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Doctor says Kerry wound "Self Inflicted"


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You know its bad when your own doctor says (In the words of Monty Python)

IT's merely a flesh wound:

Kerry's Vietnam Doc: Wound Accidentally Self-Inflicted

The Navy medic who treated Sen. John Kerry after he sustained his first battlefield wound in Vietnam said Tuesday that he thought that the injury had been inadvertently self-inflicted - raising new questions about why Kerry sought a Purple Heart after the incident.

Contacted by National Review Online, Dr. Louis Letson recalled that Kerry insisted during treatment that he was injured by enemy fire while his swift boat was patrolling the Mekong Delta on Dec. 2, 1968.

However, "some of his crew confided that they did not receive any fire from shore," the Navy doc told NRO.

Instead, his crewmen claimed that Kerry "had fired a mortar round at close range to some rocks on shore."

One crewman told Letson that he thought Kerry's injury "was caused by a fragment ricocheting from that mortar round when it struck the rocks."

Concluded Letson, "That seemed to fit the injury which I treated."

He described the top Democrat's wound as "a small piece of metal sticking very superficially in the skin of Kerry's arm.

"The metal fragment measured about 1 cm. in length and was about 2 or 3 mm in diameter. It certainly did not look like a round from a rifle."

Letson recalled that he "simply removed the piece of metal by lifting it out of the skin with forceps.

"I doubt that it penetrated more than 3 or 4 mm. It did not require probing to find it, did not require any anesthesia to remove it, and did not require any sutures to close the wound.

"The wound was covered with a bandaid," Dr. Letson said.

Based on the bandaid wound that was likely a result of a mortar round he fired, Kerry sought and eventually received his first Purple Heart.


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Wow. This guy has one hell of a memory. He must not be from Alabama. What makes this even more disgusting is the president* didn't get anything for that paper cut he bravely endured that time he managed to show up for his drill weekend.

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Hadn't heard about this. I have heard one person (doctor? commander?) say he had seen paper cuts worse than Kerrys wound . Not sure if it is the same incident or another and I am sure it was an exaggeration but it makes you wonder. The same person went on to say that it seemed unusual to him to request a purple heart for such a small wound but legaly he qualified so it was approved.

Now here's what gets me. Kerry ASKS for his purple hearts for minor injurys, THEN he comes back to America and makes a big deal of throwing his medals away. Only they aren't his medals. As best as anyone can figure they are his ribbons which can be easily replaced. The only common ground I can find in the two events is the need for attention.

The other impression I get is that Kerry had planned to go into politics at an early age. Not a big deal, some people are like that. But It makes me wonder if his tour in Vietnam was his way of emulating his childhood hero JFK in an effort to pump up his future political goals.

Like I said. I don't consider this to be that big a deal, but it does make me a bit uncomfortable with him. It just seems to be a patern of pre-meditated attention seeking that is more about style than substance.


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Think of it like this:

IF (in all caps) President Bush's Doctor came out from one of the bases he was allegedly at when not helping someone I cant remember campaign and said: I remember Bush came in and had to get medication to control his air-sickness...

You couldnt turn on a channel and not read about it.

True? Not true???

You reach 3 purple hearts you got out of Vietnam (thats why you ask for them)... His commanding officer at the time said to give him one to shut him up... (does it seem plausable?)

If you say the word "Bandaid" and "Purple Heart" in the same sentence you should be ashamed of yourself...

wooh rambling done...

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Originally posted by Thiebear

If you say the word "Bandaid" and "Purple Heart" in the same sentence you should be ashamed of yourself...

wooh rambling done...

Don't know the point of the rest of your rambling but *I* didn't say purple heart and bandaid in the same sentence. THE MAN WHO APPROVED THE PURPLE HEART DID.

This is a man who has seen serious wounds and his comment was that it was unusual to hve someone with such minor wounds request a purple heart.

I'm sorry if you don't like the message but that is what I heard. I have to run now but I wil try to dig up some info on the web tonight. OR, you can educate yourself and do your own research. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Thiebear

So you

slammed everyone from alabama.

slammed the doctor

slammed Bush

Any comments on the actual event in the article or dont you want to have an opinion on that?

I wasn't slamming everyone from Alabama. I just figured they don't have good memories since they don't remember Bush showing up. I didn't slam the doctor. I said he had one hell of a memory to remember one superficial wound that happened 36 years ago out of all the people he treated. I did slam Bush.

I do have an opinion on the article. It's part of the on going GOP smear job against Kerry. Nothing but red meat for certain types of people. I think it's pathetic and a sign of desperation, but predictable. And I imagine most of the indignation from the right is feigned.

I'm sure had Kerry hid behind his daddy and not gone he would be stealing huge amounts of voters from the GOP. :rolleyes:

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At least he was willing to actually go to war and fight for his country and be put in a position to be hurt by mortars rather than hide behind his dads influence and get a cushy job in the Air National Guards.

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Come on, it's far more patriotic to blow off a mandatory physical -- especially since the National Guard was issuing mandatory drug tests for the first time -- and go AWOL for a year than go to Vietnam. Dubya's the hero, not that french-looking Kerry.

It was thirty years ago, guys. Who cares? I want to know who's going to do something for us NOW. Sadly, neither Kerry or Dubya excites me in the least. I guess Kerry should gets points for being able to complete a sentence. Have you actually listened to Dubya lately? His speech is actually regresssing. I'm worried that soon he won't be able to form a single word.

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This d**k waiving contest is getting exhausting.

You were only in the coastguard.

Well you were unpatriotic.

Well at least I was at Vietnam, you stayed home.

Well, at least I didn't fake my injury to seem like a real hero.

Wow, this has SO MUCH to do with how either will be as a president for the next four years, it's SOOOOO important. *YAAAAAAAWWWNNN*

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