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Lavar Defensive MVP?


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Okay, I know its near impossible as long as Ray Lewis is around, but I believe that this will be the year that Lavar finally breaks out. He's had some serious flashes of briliance and if he could show some more consistency he could be second to that of only Ray Lewis. But Lewis can't get the award every year ya know. So do ya'll believe that Lavar will be the Defensive MVP this year, runner up, or am I dreaming? :silly:

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Don't care what individual awards he wins, as long as he takes home the most important piece of hardware...

Kevin Garnett had the right attitude when he said winning the MVP wasn't enough, because if you don't win the championship you're still a loser.

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You know with this kid sleeping in until 9:45 and using terms like "damn skippy" and worst of all mowing over helpless kittens I'm not sure he's a Joe Gibb's type of fan. Joe wants character as much in his fans as he does in his players. Maybe you should try the Eagle's board you late sleeping vulgar language using kitten mowing pervert.

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Physically, he could be defensive MVP and a top 5 player in the league. But as much as I like Lavar, he is just too inconsistent and makes too many bone headed plays to win the defensive MVP. Maybe in the future, once he has time in 1 system, but not this yr.

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I think it will depend on WAY too much. Injuries, formations, offenses that we face, defensive line production, what side he lines up on the majority of the season. There are so many things that will depend on what happens, it's impossible to make that prediction.

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Originally posted by Jay Master Jay

We've heard this one before lets just play hard and win some games first. The awards will take care of themselves.

Amen to that one! I'm not one to care this early about whether someone is going to get an MVP award, I just wanna see more than 5 wins & 2 wins against Dallas right now. If he gets it, he gets it & I'll be happy for him, but not looking to make those kinds of predictions right now.

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Originally posted by Mojoscowboys43

As a Cowboys fan I'm going to say no, he won't even sniff it, at least not untill he starts racking up tackles and not getting caught out of possition. If Lavar could ever get his head on straight he'd be a true terror

Ah nuts, I have to agree with a Cowboys fan...:(

Until someone invents a new steroid to increase brain capacity, Lavar will continue on as the most overrated defensive player since.... Trotter.

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