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I just came inside from walking around my yard with a video camera! The ground was moving literally like I was in a horror movie about bugs! Talk about AWESOME!!! This is just the beginning & my house has already become a hotbed for them! I can't even express what I just witnessed & what we will witness in the next 6 weeks! I could not walk without stepping on probably about 20-30 at a time! My green grass is brown & crawling! My cats have been going nuts!

I remember '87 when the 17 year came thru before. I don't remember them being this bad, this early & they haven't even begun flying or singing yet!

Anyway, I thought I would just let everyone know that the invasion has begun! Lock all you doors & windows. Keep all your pets & small children inside. Alfred Hitch**** would love this!

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I vaguely remember when they came in '87. I was in 8th grade and just remember they were a royal PITA when I was out in gym class... :laugh:

I've seen literally a handful so far and know the bigger stuff will come soon. It's going to be an interesting comparison then and now considering I was in my early teens last time they were here and now I'm an adult, I drive, have less patience & tolerance, etcetera... ;)


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Originally posted by IAMBG

Y'all take some pictures...

I wanna see. I remember the last time, but I don't think we'll have them down here...

None in SC. Only in parts of Midwest, Balt-Wash region, area near Roanoke and parts of East Tenn and Ky. Strange but true.

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I remember the last time well. Couldn't walk anywhere without a crunch crunch underneath your feet. Definately had to wipe your feet before going inside.......... or that mater after walking a few feet. Bleah.

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Originally posted by CowboyzSuckAzz

I just came inside from walking around my yard with a video camera! The ground was moving literally like I was in a horror movie about bugs! Talk about AWESOME!!! This is just the beginning & my house has already become a hotbed for them! I can't even express what I just witnessed & what we will witness in the next 6 weeks! I could not walk without stepping on probably about 20-30 at a time! My green grass is brown & crawling! My cats have been going nuts!

You're only the 2nd person I know of that has them. The other person is in Falls Church as well. Haven't seen anything around here yet but I now it's just a matter of time. Maybe this weekend.

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I got some pics the other day. The ground wasn't crawling with them like described above. I just happened to see some crawling on some plants in my front yard, it looked like they had just molted, one's wings are even still kind of shriveled up.

Here are the pics:






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I was in WV a couple years ago when the cicadas showed up. Your mind dulls out the noise after 24 hours or so, or you go nuts. Walking across a parking lot gets tough, guess the bugs want something to land on and after 50 yards you’d have a dozen or so taking residence in your clothing. I remember going to a Sam’s club and they actually had an older women standing just inside the door with a small broom who was helping patrons get the bugs off of them as they entered! Dogs don’t need to be feed for weeks, they’ll eat till they are sick. Just wait till they start dying, dead bugs will cover everything. Sidewalks will be slippery as will the roads, enough to cause your vehicle to slide a bit (I kid you not!) Have fun!

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The last time my wife ran around for a month with a bag over her head and another bag in her hand swatting at the air.

This year she is more sophisticated.

When she lets the dogs outs out she now wears boots, a raincoat, and a bee keepers hat. Way too funny.

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Was the one you picked up dead Tank? (did you taste it?)

I'm almost sure they're about to pop up where I live because they're pushing the worms up out of the ground. I went outside this morning and there were just bunch of worms everywhere (no rain, and not alot of dew either), so either they're being pushed out, or there's about to be an earthquake....

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For those that live in NOVA areas where there has been a lot of construction the last 17 years may not have as many coming out of the ground. But don't worry the millions in the forest should fly in your areas :silly:

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Originally posted by jbooma

Someone told me the other day if your dog eats to many it might be bad for the stomach lining because they will be thowing them up so much. So dog owners you might want to watch out when your dogs are outside.

If you want more info go here about the cicadas go here :


From what I've heard they're not harmful to dogs...it's just that dogs tend to eat a LOT of them, which leads to the risk of choking and possible constipation. Either way, you probably don't want your dog eating a ton of them but I wouldn't worry if they at a couple.

Originally posted by Skins24

Was the one you picked up dead Tank? (did you taste it?)

Nope, it was alive and they're just as dumb as I remember them. :laugh: I just reached down and picked him up. He was trying to flap his wings so that's why the pic is blurry I guess. It was hard to take the pic and hold it :D

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