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Who will backup Portis?


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They will compete in camp. Thus the back up. I'm putting my stock on Rock. Simply because he such a contrasting style to Portis.

Sleeper is Sultan. Sultan over Trung for cap hit reasons.




Morton (Special Teams)

Outside chance Sultan.

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Originally posted by miragv

Truthfully at first I was a Portis fan but his ****y, me first attitude really set me off. I'm more of a Ladell Betts fan myself I believe that it should be an open competition, isn't that what football is all about anyway.

He should also shut up about #26, its Ohalete's and he's done more for the Skins.

Are you joking? You rather have Betts than Portis? That ****y me first attitude got Portis 1500 yards last year. Betts is a glorified back-up...I think trung and rock are better truthfully.

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Originally posted by RedskinGodfather

Are you joking? You rather have Betts than Portis? That ****y me first attitude got Portis 1500 yards last year. Betts is a glorified back-up...I think trung and rock are better truthfully.

Actually the Skins gave up too much for Portis. He's good but I've always been one to believe that a great offensive line can make average skill position players look good. I think Betts problem is staying healthy really. Canidate is just too soft. I know hind sight is 20/20 but I would've kept Champ who is more durable than Springs, used the 2nd rd pick on a RB and had a lot more Cap Space left over. Springs and Portis are both good but very injury prone. Especially Springs.

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Originally posted by DCMONEY

Actually the Skins gave up too much for Portis. He's good but I've always been one to believe that a great offensive line can make average skill position players look good. I think Betts problem is staying healthy really. Canidate is just too soft. I know hind sight is 20/20 but I would've kept Champ who is more durable than Springs, used the 2nd rd pick on a RB and had a lot more Cap Space left over. Springs and Portis are both good but very injury prone. Especially Springs.

This has been discussed many times, but the bottom line is Champ didnt want to be here anymore.

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Originally posted by Larry

Everyone, apparantly, except Champ.

Oh, God, not this crap again. :doh: Champ is gone, Springs and Portis are here. End of story. This isn't a thread about Bailey, so I'm not going to talk anymore about it.*

Byner said he's lite a match under Betts butt and now he has something to prove. I haven't been that much impressed with Betts as of late, but if he has something to prove, by all means let us see it. :)

Betts will be the main back up, followed by the Rock and Morton because of that uncanny speed of his. I don't see Trung doing that much of anything here, but I can be wrong. I wouldn't mind being wrong.:)

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I think Betts can be a good back up. Even a feature back if he stays healthy. But you can't make the club in tub. I've never liked Canidate period. He's some garbage to me. I don't want to here about someone's 40 time if he can't play. I told everyone when they 1st got him, what did he ever do? Kenny Watson who the Skins cut had more yds in 1 yr as a back up than Trung had his whole career with the Rams. So what he's fast. Can he play. Overall hell no. Hell little Chad Morton hits the hole with more heart than Trung does. He's (Trung) is soft.

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