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Is this forum Xenophobic?

Johnny Punani2

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I have seen many instances of people being ignorant or hostile to different religions, cultures, sexual tendencies, and political affiliations.

There is a certain close minded-ness and fear of anything foreign in certain forum members.

Although there are people like this all across the internet and the world. There does however seem to be a certain larger **** the rest of the world mentality than I have experienced in other online forums, I think this forum gives us a little snapshot of the American population.

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Well, I'm not talking about the racial, religious, etc aspect of xenophobia in regards to message boards but someone being a 'new'.

I've noticed on other forums people being downright hostile to new members and viewing them with contempt.


Xenophobia- A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples.

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Guest 979guy

Can anyone tell me - what did funnyperson1 write above? It's just that he's on my ignore list since he only joined during March 2004... :D

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That you can ask this question should answer your question.

If anything, the people on this board look forward to new members, regardless of their origin, nationality, preferences, etc. That some of the most frequent posters express a conservative bent doesn't mean that opposing views aren't welcome.

Opposing views are always welcome. It's the flamers and instigsators who get their lunch handed to them. And very few have been shown the door. The goofheads tend to leave of their own accord.

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Huh, I thought the xenophobia was going to be about the number of anti-european sentiments I have read in recent months or the anti- anyone not American sentiments. That I do think exists on this board. I wonder if it is the anonymous nature of the boards or because things in print sometimes seem much harsher than intended.

As for fear of something new. Usually, some of the longer threads of the day are the welcome ones. I haven't seen it, but I have seen impatience on the part of some for those who innocently have tried to contribute by posting an article that has been merged already or questioning why tailgate threads aren't about the Redskins.

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Guest CygnusX

I would not say that this particular MB is xenophobic in the purest sense of the word. Being a "xeno" myself I would have to say that quite a few people welcomed me and really did make me feel at home. I have posted very little but I have read many many posts, so I don't think I am speaking from my @ss.

As Burgold mentioned previously, this board does contain many threads which contain some anti-anyone not American sentiments but to a certain extent I think that is natural. This is a Redskins message board, and I would imagine that the vast majority of its members are Americans. I think it's much less a case of xenophobia than it is a case of nationalism.


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Welcome Southern...at lot of it has to do with timing. If a thread falls off the first page quickly (can be just chance or the time of the day its posted), sometimes it doesn't get noticed. I know I've experienced that. It can be a bummer when you post something you think will get some attention and....it fizzles...or worse, gets no comment.

Happens to everybody. You ARE welcome. And if you contribute, people will notice :cheers:

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1. I thought this thread was going to be about Xenadrine when I clicked on it.

2. The answer to the question is, absolutely not. New members are welcomed to this board with open arms. As long as they contribute intelligent posts.

3. How can you be frightened at all of Xena???? I love her!!!! And was very sad when the show went off the air. I have even signed a petition to have the makers of the show make an on screen movie.

Wait, should I have admitted to number 3?

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Originally posted by Tom [Giants fan]

1. I thought this thread was going to be about Xenadrine when I clicked on it.

2. The answer to the question is, absolutle not. New members are welcomed to this board with open arms. As long as they contribute intelligent posts.

3. How can you be frightened at all of Xena???? I love her!!!! And was very sad when the show went off the air. I have even signed a petition to have the makers of the show make an on screen movie.

Wait, should I have admitted to number 3?

Don't worry, being a Giants fan, we kind of expect bizarre behavior from you :cool:

I was going to go the 'Xena' route myself, so I'm glad Woofer 'went there'. Scantily clad women? Violence? Cheap sets? Does it get any better? BRING BACK XENA! BRING BACK XENA!!! :laugh:

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I started on this board prior to last season when many were blindly optimistic about Spurrier's second season. I was not and was called an idiot and a moron because I didn't drink the cool-aid. At that time it seemed that if you didn't march in line with some of the "veterans" you were summarily dismissed as not as much of a fan as them or not as brilliant as them.

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Originally posted by Monte51Coleman

I started on this board prior to last season when many were blindly optimistic about Spurrier's second season. I was not and was called an idiot and a moron because I didn't drink the cool-aid. At that time it seemed that if you didn't march in line with some of the "veterans" you were summarily dismissed as not as much of a fan as them or not as brilliant as them.

Shouting down the minority is an American tradition monte :laugh: , why should extreme be any different?

The beauty of it is, now you get to gloat about it! Btw....Kenny Watson never should have been cut ;)

Just make sure you drink the Koolaid this time....


[FL=http://www.80stvthemes.com/ra/121999/KOOLAID.ra] width = 135 height = 135 [/FL]

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Thanks Tarhog. It didn't really bother me or I would have vanished. I'm glad I didn't. I have never understood, however, peoples penchant for name calling on the internet when they would never do it out in the real world. Perhaps its self-survival. Doing it in anonimity doesn't require a good health insurance plan!

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Originally posted by Monte51Coleman

Thanks Tarhog. It didn't really bother me or I would have vanished. I'm glad I didn't. I have never understood, however, peoples penchant for name calling on the internet when they would never do it out in the real world. Perhaps its self-survival. Doing it in anonimity doesn't require a good health insurance plan!



I hate it when people name call and act like babies on the internet just because nobody will kick their ass.

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Two different versions you're talking abou1.

1) Xenophobia as a fear of forigners (in the nationality/race/religon sence) isn't rampart on the board, but there is a certain few who I feel exhibit some symptoms of thei paranoia. I won't name anyone in particular, but I think everyone knows who I'm talking about :)

2) As far as new members, I don't see it at all. I've been on other message boards where people just ignore you, or try to bash you for no reason, but not here. As long as you try to discuss the topic logically, I think the majority of members are willing to respond and offer their opinions, even if it differs. The members here, along with the mods, are pretty good at welcoming new members, espically if their posts are well thought out.

My $0.02

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