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Leonard Little Indicted


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Little indicted on felony drunken-driving charge

By Jim Suhr

Associated Press


Rams defensive end Leonard Little was indicted Wednesday on charges stemming from his arrest in April.

Rams defensive end Leonard Little was indicted on charges of persistent drunken driving, nearly two months after police in Ladue arrested him.

Little pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter in an alcohol-related wreck that killed a St. Louis woman in 1998. The latest indictment mirrors charges in a criminal complaint filed against him April 26.

Little was indicted Wednesday on charges of speeding, and as a persistent offender with felony driving while intoxicated. His lawyer, Scott Rosenblum, said Little would plead innocent.

Little was arrested on April 24 after police pulled him over for speeding on an interstate. Police said he had bloodshot eyes, smelled of alcohol, failed three roadside sobriety tests and admitted drinking alcohol.

In the manslaughter case, Little completed a three-month jail sentence, 1,000 hours of community service and four years of probation. He was also suspended without pay for the first half of the 1999 season. Little's blood-alcohol level was nearly twice Missouri's legal limit at the time of the accident.

Little could face another suspension from the league, which is reviewing the matter under terms of its substance-abuse policy.

The charge of driving while intoxicated normally is a misdemeanor. If convicted of the felony, Little could face up to four years in prison.

Little went to his first Pro Bowl after last season and has played with the Rams for his entire six-year career. He was fifth in the NFL with 12.5 sacks last year despite missing a month with a torn pectoral muscle

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Originally posted by laurent

This may sound harsh, but Little deserves everything he's got coming and I hope he gets the maximum penalty under the law.

To take somebody elses life and continue to drink and drive is absolutely disgusting.

In my opinion, that's not being harsh, Laurent. That's being nice about it...

He'll get it once they put in him in a box for a few decades. Atleast that's what I'm hoping for. And yea, that's being nice about it. :mad:

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whats up with all these players acting like idjuts? These are the role models for our kids? It just annoys me how a lot of these athletes just ride off their talent to get away with everything in life, I hope he faces something for this incident.

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As I remember, the story around the first incident was that he was doing one of those celebrity bartending deals with other players. It was his birthday and they were celebrating it. I remember there were lots of testimonials of his character and how he never drank in college and other BS. He talked afterwards how it haunted him and he thought of it often. O.k., if that's the case WHY in the hell would he drive under the influence again?! It kills me when these multi-millionares drive drunk. Party all you want, just hire a driver. I'm not saying that I've never drove after having a few beers, but if you are partying as much as it sounds like a lot these guys are then why not hire a driver?

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Originally posted by laurent

This may sound harsh, but Little deserves everything he's got coming and I hope he gets the maximum penalty under the law.

To take somebody elses life and continue to drink and drive is absolutely disgusting.

:yes: He should get at least the maximum penalty.

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Originally posted by Jay87

To be fair this happened a month ago.

and with the other incident hanging over his head , Little never should have saw the light of day on April 24th :doh:

:ravensuck :dallasuck :gaintsuck :eaglesuck

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Originally posted by Liberty

This guy is rich enough to call a limo or if not he could get a taxi instead of endagering the general public.

Here, here! or have the party at his house, where he could get towed down all he wants.

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