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Terror Threat for Manhattan's Subways this Friday


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To all Extremeskins members, especially those in the New York area-

Generally speaking, I hate spam... but I just received an email today stating that Manhattan will be terrorized/attacked this Friday by subway.

Living here in the city, this affects a great deal of people around me; I realize, too, that a great deal of Manhattanites post here at Extremeskins.

Thus, I thought it relevant (and controversial enough!) to post the email that is going around locally, and get some thoughts on the whole thing.

As you read, ask yourself these questions:

-How believable is this information?

-If you lived here in the city, depending on subways daily, how would this news affect your day?

-What is your advice to those of us here in the city?

Read on...

"Hi all I hope everyone is doing well.

The reason I am sending out this mass email to everyone is because of something that was brought to my attention the other day that I feel I need to tell as many people as possible incase it turns out to be true.

One of my colleagues has a good family friend who works in city hall. This friend called my coworker on Friday to tell him about some intelligence the city has gotten regarding a possible terror attack in the city (most likely the subways) planned for this Friday and urged him to avoid the subways if possible.

He also told him something about the city placing an order for 2 to 3 thousand extra body bags.

Now you have to take these things with a grain of salt because I am sure they get tons of this intelligence that turns out to be nothing. However there are some things that co inside with this Friday that seem to give it a higher probability than usual.

The terrorists attacked the WTC on 9/11. They attacked Spain's subways on 3/11. This Friday just happens to be 6/11. Whether that means anything or not who knows.

The thing that really has me concerned however is that all of a sudden a lot of things are now closed on Friday due to Reagan's death. The stock market, banks, Mail and all federal buildings are closed. Obviously Reagan's death wasn't planned but the fact they chose Friday as the day to do this big honoring of him strikes me as a little to coincidental (less people going to work = less people on the subway).

The question that I get most when I tell people about this is why wouldn't they go on TV and warn people. Well I think the answer to that is simple....they can't. They would cause mass hysteria and the city would be out of control.

Take this information and do with it what you want. I just felt the need to tell as many people as I could. God forbid something does happen this Friday and some people get hurt or die that I know and could have warned about it and didn't, well that would be a tough pill for me to swallow. I hope all this is bull**** and nothing happens this Friday or any day for that matter. One thing is for certain though if I have to work on Friday I am taking a cab."

(name and contact info originally enclosed, but I did not include it here)

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May be substantiated, may not be, but it fits a pattern of rumors that never were borne out:


[Collected on the Internet, 2003]

This is a very credible source, I am the one who was informed by my friend and colleague Dan. His uncle works in the Pentagon. He is the Commander of the Reserves. He received a call from his Uncle tonight and was told to stay clear of Northern N.J. and N.Y.C. on Friday ... LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! While writing this e-mail, Dan called me again, and told me that his Uncle called him again, An unknown man supposedly smuggled a smart bomb into the city and they can not find him.


[Collected on the Internet, 2003]

Hey all -- just wanted to encourage you all to really avoid the subways if possible over the next few days — as I am sure you all know, the terrorist threat is super high here in NYC — the govt is getting major reports that the NYC subways are an extremely likely target — I just heard that a Congresswoman from CA emailed her daughter in NYC and told her under no circumstances was she to take the subways


[Collected on the Internet, 2003]

A good friend of mine just phoned me in a state of panic. She had received a phone call from another mutual friend of ours (Jane) who had just gotten off the phone with another friend of hers (Matt). Apparently Matt had just talked to a lifelong friend of his who is in the secret service. This secret service agent told Matt that he had insider information about an upcoming attack, and he was risking his job by sharing it. He said that a major attack, bigger than 9/11, was going to happen this week and involve biological weapons.


[Collected on the Internet, 2003]

My partner works at a local television station here in Chicago. Last night (Tuesday, 2/11), while trying to book some airfare on United Airlines, they were told by a source at United that the FAA would be grounding all air traffic over the US (and into the US) this weekend as a pre-emptive measure against terrorism — and that terrorists were planning on destroying a US jet using a missle this weekend (hence the increase in the homeland security color to orange).

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Originally posted by seanskins

I live in Edmonton Alberta Canada and this stuff scares the crap out of me, I can not believe what is happening here, I can only hope and pray nothing comes of this.

Well I live in north jersey, and we have made it way to easy to succeed with something like this, infact most believe it's only a matter of time, our enemy lives amoung us here, and something has to be done about that.

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I haven't noticed any increased security on the Path trains or the Subway. Usually they post camo'd guards there with M-16's which sad to say isn't out of the ordinary anymore. I would think if this is the case the city would at least do that. It wouldn't really raise any eyebrows. So I'm doubtful about this. All of the information seems to be second hand...

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Originally posted by riggo-toni

Okay, I work right on top of Grand Central. If something happens and you don't see me posting anymore, please speak highly of me. :paranoid:

Man, I already hate making this commute as it is...

Riggo what floor are you on? I used to work on the 6th until I was layed off from MCI.

Hopefully this is just a hoax but I'm glad I'll be on Long Island that day.

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It's interesting information to ponder, especially when coupled with the Homeland Security Agency's announcement that Al-Qaeda was 90% complete in it's planning stage and wished to attack the US sometime this summer or fall.

Take with a grain of salt... use precautions if it eases your mind... and go about your day. Be careful guys.... and for those living in that corridor.... keep an eye out for things considered suspicious. Remember, you're part of the Homeland Security Defense as well.

As for me.. going to go about my life and live by the mantra... I'd rather die standing than live on my knees. I'm actually planning to be in DC over July 4th.. because I refuse to change plans because of a potential terrorist attack.

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Originally posted by nycskinsfan

Maybe coincedental but...........

Businesses observe Reagan holiday

Morgan Stanley will close; Goldman Sachs, Prudential, Lehman, Wachovia will shut down nonessential operations; Citigroup, J.P. Morgan Chase to do business as usual

They are all closing because the markets are shutting down for the reagan holiday.

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Originally posted by jbooma

They are all closing because the markets are shutting down for the reagan holiday.

The question here though Booma is why did they pick Friday to observe this??

Actually, I just heard this morning that these are state closures, and not city closures; so that kinda negates this part of the information.

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Originally posted by freakofthenorth

The question here though Booma is why did they pick Friday to observe this??

That is the day of the large ceremony in DC, everything is shutting down here. Bush made it a national holiday.

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Damn, we just survived the end of the world dust cloud and now this!

Seriously, I just moved back to DC from NY where I lived for 7 years. Terror threats, K-9 patrols in the subways, etc are all part of every day life there now. If something was up and the govt knew about it, they would not keep it secret. Just look at all the crap that is going down over the pre-9/11 intelligence.

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