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Who will backup Portis?


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Portis is not in line to break Bret Farve's record of most starts in a row. He missed 3 games last year due to injury. Lets think the worse here and say he goes down for a couple games this year. Who will get his carries? Will one guy step up and be productive, or will we have to go RBBC and use different guys for different situations? If one guy can step up that would be important Fantasy Footballers like myself. Rock showed last year he could be a feature back, Trung had his moments when healthy, and Betts just wasn't ever healthy. I'm going to go with Trung (if he is still a Redskin). He has the most similar running style to Portis, and the most upside. I could also see them use a commitee aproach. What do you guys think?

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Originally posted by Sebowski

Portis is not in line to break Bret Farve's record of most starts in a row. He missed 3 games last year due to injury. Lets think the worse here and say he goes down for a couple games this year. I'm going to go with Trung (if he is still a Redskin). He has the most similar running style to Portis, and the most upside. I could also see them use a commitee aproach. What do you guys think?

Portis missed "1" game last year because of injury, two he was held out at the end of the season so he would not get hurt.

I agree with you as far as Trung goes he would be a nice back-up for Portis I like every back up we have actually, but Trung has the most upside as you said, he is a speed back, and can cut.

Although I don't think anyone in the NFL can cut as fast at that speed like Portis(was some espn guy did a good job proving this on tape at least comparing him to other backs such as Deuce and LT when the trade happened).

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It's gotta be Betts. We have the chance to be really good at RB this season. Proper use of Betts does 2 things. First it rests Portis for the season and for the second half when the D is tired. Second, it give Betts what he needs most - carries.

Again, this could be as much as a bright spot as or WR situation or even or QB situation or as good as ................... MAN I'M GETTING PSYCHED FOR THE SEASON!!!!

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Truthfully at first I was a Portis fan but his ****y, me first attitude really set me off. I'm more of a Ladell Betts fan myself I believe that it should be an open competition, isn't that what football is all about anyway.

He should also shut up about #26, its Ohalete's and he's done more for the Skins.

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I think it will be hard for the 'skins to keep Betts, Trung, Morton and Rock (not to mention Sultan). I suspect we will not be carrying 5 tailbacks and I have a suspicion that Rock will be the odd man out. That said, if Trung goes down I expect we'll see a mix of Trung and Betts.

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Originally posted by miragv

Truthfully at first I was a Portis fan but his ****y, me first attitude really set me off. I'm more of a Ladell Betts fan myself I believe that it should be an open competition, isn't that what football is all about anyway.

He should also shut up about #26, its Ohalete's and he's done more for the Skins.

Ironic that you are telling somebody to shut up.

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Canidate is an athlete but not a football player. I think it will be a surprise if he is on the opening day roster.

He has speed but nothing else. His instincts as a runner are average, his hands are average and he can't block worth a lick.

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I dont any of them until they learn how to read a blitz pick up the linebacker before our Qb gets pummelled.


That could be a reason to let at least one of them go. Rock is not as much liability because he had no big time trade value and wasn't on the radar. So he's more of a plus to have. He's IS becoming a "short yardage" specialist, something Gibbs loves. He's a mini-version of an Otis Wonsley. That means he stays.

Trung Candidate just has to, I mean HAS TO, distance himself from the rest of the RB's to include that blocking you mentioned. That is because there are RB's in the league who will be available that could block far better and get at least close to his yardage on carries. If that is the case still, after say five weeks before, the season opener, then he will be gone. There isn't enough time for Earnest Byner to fumbling around with Candidate's feelings, as opposed to the needs of the team. The sooner you get a replacement to do the job, the better. If Candidate can improve (and you WILL need at least the first preseason game to tell that he can handle bum rushes, blitzes and corner blitzes), then he has some breathing room. Byner will be able to tell if its just a tease and a stall for time, something he doesn't need.

Ladell Betts is the one with options we can use, should he be at least consistantly healthy. He can run between and outside the tackles (not as fast as Candidate, but still can get there). All three backs can catch, but Betts is a bigger target, moves well with screens and although doesn't break tackles like you wished he could, he gains enough to move the chains. We just need to see more of him. If a ding gets him again, Gibbs may be forced to trade him for a future pick next year, when he gets healthy again or let him go altogether. Good RB's don't consistantly get injured so much they are a liability to the team. Apparently if you need band aids all the time, maybe being a RB in the NFL isn't for you. Try the AFL.

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There doesn't have to be a set #2 RB. Just like at CB, we have the luxury or brining in guys depending on the situation. If we only keep three RBs (I assume Portis, Betts, and Rock) then we could have Betts come in every once in awhile to spell Portis. Rock could be used in third and short as well as goaline situations. I would kind of like to see a three headed monster type system (With Portis obviously getting most of the work). It would keep everyone fresh and keep the defense on their toes.

1000th post, yay :cheers:

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