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WT: Portis finally does a number on Ohalete


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Portis finally does a number on Ohalete

By Mark Zuckerman



Clinton Portis walked onto the practice fields at Redskin Park yesterday with a familiar number on his jersey, a wide smile on his face and a considerably lighter wallet in his locker.

After three months of heavy negotiations, Portis finally convinced Washington Redskins safety Ifeanyi Ohalete to give up his No. 26 uniform. It cost the star tailback a pretty penny, though, to recoup the number he used to wear with the Denver Broncos.

Neither Portis nor Ohalete would reveal specifics of the transaction. Ohalete, who will wear the recently released Trung Canidate's No. 30, wouldn't talk about the switch at all.

The final dollar figure was a hot topic around the locker room yesterday, with one club source putting the amount at a cool $45,000.

The way Portis joked about it, there might have been more involved than a simple exchange of cash.

"I bought him a car, I'm letting him use my house, have a couple house parties, I think I have to buy him a 12-pack for every home game," Portis said. "There were some negotiations involved."

Miffed that the team unilaterally gave Portis the No. 26 jersey at his introductory press conference in March, Ohalete had refused to give it up. He continued to wear his old number at the spring's first two minicamps, with Portis relegated first to No. 3 and then No. 6.

But Ohalete, who has lost his starting job to first-round draft pick Sean Taylor, finally succumbed to Portis' offer, leaving the ****sure running back feeling like his old self again.

"Superman's not Superman when he doesn't have his cape," Portis said. "I finally got my cape back, so I feel like Superman."

Tentative camp schedule

Coach Joe Gibbs said he's planning to hold a three-day passing camp July 26-28, with the rest of the team reporting for training camp at Redskin Park on July 30. The club would hold it's first two-a-day practices on Saturday, July 31, though that schedule is subject to change.

If Gibbs sticks to the plan, the Redskins will have only nine days of practices before taking the field Aug. 9 for their preseason opener against Denver in the nationally televised Hall of Fame Game at Canton, Ohio.

Extra points

Gibbs offered high praise for wide receiver James Thrash, who re-signed with the Redskins after spending the last three years in Philadelphia. Though Washington already had a deep receiving corps, Gibbs couldn't wait to sign Thrash when he became available.

"That guy will give you everything he's got on every play," Gibbs said of Thrash, who played in Washington from 1997 to 2000. "Some guys cut their careers short because they're trying to do this or that, and they don't get it. This guy gets it. ... I probably went overboard there, but obviously I like the guy." ...

Gibbs and his staff had their first real opportunity to see the entire roster practice yesterday. Only three players missed the session: tight end Robert Royal and cornerback Walt Harris, who have knee injuries, and fullback Rock Cartwright, who was excused because of a death in the family.

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If I remeber right didn't Portis say there was no way he was gonna pay anything and the challenged Ohalete to a boxing match.

So do you think think Joe told these two knuckleheads to get it fixed?

Or I don't know these guys are pretty humble and they do care about each other maybe they just worked it out on their own.;)

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I'm glad it's over with. I was honestly starting to worry that this might have been a distraction for the team. Hopefully, both Iffy and Clinton are happy with the outcome, and it's a dead issue from this point on. (for 45,000 dolllars, it ought to be ) :):cheers:

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Its kinda crap news to read, I mean we all expected it to happen, but what does Oahlete think about the organization that pretty much scrubbed him aside as he went through hell for a few years and they just forgot about him on signing day...I still believe he's better than Matt Bowen, who I think is extremely awful. I mean did anyone see the Miami game or the Cowboys 1st game? WTF this guy sucks... Start Iffy over him!

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On channel 9 last night they had an interview with Smoot. They said he was the middle man in the negotiations. So I think Smoot had a lot to do with it. Smoot is stepping up as a team leader. I'm expecting big things from him this year.

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The real news is this:

Gibbs offered high praise for wide receiver James Thrash, who re-signed with the Redskins after spending the last three years in Philadelphia. Though Washington already had a deep receiving corps, Gibbs couldn't wait to sign Thrash when he became available.

"That guy will give you everything he's got on every play," Gibbs said of Thrash, who played in Washington from 1997 to 2000. "Some guys cut their careers short because they're trying to do this or that, and they don't get it. This guy gets it. ... I probably went overboard there, but obviously I like the guy." ...

I always liked Thrash. I'm glad he's back home where he belongs. His work ethic and attitude can do nothing but elevate the play and effort of AT LEAST the rest of the receiving corps, if not beyond. Good signing!

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Originally posted by Bonef1de

If I remeber right didn't Portis say there was no way he was gonna pay anything and the challenged Ohalete to a boxing match.

So do you think think Joe told these two knuckleheads to get it fixed?

Or I don't know these guys are pretty humble and they do care about each other maybe they just worked it out on their own.;)

Actually the Washington Post quoted Gibbs as saying he stayed out of the whole thing.

"It's got to be worked out among the guys," Gibbs said. "As a coach you can't jump in there and start handing out numbers. I'm not going to do that."


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Originally posted by bubba9497

"Superman's not Superman when he doesn't have his cape," Portis said. "I finally got my cape back, so I feel like Superman."

Portis is a riot!!! I can't believe all this drama over a jersey NUMBER! Now that 'superman' has his cape back, he can start focusing on his game and what is REALLY important!!! :D I hope Iffy got a sweeet deal!

Also enjoyed reading what Gibbs had to say about Thrash...

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I'm not all that excited about thrash back here as a WR. I know he was young when he was here last, but he didn't produce in a major way for the team. I definitely wasn't impressed with his play in Philly. I'm hoping he's here as a character guy and Special Teams.

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Originally posted by fish

The real news is this:

Gibbs offered high praise for wide receiver James Thrash, who re-signed with the Redskins after spending the last three years in Philadelphia. Though Washington already had a deep receiving corps, Gibbs couldn't wait to sign Thrash when he became available.

"That guy will give you everything he's got on every play," Gibbs said of Thrash, who played in Washington from 1997 to 2000. "Some guys cut their careers short because they're trying to do this or that, and they don't get it. This guy gets it. ... I probably went overboard there, but obviously I like the guy." ...

I always liked Thrash. I'm glad he's back home where he belongs. His work ethic and attitude can do nothing but elevate the play and effort of AT LEAST the rest of the receiving corps, if not beyond. Good signing!

Exactly right Fish.

Some looney posters commented when we brought Thrash back that it was not a good move to spend a late-round pick on the guy. Obviously they value too little the sort of player Thrash is to a coach like Gibbs. He's the hard worker who is the example the coach can use to players who work a tad less diligently. He'll contribute in many ways for us on special teams and he provides valuable protection from a depth perspective at receiver. Very good signing.

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Thrash (much like Art Monk) provides Gibbs with an example of the type of effort he wants. if any player is wondering what it takes to be a redskin (under Gibbs) and what makes the coach happy (i.e. you keep your job) he can just point to Thrash and say 'do what he does'. oddly, i remember seeing on TV that Thrash came highly recommended by Bubba Tyer. he kept telling Joe that the guy was a true redskin and couldn't praise him enough. Interesting that the trainer (although an exceptional one) would have that much influence.

by the way, i'll bet Thrash is a good blocker in the running game. any WR who isn't has a big strike against him under JG.

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Living in the Philly area I've had to watch Thrash every week. He was the most annoying Eagle to watch by far. After every catch he points to the sky with both hands, thanking God for helping him make the catch. It could be a 3 yarder or a 40 yarder and he does it every time. I hope his signing is for special teams only.

Oh by the way, he sucks as a receiver. Balls bounce off his hands and chest and turn into picks for the other team. Sure, he might be a great person but I'm telling you all, he's annoying as hell to watch on the field.

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That's odd, because in his previous seasons with the Skins, he didn't drop passes "quarterbacks threw to him correctly, and he made very, very good adjustment to balls not thrown correctly"

Apparently the percentage of throws from McNabb and others maybe were a bit hurried, or is it just the ability to throw patterns, other than a straight line downfield.

Sorry but McNabb isn't known as a passer that does consistant out patterns of 15-2-25 range, crossing, button hooks. He does throw a mean ball straight downfield.

We apparently aren't having that problem now, so whatever in your team's problems. By the way Joe Gibbs strength is OFFENSE, so it doesn't take him forever, to find out the difference between timing patterns, out patterns, etc. He eats it for lunch.

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