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Red Carpet for Cooley


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I am interested in the attention given by the coaching staff to Cooley so far. The fact they gave up a second rounder for the guy next year is a pretty strong statement on how good they think he is. At 265 the guy is a monster and seems to have a really good head on his shoulder. Coming from Utah also helps in that he's probably the "anti-K2" in terms of personality. I'm interested in how ExtremeSkins fans read the intense interest of the coaching staff in Cooley and if this guy may have been a sleeper in the draft with so many good tight ends.

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I read that he was the 4th rated TE - so I don't think that he was a sleeper, not to mention he was also taken in the 3rd round. As far as the extra attention, like Taylor I believe that the coaching staff expects him to play a signficant role this season - which would warrant the 'extra' attention. Don't forget that this guy has already stated that he has only watched 1 professional football game in his life! Not to rain on this guys parade, but I think that I was 2 years old by the time I got my 2nd pro ball game under my belt. How on earth is that possible - to be a very good ball player and to only have watched 1 pro football game - very hard to see the circumstances on how that could have happened.

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I thought that it was a great move to trade for the Cooley pick. IMO he will be a great TE in this system due to his size and his intelligence level. I expect great things from this guy. I know that people will go crazy about this statement, but he could end up being a better "Gibbs type H-Back" then K2 would have been. I am excited to see how he works out.

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Originally posted by Alvin_Walton40

...Don't forget that this guy has already stated that he has only watched 1 professional football game in his life! Not to rain on this guys parade, but I think that I was 2 years old by the time I got my 2nd pro ball game under my belt. How on earth is that possible - to be a very good ball player and to only have watched 1 pro football game - very hard to see the circumstances on how that could have happened.

Y'know, I've been kind of confused on that. The news articles seem a little unclear, has he said that he has only been to one NFL game, or actually only seen one NFL game? Every time they talk about it, it seems like they're just talking about him going to the games. Somehow, it doesn't seem that weird to me if he grew up somewhere rural and only ever went to one game.

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There were a number of guys on this board that have had their eyes on Cooley for months. The Redskins also had him in for a workout long before the draft (the only potential non 1st rounder to visit) - so he didn't come in from nowhere. He just played at a small school against inferior competition.

His size and production, if he had played at a big school probably would have made him the second te chosen. In many ways he may be preferable for our system then whineslow because he's a lot smarter than whineslow and the hback has to be really smart, and some of the duties like being the lead blocker out of the backfield are things that whineslow hasn't done before.

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Originally posted by kingdaddy

Who ever heard of this guy before we drafted him.....this is gonna have to be an "in Joe We Trust" pick.

I had actually heard of Cooley before the draft due to the fact that I live in Denver. I got to see a lot of his highlights, and was really impressed.

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I'll bet that if Cooley was not in the draft this year we would have selected KWII. IMHO, Cooley is the reason we drafted Taylor. I'll bet that the FO went into the draft thinking that they could trade up into the third round and get this guy. I'll bet he was targeted from the get go because he WILL be a better H-back than KWII in Gibbs' system.

He's the prototypical Gibbs H-back. Big enogh to play smash mouth in the heavy jumbo set and agile enough to split the seam behind the linebackers and in front of the safties. I think he's going to be very good.

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Originally posted by Alvin_Walton40

Don't forget that this guy has already stated that he has only watched 1 professional football game in his life! Not to rain on this guys parade, but I think that I was 2 years old by the time I got my 2nd pro ball game under my belt. How on earth is that possible - to be a very good ball player and to only have watched 1 pro football game - very hard to see the circumstances on how that could have happened.

I think it was a misquote - I think he was saying that he had only BEEN to 1 pro football game... which, giving his geographic location, is understandable.

Until 3 years ago, I had only been to one pro football game in my life, and that's when I was 19. And I live within driving distance of not one, but two pro football teams.


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Originally posted by kingdaddy

Who ever heard of this guy before we drafted him.....this is gonna have to be an "in Joe We Trust" pick.

I covered the guy for the Utah State college newspaper during his junior year. I think he just needs to learn the plays in the playbook to be effective. Before everyone takes that statement out of context and says everyone needs to learn the plays, what I mean is, he has experience playing an H-back role as Utah State employs a similar offensive scheme and he was one of the key components of that offense. It may not have been a true H-back position but it was a combo FB/TE position. He doesn't need to adjust to the position like most other TE's would need to, he just needs to learn the plays and adjust to the NFL quality of play.

He should be ready to contribute soon and I think it was a great move by Gibbs. I was hoping we would be able to pick him up, as I thought he would fit the H-back mold and I told a bunch of people around here that he would be a great pickup for the skins. I guess Joe heard my suggestion from all the way out here. :laugh:

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I like the Cooley pick. He clearly was targeted because of his potential and because he fits a need of ours to fill an important position on our team and in our scheme. Every pick is a gamble, but I like this one based upon the organization's unmistakeable conviction that he's a guy who will come in and contribute.

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Originally posted by DG-Skinsmann

Cooley was a good pick. He was more productive than KW2 and is more intelligent. He is a perfect fit for the H-bac in Gibbs system.Which we all know is the 2nd most important position on the team.:point2sky

re: cooley being more productive than K2 ... how so?...

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Originally posted by skinsarethebest

re: cooley being more productive than K2 ... how so?...

He led the nation's tight ends in receptions, if I recall the press about him. I like the fact that he wrestled and was voted the hardest hitter on the team.

Should be a solid if unspectacular player. The roster's filled with similar type guys at tight end/ H-back (Kozloski, Sellars, Royal et. al.), so we'll see if he stands out from the pack once he gets the hange of things.

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I think that name is gonna stick.

cooley was not a surprise. I also remember Kiper or one of the draft gurus saying that Cooley was a perfect fit for a Gibbs style offense long before the draft.

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Yeah, they worked him out too. I think they probably felt they would do better getting Taylor and targeting Cooley then taking Winslow and a lesser defensive player or safety.

Good move. And, I was a Winslow proponet.

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Originally posted by skins19

I covered the guy for the Utah State college newspaper during his junior year. I think he just needs to learn the plays in the playbook to be effective. Before everyone takes that statement out of context and says everyone needs to learn the plays, what I mean is, he has experience playing an H-back role as Utah State employs a similar offensive scheme and he was one of the key components of that offense. It may not have been a true H-back position but it was a combo FB/TE position. He doesn't need to adjust to the position like most other TE's would need to, he just needs to learn the plays and adjust to the NFL quality of play.

He should be ready to contribute soon and I think it was a great move by Gibbs. I was hoping we would be able to pick him up, as I thought he would fit the H-back mold and I told a bunch of people around here that he would be a great pickup for the skins. I guess Joe heard my suggestion from all the way out here. :laugh:

Good info skins19 - thanks for the input.

Cooley is the first "feel good " story of the training camp and he may be the real deal. Expect another feel-good story about one of the UDFA during the next camp.

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Originally posted by Alvin_Walton40

Don't forget that this guy has already stated that he has only watched 1 professional football game in his life! Not to rain on this guys parade, but I think that I was 2 years old by the time I got my 2nd pro ball game under my belt. How on earth is that possible - to be a very good ball player and to only have watched 1 pro football game - very hard to see the circumstances on how that could have happened.

He is from Utah or Wyoming, not close to many NFL teams, plus you do not know his family situation. Believe it or not there are many football fans who have never seena pro game life for many a reason.

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Besides, the only teams that are close to Utah are the Denver Broncos and the Arizona Cardinals. Who wants to go see those guys play, its not worth the trip. I even lived in Denver once upon a time and I still feel it would not be worth the trip.

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Originally posted by kingdaddy

Who ever heard of this guy before we drafted him.....this is gonna have to be an "in Joe We Trust" pick.

Well I had heard about him, but I am somewhat of a draftnik and enjoy perusing all of the mock draft websites out there. It was a great pick in the 3rd round.

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This is sure to get you all excited. Cooley and Utah State's 2nd game of the year was in Lincoln against Nebraska. The Aggies lost 31-7, but Cooley had 6 catches for 92 yards, including a 41 yard touchdown catch. He also had 2 carries for 15 yards. Not at all bad for a guy who plays against "inferior competition".

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