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Originally posted by Die Hard

I wouldn't recommend that... they're probably laced.

touche :laugh:

A few humans find them delectable - or at least edible. Roasted and ground, they supposedly make a tasty substitute for nuts. Or marinate in Worcestershire sauce, coat with batter and deep fry.

Atkins dieters, take note: Cicadas, like other insects, are chock-full of protein.


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In my very heavily wooded neighborhood in Northern Virginia the invasion is in full force. My trees are covered with them molting and making noise. The ground surrounding my trees are covered with shells. I recently removed numerous bushes from the front of my housev and all the Cicada’s are using my brick to shed their shells. Every morning this week I go outside my house and brush the pests off my bricks and every day they increase in numbers. When cars drive down the street in front of my house all I hear is a crunching sound.

If this pace keeps up I will have no where to walk without stepping on at least one of them. I have have already killed a number of them just walking out my front door. I left a pair of shoes on the side of my house for five minutes and two Cicadas attached themselves to my shoes.

Yes, the invasion is in full force where I am.

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