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ray lewis rumor?


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Originally posted by bnacpa

Didn't one of them die? Was it the same one that burnt down Andre Rison's house?

BNACPA Policy # 22: whenever there is a mental woman who goes to drastic extremes, don't go fishing in that pond.

Left-eye died. Yes, the same one who burned down Rison's pad.

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Originally posted by Zen-like Todd

TLC and pro athletes apparently don't mix too well. There was that whole left-eye arson thing, then she kicked. Now this? Which TLC member are they saying it was? I thought Chili was going out with Usher. I don't remember the name of the other girl.

Chili and Usher broke up. Miss left-eye though, RIP. As for Ray-Ray, haven't heard anything bout him turning himself in soon. Sucks to be him if its true. Idiot.:slap:

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So Ray Lewis pimp-slapped his wife? What's up with the Raven's organization and all the criminals. They are becoming more and more like FSU of professional football. And to think I just read a really nice article on insider about what a mentor and big brother character he played to Ed Reed. Ed Reed seems like a really nice guy...class act which was quite a surprise to me.

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