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Anybody See Sellars Lately?


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It's good to see him back a 'Skins uni. Ya know, with all our depth this season, even if we have several injuries that could potentially cause us problems, they might not really be that much of a problem. Not to say that I want injuries, but this ain't a perfect world & that's another thing about Gibbs. He accounts for injuries & fills the holes with depth! I really can't wait for this season to start! Is it August YET???

:dallasuck :point2sky :dallasuck

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I too, was sad to see him go. I remember Mike Sellers making a lot of punishing plays. He opened holes for Davis, but he also made some great plays with the ball. Bringing Sellers back was one of my favorite off-season moves, on par with bringing back Raymer.

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I have a question, we all know about his blocking abilities. But does he have the moves to say for instance. The pass protection breaks down can he be a checkdown type receiver out the backfield and make positive yards?

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Originally posted by TimFolk

I have a question, we all know about his blocking abilities. But does he have the moves to say for instance. The pass protection breaks down can he be a checkdown type receiver out the backfield and make positive yards?

I'm not sure what you're asking, but I remember Doc saying in mini-camps he didn't drop a single pass, and he can definitely block.

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Yeah, you answered my question. I was thinking he could be a guy Brunell, could throw to so he would have to take a sack if theres nothing downfield for him. I didn't know what kind of player he was in open field and what not.

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the fact the Redskins drafted Cooley and signed Kozlowski to me says the organization has questions about how prepared Sellers is at this point to come back and contribute. Remember this guy hasn't played an NFL season since 2001.

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When the Skins Signed Sellers out of Canada (when he was just 19 years old, having skipped College), he was 255 lbs and ran consistently in the 4.6's. He's a little bigger now, and probably a tad slower, but he's VERY athletic, and he loves contact.

Anyone remember him busting the wedge on kick-offs? Absolutely crazy.

Originally the Skins wanted to make him a TE, but he pushed his way to FB, partly because that was his preference, but mostly because we lost our main FB to a bad leg break ... what was his name? Larry (not Centers), something?

Anyway, the Skins never let Sellars go, we had no choice once Marty took over and decided to take the immediate cap hit from cutting Tubbyfield. If you remember, we had zero cap room, and couldn't do anything until August ... not until the Deion situation was handled.

That's why Thrash, Sellars, and Kalu left ... we couldn't even offer them signing bonuses to stay.

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yeah...he took over for Larry Bowie, who broke the same leg two seasons in a row. We lost Sellars to the Browns via RFA, Marty didn't match and we signed Donnel Bennet.

I think signing Kowloski and drafting Cooley is just Joe Gibbs loading up on TE/HB's like he always has. I think our H-backs will be Cooley and Sellars, and Rasby and Kowslowski will be the more traditional TE's. Rasby and Kowslowski will probably be prepared to play H-back though, for depth and certain situations.

Royal and Ware will be battling it out for that last roster spot.

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Man, Sellers won't even make this squad, give it up guys, he's a weightroom warrior that isn't gonna make the team. Maybe he should try his hand at bodybuilding as big as he looks.

There are already two blocking "specialists" at TE/H-Back in Rasby and Kozlowski, then there are the receiving threats in Royal and Cooley. I don't know what to make of Kevin Ware but Sellers and Ware could be battling it out for 5th spot in the TE/H-Back depth chart. And that's if Gibbs decides to keep 5, if he goes with 4 those two guys are as good as gone.

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Anyone else remember what a whiny, trash talking punk he was after he left and all the crap he said about the skins when he was a brown? Talkin bout how much better he had it and how great cleveland was till he effed that up and had to go play in canada ........ eh.

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