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Skins vs. Buccs


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Yes a victory will be had that day. I believe the standing ovation might last a lot longer than 10 minutes. Itll be the game that will set the tone for the season. We will see a huge difference in play from years pastt. The skins are back baby!!!!!!!!!!!

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It is going to be hot (temperature wise). Don't fall for the pregame hype. Save your energy for the all important fourth quarter. That is when the crowd needs to be at it's loudest. Skins must be disciplined on defense (Lavar keep a level head) or Gruden will take advantage. Skins will put up some points and it will be up to the D to keep the Bucs from coming back.

I am sure the place will be a madhouse before, during, and after the game (if we win). I know Joe Gibbs will feel a little embarass if the pre game ceremonies get out of hand (they didn't have those at RFK) It will be emotional which may play to the Bucs advantage. It will be up to the coaches and players to maintain focus.

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the parking lots will be jammed pack 4 hrs before game time with 90,000 loyal redskin fans drinking cold beer and grilling there favorite food , or at least i will be :cheers: everyone will be inside the stadium 90 minutes before the game to se JG come out on the field during the teams warm ups . right then and there the stadium errupts with cheers so loud that they'll hear it in dallas and philli and new york. then the nfc will know that the redskins are back to bring respectiblity and smash mouth football back to the division.


oh redskins win 24-10


:ravensuck :gaintsuck :eaglesuck :dallasuck

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Its gonna be amazing, I can not wait for that game.

We will win by a close margin. I think the first couple games will be close as our team gels together, after that we should be winning games by a bigger margin

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Originally posted by National Defense

as long as we can defend the bootleg with the option pass to the TE, we should be fine!

haha, very true. The game will be great, Gibbs will have a long ovation when he first walks out on the field, I mean, the energy is gonna be astounding. However, we have more than 94 days til the broncos game, just a waiting game.

I think, today im going home for the summer, I dont wanna leave here. I also think that when this summers over, next year is gonna be great, coming back for marching band and then watching skins games every sunday. Hopefully some other things will turn up as well.

Sorry, I started rambling there, here's to the return(im feeling very nostalgic right now leaving here and going home):cheers:

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I hope the team doesn't write off the Bucs as easily as the rest of you guys are. Yes, they've lost some talent but I do think Gruden will get the absolute most out of these guys this coming year.

We might win, but it ain't gonna be a cake-walk.

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At first I was thinking we will probably lose this game, because I thought Gruden was a tough test for a coach who is coming BACK into the league after a LONG layoff. But I realize now that Greg Williams will have to match wits with Gruden, not Gibbs. So the talent on our offense will beat TB's defense (with Gibbs' scheme) and Greg Williams will put the smackdown on Gruden's squad. Hey--you know what? Why even play the game? We ALREADY won it. (Psyyyyyych.)

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Gruden has improved his receiver corp in the offseason with lots of speed and talent, plus Joe Jerivicous will be healthy. Brad Johnson is smart. It will be a good test for our pass defense. I have faith in Smooty, but will Springs hold up? Will Taylor make any big first game blunders?

My prediction: CP runs well enough, often enough, to keep the TB offense off the field long enough so that the Skins win by a field goal.

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I noticed someone asking about how to get tickets. If you dont mind paying a premium price for not so premium seats (120+ for 400 level), www.ascticket.com is the way to go. They have a large inventory and parking passes as well. Lets try and keep these online brokers' tickets out of rival fans' hands this season.

Hail Skins

PS-Ill be at the Buc game and the Dallas MNF game. I think Week 1 will be the loudest FedEx has ever been......until Dallas comes calling on Monday Night. I cant wait...

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I actually got pumped up just reading this thread. The way i see it, there will be no close win by any standards. The Bucs have beat us of late, so I think we will really be rallied up for this one. Just the emotion of the fans will pump the team up and carry us to a 42-3 a$$ kicking.

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I was in a "sorry, foul football is over 3 monthes away, mood" then I started reading this thread! WOW, now I'm totally hyped. I can't be there but I know as soon as Coach walks out of that tunnel for the first time Fedex is going to to erupt! I'm totally hyped....opps, I already said that!

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ok now that we have had that dream for so many seasons now lets get back to reality and remember that the bucs have a sick ass defense still. Plus we haven't seen how our new coaching staff and players work together as a team yet. A good win would definitly get our momentum going though

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