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Larry Bird - "NBA 'black man's game'"


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Originally posted by Mufumonk

Sure Kobe is an incredible athlete, but I hate his "me first" attitude. I loved Jordan because he was the complete player. He did whatever it took to win, and more importantly, he respected great coaching. For all of the comparisons, Kobe is lacking in too many of the intangibles that Jordan possessed.

Like what? A major gambling addiction? A desire to leave his sport to play baseball? Maybe all those rings Kobe won before he turned 24 are weighing down his intangibles. Jordan at 25 was an inferior player than Kobe is at 25.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

Jordan at 25 was an inferior player than Kobe is at 25.




Kobe would be nowhere close to what his is without Shaq.

Kilmer hate to break it to you but Kobe is a better shooter at this point in his career compared to MJ. MJ was the better defender though, but he didn't have the range like at 25 that Kobe does.

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Originally posted by Mufumonk

I love how easy Duncan makes the game look. And I love Wallace's intensity. Sure Kobe is an incredible athlete, but I hate his "me first" attitude. I loved Jordan because he was the complete player. He did whatever it took to win, and more importantly, he respected great coaching. For all of the comparisons, Kobe is lacking in too many of the intangibles that Jordan possessed.

A lot people said that Jordan had a "me-first" attitude. I think the two share a lot more similarities than you realize. Think about comparing the two at the same age.

I think that the excitement that Kobe brings is good for the league....are you telling me you didn't shout when you saw that amazing shot he made last night?


I hate the Lakers.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

Jordan at 25 was an inferior player than Kobe is at 25.




Kobe would be nowhere close to what his is without Shaq.

People tend to elevate their memory of players as time passes. Kobe is the better player at the same point, regardless of the surrounding cast.

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Originally posted by jbooma

Kilmer hate to break it to you but Kobe is a better shooter at this point in his career compared to MJ. MJ was the better defender though, but he didn't have the range like at 25 that Kobe does.

Being the hardcore MJ fan that I am, I will have to reluctantly agree.

However, better shooter does not make better player. Like you said, MJ was the better defender.

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Originally posted by KTrainSkinsFan

A lot people said that Jordan had a "me-first" attitude. I think the two share a lot more similarities than you realize. Think about comparing the two at the same age.

I think that the excitement that Kobe brings is good for the league....are you telling me you didn't shout when you saw that amazing shot he made last night?


I hate the Lakers.

You mean that prayer that he threw up? That was one of the ugliest shots I've seen. It was a line drive, and he's lucky it fell.

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Originally posted by Mufumonk

You mean that prayer that he threw up? That was one of the ugliest shots I've seen. It was a line drive, and he's lucky it fell.

Just like he was "lucky" when it fell in for him against Portland in the last game of the season at the end of regualtion then again at the end of OT. Last night's shot was perfect, anything but luck. You can maybe find fault with Detroit's foul strategy, but you can't take anything away from Kobe or that shot.

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Originally posted by jbooma

Kilmer hate to break it to you but Kobe is a better shooter at this point in his career compared to MJ. MJ was the better defender though, but he didn't have the range like at 25 that Kobe does.

I beg to differ. The '87-88 season (I believe that's the year he turned 25), Jordan shot 53.5% from the field, averaged 35 points, and 6 assists. In the postseason that year, he shot 53%, and averaged 36 points, 7 rebounds and 5 assists.

Kobe, at age 25, shoots 43%, averages 5 assists, and 24 ppg during the regular season. So far during this playoff stretch, his FG% has dropped to 42, while his ppg are at 25.5, rebounds at 5, and assists at 5.

Jordan was very much so, a better player at that age than Kobe is now. Also, Jordan did this against much stiffer defenses than we see in the current NBA.

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

I think sports in general is the one place in America where race really does not matter.

Players on a team don't care if someone is purple and from mars, but if he gets the job done and helps you win he has your respect. I think its the same for fans also. I could care less if the Redskins QB was some 5'5 guy who spoke no english but if he wins us a Super Bowl I am behind him.

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Because of Shaq, it's hard to argue that Kobe is better, however, It's all so subjective.

But one thing is for sure, unless Kobe suffers a serious injury or goes to jail, he will surpass Jordan's career numbers because he got such an early start.

IMO, I don't think Jordan at the same stage is way ahead of Kobe, the only reason I say that is because if Kobe didn't have Shaq, he might be better, but we don't know.

BTW, I'm not a Kobe fan at all, hell, I hate the NBA, who am I kidding.

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Originally posted by jbooma

Kilmer hate to break it to you but Kobe is a better shooter at this point in his career compared to MJ. MJ was the better defender though, but he didn't have the range like at 25 that Kobe does.

People! People!! People!!! Hamilton, Carmelo, Kobe, Arenas, Parker, Ginobli, Stojakovich, just to name a few are better long range shooters than Jordan at their ages. Are they Jordan? NO!

Nuff Said!!

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Originally posted by nfchamp1

People! People!! People!!! Hamilton, Carmelo, Kobe, Arenas, Parker, Ginobli, Stojakovich, just to name a few are better long range shooters than Jordan at their ages. Are they Jordan? NO!

Nuff Said!!

Kobe has 3 rings and will have his 4th clinched with the next 10 days. nuff said

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The NBA sucks, plain and simple. For me the best basketball to watch is at the college level. March Madness is as good as it gets. Those kids are playing for the brass ring, they haven't reached it yet, and THAT ALONE makes for better entertainment. I would rather watch the Maryland-Duke games, or any other great college rivalry ANYDAY then watch Shaq and Kobe. Watching An 8 foot tall overpaid crybaby, with a 40 inch arm, slamming a rubber ball through an 11 foot tall hoop ( and then yelling, screaming, and running around the floor like he's the second coming of Christ himself ) does NOTHING for me. My :2cents:

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Originally posted by SoCalSkins

People tend to elevate their memory of players as time passes. Kobe is the better player at the same point, regardless of the surrounding cast.

Kobe is nowhere NEAR where Jordan was when he left for baseball!!! Kobe's not even as good as Jordan was in his second season!!!

In 86' against arguably one of the best teams of all time, the Celtics, Jordan single handedly forced the NBA champions into double overtime with an astonishing 63 points. This is without ANYONE on his team. Remember, it was Jordan and NOBODY and the Bulls usually won. This is also after he missed almost the entire season with a broken foot.

If you want to compare him to somebody, compare him to Magic, but he was definately no Jordan.

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Originally posted by SoCalSkins

Kobe has 3 rings and will have his 4th clinched with the next 10 days. nuff said

And do you think Shaq had anything to do with it???

The Lakers are a microcosim of what's wrong with the NBA. It's the me first game, not the team first. It's all about da' Benjamins and da' bling bling. All show and no substance, America doesn't like the me first athelete.

Unfortunately Jordan, as good as he was, ruined the game. The fact that he could take the game on all by himself (read hungo) bred a generation of me first atheletes who grew up admiring him. They emulated him from infancy through adulthood and It's part of the reason for the degredation of the NBA IMO.

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i agree with chomerics!!!! i can't believe it!

switch shaq with an in his prime pippen and the lakers don't have their last 3 titles.

kobe wants to prove he's on par with jordan....then he needs to goto a team where he's the MAN and win a ring. it's not gonna happen.

you would think a player on par with jordan would have an mvp to his name huh? maybe at least a finals mvp? whoops.

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Bird's comments are a bit of a shock but I guess he is right. There are a couple of white/european players that hold it down on the court. And that is because of the talent and what they have to offer a team. Trust me, it don't matter what color, it just matters if they are able to produce victories are not.

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Originally posted by codeorama

I disagree somewhat. I work with quite a few african americans and they go out of their way to cheer for african americans. For example, two of my coworkers are "Redskin fans", however, they follow Vick, McNabb and Aaron Brooks much closer than they do the Skin AND, when the Eagles play the Skins, they favor McNabb.

Now before anyone gets upset, I know that this is not representative of everyone, however, I just wanted to point out that in my personal experiences, I have seen this behavior.

But I will say that in my life, I favored Dominique over Bird when I was younger, I didn't see the race issue. However, as I've gotten older, I notice it more because of how I see others going in the opposite direction.

I do think this is true in a way. One of the first Redskin football games my dad saw after immigrating from India was the Superbowl in '88. He told me a lot of the reason that he became attached to the Redskins had to do with Doug Williams being a minority quarterback.

I don't disagree with anything Larry Bird said.

I will also say that most atheletes nowadays give lip service to whatever will make them look better/make more money.

A lot of a celebrity's success depends on his/her image and whether the public likes him/her. As a result pretty much any famous person with brains will spout whatever PC bs they think the people want to hear.

Look at the backlash that was caused by comments from Jeremy Shockey, Rush Limbaugh, Kerry Collins. Anything that can be considered derogative towards another creed will bite you in the ass.

And a quote from Chris Rock:

"Just wait till they have heated hockey rinks, then we'll take that sport too"


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Interesting that "Affirmative action" is absent in the sports world. Each team brings in the "best" employees reguardless of race. Nobody is given special treatment based on race. What are the percentages of white to black players? 80-20 or 70-30? Yet outside businesses must abide by affirmative action. They must have a certian number of blacks, whites, women ect... Minorities get breaks on job entrance tests and other benifits. Too bad corperate America can't hire the best like the NBA or NFL....

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