked HORRIBLE through two preseason games, however he was never really GREAT in the first place, and I think a lot of "experts" figured the "denver system" would take an average QB with a strong arm, and somehow transform him into an elite QB......LOL.

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Originally posted by bulldog

I remember watching Favre throw 3 interceptions in one half of a preseason game back in the '90s when he was in his prime. I think that was the year GB lost to the Broncos in the SB.

Why people get so geeked about meaningless exhibition games is beyond me.

Brunell has a career qb rating higher than almost all the starting qbs in the NFL and yet extremeskins fans treat him as if he were an unknown quantity.

i remember his first pass in regular season as a rookie was an interception to the redskins returned for a touchdown

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I still must remind every one of where we are in the process - three more pre-season games. Remember the reports from early camp about how weak Brunell's arm looked? Gee - that pass to McCants sure looked pretty good.

Clearly it seems that Ramsey is pressing. He talked big when we got Brunell about being traded, getting a fair chance to start, etc. The fact is that since he has only had college level coaching prior to this year, he isn't as experienced as the number of games he played would lead us to think he should be. Don't underestimate the need to unlearn everything he knows. SS ran these idiotic schemes and demanded that he have no outlet receiver, no blocking, and that he hold the ball for 5 seconds for his receiver to come open just as he would get killed by the rush. I think it takes time to learn a new timing of one - two - three - balls goes deep, medium, short, or out of bounds. But NEVER forced into the wrong place. Most of Ramsey's bad passes have been overthrown too (of course except for the int that should have been a td for Coles) which seems to be another indication he's pressing and trying to force the ball in. I don't know if or when the whole thing will click for him, but when he gets his confidence back and learns the right rhythm and timing - he'll be a great qb.

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Originally posted by bubba9497

one would logically assume that they should preform better. So why did they play so bad?B]

This is why you are not logical. They know they are the #1 so they don't care just want to get through the plays they have to and get off, they have nothing to prove. When you are FIGHTING for a spot you try and impress. Now so you see :doh: :D

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Let's see..

Sun comes up... check.

Sun goes down... check.

Bruce Perry is out for the season before game 1.. check.

Jake Plummer stinks and is throwing INTs... check.

Drew Bledsoe is showing why his teams rarely win more than 8 games... check.

All looks right to me.

Let the season begin.


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Originally posted by NoCalMike

Plummer has looked HORRIBLE through two preseason games, however he was never really GREAT in the first place, and I think a lot of "experts" figured the "denver system" would take an average QB with a strong arm, and somehow transform him into an elite QB......LOL.

But Peter King of CNNSI has him the 6th best QB in the league. How did that happen? Oh yea, when you play with Denver, your stock goes way up (ask Roland)!

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Originally posted by jbooma

This is why you are not logical. They know they are the #1 so they don't care just want to get through the plays they have to and get off, they have nothing to prove. When you are FIGHTING for a spot you try and impress. Now so you see :doh: :D

you actually think they were goofing off, instead trying to work on getting ready for regular season?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

:rolleyes: whatever

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Originally posted by bubba9497

you actually think they were goofing off, instead trying to work on getting ready for regular season?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

:rolleyes: whatever

i understand for those that live in caves it is hard to see, put down photoshop and go see some sunlight :laugh: :laugh:

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Well booma, from the second floor of this condo complex I'm living in, the sunlight's pretty good. I'm going to go with that response as meaning you do actually believe that. So. Why? Know something we don't do ya? These are pro football players. And not just any pro players but Pro QB's. Let's set aside the possibility that the coaches may have added plays in,. tweeked some stuff here and there and it would be nice that the guy running the plays is on the same page. Can set aside how as competitors and leaders of their teams that just wouldn't look good to goof off.

We can go with the possibility that as good as they are, nothing is guaranteed. One of the guys fighting for a job is the guy behind them. Now imagine him showing more effort and poise, and all kinds of other things while the starter is goofing off. As a coach, I just may have to look at that. Look at the debates we've had here recently. Nice example there. Mind you, could be a possibility there's some goofing off, but highly doubtful. IMHO.

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