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Could you be a Cowboy

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I voted for the banning, but upon further review I would take the cash and then sabotage the team. Nair in the shampoo. itching powder in the jocks. Crappy play. Fax the Redskins their playbook. Start rumors about players being gay. I think it would be fun.


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Also voted to BAN your ass. :laugh:

But- I am the guy in this MB who always says,"NO MORE ex-Cowboys. Ever." So with that in mind, yes-- I wish I could bring my 5'9", 130 pound, no-talent, slow, weak ass to the Cowboys roster. That way I could get some payback for all the used-up cowboys that WE were dumb enough to sign in the past.

I would SURELY take them RIGHT back out of playoff contention and if they benched me I'd stand on the sidelines and root for the opponent all day.

I would also wear my jersey backwards to show my disrespect for the organization, screw up horribly on "jap" plays and yell "homo" in practice.

F Dallas.


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Good thing you don't live here in Dallas.

I see cowbtoys every day.......morning......noon.....night.

And I am in awe of each of you who would turn down money.

But then again, I bet none of us ever has to make this decision.


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No. Give me a reason I'd need a multimillion dollar contract to pay put food on my table and I'll give a reason why I should even consider it without a gun at my hand, tigger happy. :)

There are plenty other ways to get by, ya know. Football isn't everthing in the grand scheme of things.

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Ummmmmmmmmm let me think here. Ok......do what I do now or make all that money playing a game that I would play for free because I love it so much, even if it means playing on the Cowboys.


Oh Hell Yeah!!!

I'd just root for the Skins 14 times during the season. And of course seek a trade as soon as I could. :)

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As much as I hate to say it, I would do it. I would even do it if they paid me the same as a regular career. You get to play a game for a living and are in the national spotlight. It would be an amazing experience, I would not be able to pass it up even if it was the Cowboys.

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Originally posted by The Wicked Wop

Thougt this could be a perplexing question. If you had the opportunity to be in the NFL, making 100's of thousand, if not millions a year.......but the only team willing to pick you up was the Cowgirls.......would you do it?

For some reason, I'm still not allowed to vote, but if I had t choose, I would ask to dies a painful, violent death. I would NEVER become a Cowboy for any reason. Not everyone can be bought!

:dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

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You will have the rest of your life to be a football fan... if youre lucky enough to be an NFL player, then you go where the money is, and play like youre in the backyard having fun and forget about the uniforms.

Then when you retire, you go back home and be a Redskins fan again. :)

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