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Who will backup Portis?


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I feel confident and comfortable that Coach Gibbs along with Ernest Byner will make a good, learned decision on that and favorite or not, guess I'll be happy about that, ( that's the it's a long offseason and I really can't wait for the final roster answer).

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Trung had one decent game in his whole career, and it wasnt even as a redskin. He is a one hit wonder, give the ball to Betts. He rushed for over 1100 yards the season before getting drafted by the skins. Under Spurriers system, a guy like Betts isnt going to be able to shine. I expect big things from him in the future.

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Originally posted by illone

Trung had one decent game in his whole career, and it wasnt even as a redskin. He is a one hit wonder, give the ball to Betts. He rushed for over 1100 yards the season before getting drafted by the skins. Under Spurriers system, a guy like Betts isnt going to be able to shine. I expect big things from him in the future.

How can you expect big things in the future for Portis' backup? You don't think he will take CP's spot do you? Expect him to be traded? You from Iowa?

Didn't NO offer a DL for Betts last year? I bet we could get something for him. A lot of people seem to be high on him for no reason.

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Originally posted by SkinFromNepal

I would like Sultan to be our second RB............. He can be as good as anyone with experience...............

I wanted Sultan to get a shot at the back up too but, Sultan and Dockery may not fare too well with Gibbs. Gibbs guys are usually very bright men with an above average iq on and off the football field. If I remember correctly both guys didn't fare well with there wonderlick tests.

Does anyone know what Betts, Trung and Rock's wonderlick scores were?

Does anyone know how this years draft picks did on there wonderlick's?

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Originally posted by Tommy-the-Greek

I wanted Sultan to get a shot at the back up too but, Sultan and Dockery may not fare too well with Gibbs. Gibbs guys are usually very bright men with an above average iq on and off the football field. If I remember correctly both guys didn't fare well with there wonderlick tests.

Does anyone know what Betts, Trung and Rock's wonderlick scores were?

Does anyone know how this years draft picks did on there wonderlick's?

I know that Sean Taylor had a 10 (barely literate), didn't seem to be much of a factor.

The backup of should be Rock (who I voted for) he really reminds me of Stephen Davis with a little bit less speed.

Trung may also be a backup. He was doing quite well actually until he got hurt in the Tampa Bay game.

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i choose rbbc , i do not see trung making the final roster and JG decission on using the rock and betts will depend on the situation that is presenting itself at that time . :2cents:

:ravensuck :gaintsuck :eaglesuck :dallasuck

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Originally posted by bulldog

Canidate is an athlete but not a football player. I think it will be a surprise if he is on the opening day roster.

He has speed but nothing else. His instincts as a runner are average, his hands are average and he can't block worth a lick.

This is how I see Trung and have been saying he'll be tghe first to go. I did understand Spurrier wanting him since speed matters so much to OBC, and being an average runner or unable to block didn't matter. :D

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Originally posted by Funkyalligator

I think we should use Betts as a back-up and either trade trung for a 3-4 rounder or cut him...that way we save his salary...with him being cut and Fiore retiring that will save us $2 million on our cap.....better to sign a June 1st, DL cut

Just like we can't get anything for Trotter because we blew our cover, i think most teams know Trung won't be around for long and therefore won't ponie up anything of significance in a trade for him either.

I am in favor of Betts and think he should've started last year. Like Davis, he is an excellent downhill runner when healthy and good between the tackles, which is how Gibbs usually likes 'em. He is also reasonably big (I think bigger than Portis).

I'm glad we got Byner coaching these guys up. It means a lot to me to see Skins alums coming home to help lift up this struggling franchise. I think that will rub off on the players and help them to feel more invested in the team and the teams history.

Sorry for that last bit. Stream of consciousness, I guess.:D

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Originally posted by Sebowski

How can you expect big things in the future for Portis' backup?

i watched him in college, thought he was a solid player. By big things I dont mean NFC rushing leader or anything. i mean a solid contributer on our squad i.e. filling in when needed and advancing the chains. Maybe a few 75+ yard games, etc.

You don't think he will take CP's spot do you? Expect him to be traded? You from Iowa?

Didn't NO offer a DL for Betts last year? I bet we could get something for him. A lot of people seem to be high on him for no reason.

no, no and no. I like him because I thought he was good in college.

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Trung is a better back INMO. He averages over 4 a carry with his lack of size. He tried to comeback after a high ankle sprain. Believe me thats very hard to deal with.

Betts is slow and is suppose to be about power.. Well....he has power but he only averages 3+ yards a carry. In the NFL those numbers suck.

Trung has proven to pick up yards in every game. Betts waits for things to happen and with his lack of speed, he can't BS his way out of the backfield, unlike Trung.

Both seem to be injury prone, but who wasn't last year??

I think Trung will win do to the fact that he will not be a change of pace back. This will NOT give the opposition any rest at any point in the game.:helmet:

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I voted for Betts. He showed some power and decent speed. Also, nice hands receiving.

I believe our OL will give Betts room up inside. Nice change of pace.

Rock also showed some power and nice hands receiving. Also showed some surprising speed.

IMO, Portis and Sultan will provide the speed. Betts and Rock will provide a nice change of pace, not to mention the shiftiness of Morton from time to time.

I believe Candidate will be cut. I loved the guy when the Rams drafted him:cool:

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Here's something we once again forgot, for those who didn't take a closer look at Betts.

I missed it last year and kind of lost patience with his recovery from injury, but apparently Byner knows something we don't.

Betts is a "workhorse" back supposedly. However, with Portis starting, Betts gets to come off the bench fresh, not be used as much and deliver some very good quality minutes on the field.

Here's the something we keep forgetting.

Timmy Smith

Reggie Brooks

Jamie Morris

Of the well known backs the Skins had that are at least going to get a nomination or consideration or in the HOF, these guys above won't.

However, they all had great years with JOE BUGEL as the offensive LINE COACH.

How easy we forget. Sure he may be able to do just the same, but if he doesn't keep one of those backs, trust me, its Candidate thats doing the packing.

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