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How Much of a Paycut Would You Take To


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work for your absolute most favorite team in the cosmos in a professional but non-football related capacity (i.e. as an attorney)? Would you consider it a professional dead end of sorts even though it would be a total dream to be an insider in the organization and maybe once and a while run into and hang out with coaches and players? How much (in terms of percentage) of a salary cut would you take? Just curious. I'm probably not qualified in terms of years of experience for the position, but wondering if you guys ever thought about what it would be like to work in the redskins organization in a non-football related position. Anyone who has or knows someone who has knowledge of what it's like is especially encouraged to share.

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I think that after you were in the position you may regret the decision. Ever heard the saying, "Never meet your heroes". I've been there and sometimes the athletes you admire from a distance can be very disappointing in person. Me, I'd rather enjoy them on television from my couch.

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I agree with Blitz. We tend to forget that these are people just like you and me and they have "normal" lives like we do. They also make the same mistakes and some different ones as we do. I think meeting athletes that you really look up too tends to shatter that image and becomes a disappointment.

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I totally dig what you mean but I have to say this first.

If I were to take a job as a LAWYER with the team I would NOT be taking a pay-cut. :laugh:

However, I would NOT take a paycut and it would take more than just a "bump" in pay to get me to do it. I just happen to like my job but also I don't know if I want to be that close to it all. The familiarity may ruin it for me. I'm a FAN.


Born in to 'Skins in '66. I don't want a job, I'm just here for the football!

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Because my brother played pro baseball and I got the chance to live with him for a couple summers and meet a bunch of big name guys, I definately do not idolize pro players. They are everyday guys and have normal lives just like we do except for their job. Their job is more in the spotlight than most of ours.

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Just depends on how important money is to you. I worked for the skins for a few years doing different volunteer stuff, on the field activities, and I got to meet lots of the players (I grew to like Jeff George very well too bad he sucked) I eventually had to stop because college/work/girlfriend demanded too much time, but hey if I was single I would go back and do it in a heart beat.

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It would be cool to be a lawyer and work with a team but I think it would be cooler to be in a courtroom defending thieves murderers and drug dealers so I think I'd apply to work for the Ravens where I could do both.

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When I was in college, I interned at WUSA (local CBS here in DC) and I used to go out to Redskin Park and be in on the player and coaches interviews.

Also, my friend worked for an investment bank that helped finance Snyder's purchase of the Skins and he had access to all of the numbers and used to attend games in some of the luxury suites (not Snyders:D ) courtesy of the Skins.

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Here is a good way to look at "Lowered Expectations" on compensation that is Unconventional for one thing.

1. Its a chance to be directly involved in an organization that has eventually three legendary figures in it, not only in sports, but in effective leadership (Joe Gibbs), marketing (Dan Snyder) and the consumate professioinal (Gregg Williams).

2. Intangles, as you should know in law, aren't measured in dollars, but like morale, places in the heart, and other human factors, that dig deep in all of us. These can't be bought or sold.

Given just those two parameters, and not, the 1,000 others, I would say, I can live with a 30% decrease, because I can write, paint, draw, speak and instruct. So < I come away with something far more valuable and could earn me even more, than I had ever envisioned. It depends on how you "respectfully" use the opportunity.

Seize the day!

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Originally posted by Pocono

It would be cool to be a lawyer and work with a team but I think it would be cooler to be in a courtroom defending thieves murderers and drug dealers so I think I'd apply to work for the Ravens where I could do both.

:laugh: Nice jab, Pocono.

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You don't necessarily have to hang out with the players. Get the executuve job with the Redskins and you'll probably get to be in the Luxury Suite also. This last Thursday my company gave me the Luxury Suite at the Pirates game against St. Louis. It was phenomenal!! I couldn't even imagine what it would be like a FedEx Field! I met Littlefield, the GM of the Pirates since the suite is pretty much next door to his behind home plate. Remember though, you'll probably be doing a TON of hours. Snyder, first and foremost, is a businessman, so he'll work you to the bone.

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Thanks for all the input guys. The Ravens comment was hilarious!

I guess this was all hypothetical since I probably lack the requisite level of experience that they are seeking (2 yrs as an associate GC) and even if I did, whether I would get an interview or an offer to join is a crapshoot. I've read on espn a couple years ago that the GC is an ex-partner at Weil Gotshal, a prestigious NYC-based law firm, which I believe represented Snyder's company when it was acquired. One the one hand it wouldn't seem like a step down working for a lawyer of that caliber and with a marketing genius like DS. But on the other hand I can see that the "glamour" side of it might not be all sexy as it sounds. And I can't imagine working more hours than I already and that doesn't matter as much when you like what you're doing.

I just love the skins and the nfl and the idea of being around it all the time just sounds cool. Probably worth some hit on comp, even though I have a mountain of law school debt. I went to HS with Taglibue's kid so maybe I can find a job in the league some day when I've paid off my loans. By then, I'll have kids, mortgage on a house out here in California, and it'll all be out of the question. One can dream though....

If you're interested Jackson's Ward, they may still be taking resumes:


This website has postings for jobs with other nfl teams. This is the first openning I've seen for the skins.

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